= RubyCAS-Client
Authors:: Matt Zukowski and Matt Campbell ; inspired by code by Ola Bini and Matt Walker
Copyright:: Portions contributed by Matt Zukowski are copyright (c) 2009 Urbacon Ltd.
Portions contributed by Matt Campbell, Rich Yarger and Rahul Joshi are copyright (c) 2011 Vibes Media LLC.
Other portions are copyright of their respective authors.
License:: MIT License
Websites:: http://github.com/rubycas/rubycas-client
=== RubyCAS-Client is a Ruby client library for Yale's Central Authentication Service (CAS) protocol.
CAS provides a secure single sign on solution for web-based applications. The user logs in to your
organization's CAS server, and is automatically authenticated for all other CAS-enabled applications.
For general information about the open CAS protocol, please have a look at http://www.ja-sig.org/products/cas.
If your organization does not already have a CAS server, you may be interested in RubyCAS-Client's sister project,
The RubyCAS-Client package includes adapters for Rails and Merb, although the client library itself can be
adapted for other frameworks (for example an implementation for Camping is available via the Picnic[http://github.com/zuk/picnic/tree/master]
== Getting help and reporting problems
If you need help, try posting to the RubyCAS discussion group at http://groups.google.com/group/rubycas-server.
To report problems, please use the Google Code issue tracker at http://code.google.com/p/rubycas-client/issues/list.
API documentation (i.e. the RDocs) are available at http://rubycas-client.rubyforge.org
== Installation
NOTE: For compatibility with Rails 3 have a look at https://github.com/zuk/rubycas-client-rails
The current version of RubyCAS-Client should work with Rails 2.3.6 and up. For compatibility with
older Rails try using an older version of the client.
You can download the latest version of RubyCAS-Client from the project's rubyforge page at
However, if you're using Rails, it's easier to install the CAS client as a plugin:
./script/plugin install git://github.com/gunark/rubycas-client.git
Alternatively, the library is also installable as a RubyGem[http://rubygems.org]:
gem install rubycas-client
If your Rails application is under Subversion control, you can also install the plugin as an svn:external, ensuring that
you always have the latest bleeding-edge version of RubyCAS-Client:
./script/plugin install -x http://svn.github.com/gunark/rubycas-client.git
== Usage Examples
If you'd rather jump right in, have a look at the example Rails and Merb applications pre-configured for CAS
Otherwise, continue reading for a step-by-step guide for integrating RubyCAS-Client with Rails:
==== Using RubyCAS-Client in Rails controllers
Note that from this point on we are assuming that you have a working CAS server up and running!
After installing RubyCAS-Client as a plugin (see above), add the following to your app's config/environment.rb
(make sure that you put it at the bottom of the file, *after* the Rails Initializer):
:cas_base_url => "https://cas.example.foo/"
(Change the :cas_base_url value to your CAS server's base URL; also note that many CAS servers are configured
with a base URL that looks more like "https://cas.example.foo/cas".)
Then, in your app/controllers/application.rb (or in whichever controller you want to add the CAS filter for):
before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter
That's it. You should now find that you are redirected to your CAS login page whenever you try to access any action
in your protected controller. You can of course qualify the before_filter as you would with any other ActionController
filter. For example:
before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter, :except => [ :unprotected_action, :another_unprotected_action ]
Once the user has been authenticated, their authenticated username is available under session[:cas_user],
If you want to do something with this username (for example load a user record from the database), you can append another
filter method that checks for this value and does whatever you need it to do.
Note: If Rails complains about missing constants, try adding this before the CASClient configuration:
require 'casclient'
require 'casclient/frameworks/rails/filter'
==== A more complicated example
Here is a more complicated configuration showing most of the configuration options along with their default values
(this does not show proxy options, which are covered in the next section):
# enable detailed CAS logging
cas_logger = CASClient::Logger.new(::Rails.root+'/log/cas.log')
cas_logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
:cas_base_url => "https://cas.example.foo/",
:login_url => "https://cas.example.foo/login",
:logout_url => "https://cas.example.foo/logout",
:validate_url => "https://cas.example.foo/proxyValidate",
:username_session_key => :cas_user,
:extra_attributes_session_key => :cas_extra_attributes,
:logger => cas_logger,
:enable_single_sign_out => true
Note that normally it is not necessary to specify :login_url, :logout_url, and :validate_url.
These values are automatically set to standard CAS defaults based on the given :cas_base_url.
The :username_session_key value determines the key under which you can find the CAS username in the Rails session hash.
Any additional info that the CAS server might have supplied about the user during authentication will be found under the
:extra_attributes_session_key value in the Rails session hash (i.e. given the above configuration, you would find this
info under session[:cas_extra_attributes]).
An arbitrary Logger instance can be given as the :logger parameter. In the example above we log all CAS activity to a
log/cas.log file in your Rails app's directory.
==== Re-authenticating on every request (i.e. the "single sign-out problem")
By default, the Rails filter will only authenticate with the CAS server when no session[:cas_user] value exists. Once the user
has been authenticated, no further CAS forwarding is done until the user's session is wiped. This saves you
the trouble of having to do this check yourself (since in most cases it is not advisable to go through the CAS server
on every request -- this is slow and would potentially lead to problems, for example for AJAX requests). However,
the disadvantage is that the filter no longer checks to make sure that the user's CAS session is still actually open.
In other words it is possible for the user's authentication session to be closed on the CAS server without the
client application knowing about it.
To address this, RubyCAS-Client now supports the new "Single Sign-Out" functionality in CAS 3.1, allowing the server to
notify the client application that the CAS session is closed. The client will automatically intercept Single Sign-Out
requsts from the CAS server, but in order for this to work you must configure your Rails application as follows:
1. The Rails session store must be set to ActiveRecord: config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
2. The server must be able to read and write to Rails.root/tmp/sessions. If you are in a clustered environment,
the contents of this directory must be shared between all server instances.
3. Cross-site request forgery protection must be disabled. In your application.rb: self.allow_forgery_protection = false.
(Or rather you may want to disable forgery protection only for actions that are behind the CAS filter.)
4. Finally, you must add :enable_single_sign_out => true to your CAS client config (a similar option must be
enabled on the CAS server, if you're using RubyCAS-Server).
The best way to debug single-sign out functionality is to configure your CAS client with logging (see above) and then watch the
log to ensure that single-sign out requests from the server are being processed correctly.
Alternatively, it is possible to disable authentication persistence in the client by setting the :authenticate_on_every_request
configuration option to true as, in the example in the previous section. However, this is not recommended as it will almost
certainly have a deleterious impact on performance and can interfere with certain HTTP transactions (AJAX requests, for example).
==== Defining a 'logout' action
Your Rails application's controller(s) will probably have some sort of logout function. Here you can do any necessary local
cleanup, and then call CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter.logout(controller). For example:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# ...
def logout
# optionally do some local cleanup here
# ...
By default, the logout method will clear the local Rails session, do some local CAS cleanup, and redirect to the CAS
logout page. Additionally, the request.referer value from the controller instance is passed to the
CAS server as a 'destination' parameter. This allows RubyCAS server to provide a follow-up login page allowing
the user to log back in to the service they just logged out from using a different username and password. Other
CAS server implemenations may use this 'destination' parameter in different ways.
==== Gatewayed (i.e. optional) authentication
"Gatewaying" essentially allows for optional CAS authentication. Users who already have a pre-existing CAS SSO session
will be automatically authenticated for the gatewayed service, while those who do not will be allowed to access the service
without authentication. This is useful for example when you want to show some additional private content on a homepage to
authenticated users, but also want anonymous users to be able to access the page without first logging in.
To allow users to access a page without authenticatin, simply use CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::GatewayFilter
in place of CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter in your controller. For example, you may want to require
CAS authentication for all actions in a controller except the index action:
class ExampleController < ApplicationController
before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::GatewayFilter, :only => :index
before_filter CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter, :except => :index
# ...
To provide a login URL for unauthenticated users:
<%= link_to("Login", CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter.login_url(controller)) %>
==== How to act as a CAS proxy
CAS 2.0 has a built-in mechanism that allows a CAS-authenticated application to pass on its authentication to other applications.
An example where this is useful might be a portal site, where the user logs in to a central website and then gets forwarded to
various other sites that run independently of the portal system (but are always accessed via the portal). The exact mechanism
behind this is rather complicated so I won't go over it here. If you wish to learn more about CAS proxying, a great walkthrough
is available at http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/CAS/Proxy+CAS+Walkthrough.
RubyCAS-Client fully supports proxying, so a CAS-protected Rails application can act as a CAS proxy.
Additionally, RubyCAS-Client comes with a controller that can act as a CAS proxy callback receiver. This is necessary because
when your application requests to act as a CAS proxy, the CAS server must contact your application to deposit the proxy-granting-ticket
(PGT). Note that in this case the CAS server CONTACTS YOU, rather than you contacting the CAS server (as in all other CAS operations).
Confused? Don't worry, you don't really have to understand this to use it. To enable your Rails app to act as a CAS proxy,
all you need to do is this:
In your config/environment.rb:
# enable detailed CAS logging for easier troubleshooting
cas_logger = CASClient::Logger.new(::Rails.root+'/log/cas.log')
cas_logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
:cas_base_url => "https://cas.example.foo/",
:proxy_callback_url => "https://cas-proxy-callback.example.foo/cas_proxy_callback/receive_pgt",
:logger => cas_logger
In config/routes.rb make sure that you have a route that will allow requests to /cas_proxy_callback/:action to be routed to the
CasProxyCallbackController. This should work as-is with the standard Rails routes setup, but if you have disabled the default
route, you should add the following:
map.cas_proxy_callback 'cas_proxy_callback/:action', :controller => 'cas_proxy_callback'
Now here's a big giant caveat: your CAS callback application and your CAS proxy application must run on separate Rails servers.
In other words, if you want a Rails app to act as a CAS ticket-granting proxy, the cas_proxy_callback controller
must run on a different server. This is because Rails does not properly support handling of concurrent requests. The CAS proxy mechanism
acts in such a way that if your proxy application and your callback controller were on the same server
you would end up with a deadlock (the CAS server would be waiting for its callback to be accepted by your Rails server,
but your Rails server wouldn't respond to the CAS server's callback until the CAS server responded back first).
The simplest workaround is this:
Run rails using a server that handles multiple concurrent requests. In development, you can use Phusion Passenger Standalone,
POW (http://pow.cx/), unicorn and many others. In production, I imagine you already support multiple concurrent requests.
That's it. The proxy_callback_controller doesn't require any additional configuration. It doesn't access the database
or anything of that sort.
Once your user logs in to CAS via your application, you can do the following to obtain a service ticket that can then be used
to authenticate another application:
service_uri = "http://some-other-application.example.foo"
proxy_granting_ticket = session[:cas_pgt]
proxy_ticket = CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter.client.request_proxy_ticket(service_uri, proxy_granting_ticket)
proxy_ticket should now contain a valid proxy ticket. You can use it to authenticate other services by sending it together with
the service URI as parameters to your target application:
This is of course assuming that http://some-other-application.example.foo is also protected by the CAS filter.
Note that you should always URI-encode your service parameter inside URIs!
Note that #request_proxy_ticket returns a CASClient::ProxyTicket object, which is why we need to call #ticket on it
to retrieve the actual service ticket string.
===== Additional proxying notes and caveats
The proxy url must be an https address. Otherwise CAS will refuse to communicate with it. This means that if you are using
the bundled cas_proxy_callback controller, you will have to host your application on an https-enabled server. This can be a bit
tricky with Rails. WEBrick's SSL support is difficult to configure, and Mongrel doesn't support SSL at all. One workaround is to
use a reverse proxy like Pound[http://www.apsis.ch/pound/], which will accept https connections and locally re-route them
to your Rails application. Also, note that self-signed SSL certificates likely won't work. You will probably need to use
a real certificate purchased from a trusted CA authority (there are ways around this, but good luck :)
== SSL Support
Make sure you have the Ruby OpenSSL library installed. Otherwise you may get errors like:
no such file to load -- net/https
To install the library on an Debian/Ubuntu system:
sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby
For other platforms you'll have to figure it out yourself.
== Testing
In some cases, especially those using Cucumber or other tools that simply can't work with
CAS, it may be necessary to work around CAS instead.
In your test or Cucumber step definition, simply fake out CAS.
This functionality was present in the original version of this plugin.
The value of the username is stored in session[:cas_user] (or the user specified field) and session[:casfilteruser] for backwards-compatibility.
If you need to fake out extra attributes, you can do so like this:
CASClient::Frameworks::Rails::Filter.fake("homer", {:role => "user", :email => "homer@test.foo"})
And the extra attributes will get put in the proper place in the session.
== License
RubyCAS-Client is licensed for use under the terms of the MIT License.
See the LICENSE.txt file bundled with the official RubyCAS-Client distribution for details.