Module Mack::Notifier::Validatable
In: lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb

Includes the validatable gem into your Notifier.


Included Modules


External Aliases

validates_acceptance_of -> validates_is_accepted
  Alias the Validatable methods to look like DataMapper methods, if that‘s the kind of thing you‘re used to. :)
validates_confirmation_of -> validates_is_confirmed
validates_format_of -> validates_format
validates_length_of -> validates_length
validates_numericality_of -> validates_is_number
validates_presence_of -> validates_present

Public Class methods

Adds common validations to your Mack::Notifier class. These include:

  validates_presence_of :to
  validates_presence_of :from
  validates_presence_of :subject
  validates_email_format_of :to
  validates_email_format_of :from


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 33
33:             def common_notifier_validations
34:               validates_presence_of :to
35:               validates_presence_of :from
36:               validates_presence_of :subject
37:               validates_email_format_of :to
38:               validates_email_format_of :from
39:             end


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 52
52:             def email_validation_regex
53:               regex = "[a-z0-9!\#$\\%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!\#$\\%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\n"
54:               /#{regex.strip}/
55:             end


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 7
 7:       def self.included(base)
 8:         base.instance_eval do
 9:           include ::Validatable
10:           alias_method "unvalidated_deliver!", "deliver!"
11:         end
13:         base.class_eval do
15:           class << self
17:             # Alias the Validatable methods to look like DataMapper methods,
18:             # if that's the kind of thing you're used to. :)
19:             alias_method :validates_is_accepted, :validates_acceptance_of
20:             alias_method :validates_is_confirmed, :validates_confirmation_of
21:             alias_method :validates_format, :validates_format_of
22:             alias_method :validates_length, :validates_length_of
23:             alias_method :validates_is_number, :validates_numericality_of
24:             alias_method :validates_present, :validates_presence_of
26:             # Adds common validations to your Mack::Notifier class.
27:             # These include:
28:             #   validates_presence_of :to
29:             #   validates_presence_of :from
30:             #   validates_presence_of :subject
31:             #   validates_email_format_of :to
32:             #   validates_email_format_of :from
33:             def common_notifier_validations
34:               validates_presence_of :to
35:               validates_presence_of :from
36:               validates_presence_of :subject
37:               validates_email_format_of :to
38:               validates_email_format_of :from
39:             end
41:             # Validates the email format of the column specified against the email_validation_regex method.
42:             # This will drill into arrays as well, if that's what your column is.
43:             def validates_email_format_of(column, options = {})
44:               options = {:logic => lambda{
45:                 [send(column)].flatten.each_with_index do |addr, i|
46:                   errors.add(column, "[#{addr}] is not valid") unless addr.to_s.downcase.match(self.class.email_validation_regex)
47:                 end
48:               }}.merge(options)
49:               validates_each :to, options
50:             end
52:             def email_validation_regex
53:               regex = "[a-z0-9!\#$\\%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!\#$\\%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\n"
54:               /#{regex.strip}/
55:             end
57:           end # class << self
58:         end # class_eval
59:       end

Validates the email format of the column specified against the email_validation_regex method. This will drill into arrays as well, if that‘s what your column is.


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 43
43:             def validates_email_format_of(column, options = {})
44:               options = {:logic => lambda{
45:                 [send(column)].flatten.each_with_index do |addr, i|
46:                   errors.add(column, "[#{addr}] is not valid") unless addr.to_s.downcase.match(self.class.email_validation_regex)
47:                 end
48:               }}.merge(options)
49:               validates_each :to, options
50:             end

Public Instance methods

Returns false if the email is not valid. If the email is valid and an exception is raised when trying to deliver it false is returned and the exception is added to the errors array, with the key :deliver.


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 74
74:       def deliver(handler = deliver_with)
75:         return false unless self.valid?
76:         begin
77:           "Mack::Notifier::DeliveryHandlers::#{handler.to_s.camelcase}".constantize.deliver(self)
78:         rescue Exception => e
79:           self.errors.add(:deliver, e.message)
80:           return false
81:         end
82:         return true
83:       end

Raises a RuntimeError if the email you are trying to deliver is not valid.


    # File lib/mack-notifier/validations.rb, line 65
65:       def deliver!(handler = deliver_with)
66:         raise 'Notification is Invalid!' unless self.valid?
67:         unvalidated_deliver!(handler)
68:       end
