Rack::CGI ========= Let you using CGI in your rack application. Usage ----- Here is an example for using Rack::CGI # config.ru use Rack::CGI, cgi_path: 'cgi', index: 'index.cgi', Rack::CGI::Executable => '', /\.php$/ => '/usr/bin/php-cgi' use Rack::Static, urls: ['/'], root: 'cgi' run proc{ [404, {"CONTENT-TYPE" => "text/plain"}, ['404 Not Found']] } Howto ----- ### Document Root In default, Rack::CGI will use Dir.pwd as document root, you can use `cgi_path: path` to change it. ### Index file When user access directory, Rack::CGI will use index script instand of. If you not special index, Rack::CGI will not have a default value, and it's not works. You can special index as follow: use Rack::CGI, index: 'index.php' # or special multiple, Rack::CGI will try each by order use Rack::CGI, index: ['index.php', 'index.cgi'] ### Rules When Rack::CGI found a script file in disk, it will try to find a rule to deal it. You can special multiple rules, in follow format: use Rack::CGI, match1 => deal1, match2 => deal2, match3 => deal3 ... `match` can not Rack::CGI::Executable or Regexp. Rack::CGI::Executable means script file with '+x' property. Regexp will try to match scriptname. If none rules match, Rack::CGI will do nothing. Such as if you spacial Rack::CGI::Executable => "", and your file do not have a '+x' property, Rack::CGI will not tell you file cannot executable, but just skiped. `deal` can be `nil`, "", `path_to_application`. If you special `nil`, nothing will happened. If you special "", script will be runned directly. If you special `path_to_application`, application will be launched with script name. TODO ---- POST Request support