module Cms module Behaviors # Allows content to be marked as publishable or not. In practice, this has a direct dependency on # Versioning, so it may not make sense to be separated out this way. module Publishing def self.included(model_class) model_class.extend(MacroMethods) model_class.class_eval do def publishable? false end end end module MacroMethods def publishable? !!@is_publishable end def is_publishable(options={}) @is_publishable = true extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods attr_accessor :publish_on_save after_save :publish_for_non_versioned scope :published, :conditions => {:published => true} scope :unpublished, lambda { if versioned? { :joins => :versions, :conditions => "#{connection.quote_table_name(version_table_name)}.#{connection.quote_column_name('version')} > " + "#{connection.quote_table_name(table_name)}.#{connection.quote_column_name('version')}", :select => "distinct #{connection.quote_table_name(table_name)}.*" } else { :conditions => { :published => false } } end } end end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods def publishable? if self.class.connectable? new_record? ? connect_to_page_id.blank? : connected_page_count < 1 else true end end def publish_for_non_versioned unless self.class.versioned? if @publish_on_save publish @publish_on_save = nil end end end def publish publish! true rescue Exception => e logger.warn("Could not publish, #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") false end # Force the publishing of this block. # # Warning: The behavior of calling the following on an existing block: # block.save_on_publish #! # # Is different than calling: # block.publish! # # And it probably shouldn't be. Try to merge the 'else' with the 'Versioning#create_or_update' method to eliminate duplication def publish! if new_record? self.publish_on_save = true save! else # Do this for publishing existing blocks. transaction do if self.class.versioned? d = draft # We only need to publish if this isn't already published # or the draft version is greater than the live version if !self.published? || d.version > self.version d.update_attributes(:published => true) # copy values from the draft to the main record quoted_attributes = d.send(:arel_attributes_values, false, false, self.class.versioned_columns) #the values from the draft MAY have a relation of the versioned module #as opposed to the actual class itself #eg Page::Version, and not Page #so remap to the actual arel_tableĀ“ #I haven't figured out why this is, but I know it happens when you call save! on Page #during seeding of data if != quoted_attributes.keys[0] quoted_attributes = quoted_attributes.inject({}){|hash, pair| hash[self.class.arel_table[pair[0].name]] = pair[1]; hash} end # Doing the SQL ourselves to avoid callbacks self.class.unscoped.where(self.class.arel_table[self.class.primary_key].eq(id)).arel.update(quoted_attributes) end else connection.update( "UPDATE #{self.class.quoted_table_name} " + "SET published = #{connection.quote(true, self.class.columns_hash["published"])} " + "WHERE #{connection.quote_column_name(self.class.primary_key)} = #{quote_value(id)}", "#{} Publish" ) end after_publish if respond_to?(:after_publish) end self.published = true end end def status return @status if @status @status = live? ? :published : :draft end def status_name status.to_s.titleize end def live? if self.class.versioned? if (respond_to?(:latest_version) && self.latest_version) version == latest_version && published? else live_version.version == draft.version && published? end else true end end end end end end