# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for "a GridFS connection" do describe '#store!' do before do @uploader.stub!(:store_path).and_return('uploads/bar.txt') @grid_fs_file = @storage.store!(@file) end it "should upload the file to gridfs" do @grid['uploads/bar.txt'].data.should == 'this is stuff' end it "should upload the file to gridfs" do @grid['uploads/bar.txt'].data.should == 'this is stuff' end it "should have the same path that it was stored as" do @grid_fs_file.path.should == 'uploads/bar.txt' end it "should read the contents of the file" do @grid_fs_file.read.should == "this is stuff" end it "should not have a URL" do @grid_fs_file.url.should be_nil end it "should be deletable" do @grid_fs_file.delete @grid['uploads/bar.txt'].should be_nil end it "should store the content type on GridFS" do @grid_fs_file.content_type.should == 'text/plain' end it "should have a file length" do @grid_fs_file.file_length.should == 13 end end describe '#retrieve!' do before do @grid.clear @grid['uploads/bar.txt'] = StringIO.new('A test, 1234') @uploader.stub!(:store_path).with('bar.txt').and_return('uploads/bar.txt') @grid_fs_file = @storage.retrieve!('bar.txt') end it "should retrieve the file contents from gridfs" do @grid_fs_file.read.chomp.should == "A test, 1234" end it "should have the same path that it was stored as" do @grid_fs_file.path.should == 'uploads/bar.txt' end it "should not have a URL unless access_url is set" do @grid_fs_file.url.should be_nil end it "should return a relative URL path if access_url is set to the root path" do @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_access_url).and_return("/") @grid_fs_file.url.should == "/uploads/bar.txt" end it "should return a URL path if access_url is set to a file path" do @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_access_url).and_return("/image/show") @grid_fs_file.url.should == "/image/show/uploads/bar.txt" end it "should return an absolute URL if access_url is set to an absolute URL" do @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_access_url).and_return("http://example.com/images/") @grid_fs_file.url.should == "http://example.com/images/uploads/bar.txt" end it "should be deletable" do @grid_fs_file.delete @grid['uploads/bar.txt'].should be_nil end end describe '#retrieve! on a store_dir with leading slash' do before do @uploader.stub!(:store_path).with('bar.txt').and_return('/uploads/bar.txt') @grid_fs_file = @storage.retrieve!('bar.txt') end it "should return a relative URL path if access_url is set to the root path" do @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_access_url).and_return("/") @grid_fs_file.url.should == "/uploads/bar.txt" end end end if defined?(Mongoid::GridFs) describe CarrierWave::Storage::GridFS do before do @uploader = mock('an uploader') @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_access_url).and_return(nil) end context "when reusing an existing connection manually" do before do @uploader.stub!(:grid_fs_connection).and_return(@database) @grid = ::Mongoid::GridFs @storage = CarrierWave::Storage::GridFS.new(@uploader) @file = stub_tempfile('test.jpg', 'application/xml') end it_should_behave_like "a GridFS connection" # Calling #recreate_versions! on uploaders has been known to fail on # remotely hosted files. This is due to a variety of issues, but this test # makes sure that there's no unnecessary errors during the process describe "#recreate_versions!" do before do @uploader_class = Class.new(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) @uploader_class.class_eval{ include CarrierWave::MiniMagick storage :grid_fs process :resize_to_fit => [10, 10] } @versioned = @uploader_class.new @versioned.store! File.open(file_path('portrait.jpg')) end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(public_path) end it "recreates versions stored remotely without error" do lambda { @versioned.recreate_versions! }.should_not raise_error @versioned.should be_present end end describe "resize_to_fill" do before do @uploader_class = Class.new(CarrierWave::Uploader::Base) @uploader_class.class_eval{ include CarrierWave::MiniMagick storage :grid_fs } @versioned = @uploader_class.new @versioned.store! File.open(file_path('portrait.jpg')) end after do FileUtils.rm_rf(public_path) end it "resizes the file with out error" do lambda { @versioned.resize_to_fill(200, 200) }.should_not raise_error end end end after do @grid.clear end end end