# File: feature-model.rb require 'tsort' require 'csv' require 'erb' require 'pathname' module Cukedep # This module is used as a namespace # The internal representation of a set of feature files. # Dependencies: use topological sort # TSort module http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/tsort/rdoc/TSort.html # See also: Is this topological sort in Ruby flawed? class FeatureModel FeatureDependencies = Struct.new(:dependee, :dependents) # Helper class used internally by FeatureModel class. # Purpose: to try to create a valid dependency graph and perform a # topological sort of the nodes. class DepGraph include TSort # Mix-in module for topological sorting attr_reader(:dependencies) # Inverse lookup: from the feature file => FeatureDependencies attr_reader(:lookup) def initialize(theDependencies) @dependencies = theDependencies @lookup = dependencies.each_with_object({}) do |f_dependencies, sub_result| sub_result[f_dependencies.dependee] = f_dependencies end end # Method required by TSort module. # It is used to iterate over all the nodes of the dependency graph def tsort_each_node(&aBlock) return dependencies.each(&aBlock) end # Method required by TSort module. # It is used to iterate over all the children nodes of the given node. def tsort_each_child(aDependency, &aBlock) dependents = aDependency.dependents children = dependents.map { |feature| lookup[feature] } children.each(&aBlock) end end # class attr_reader(:feature_files) # An Array of FeatureDependencies attr_reader(:dependencies) def initialize(theFeatureFiles) @feature_files = validated_model(theFeatureFiles) end # Retrieve the feature file matching the given feature identifiers # theIds one or more Strings, each being one feature identifier def select_by_ids(*theIds) features_by_ids = id2features selection = theIds.each_with_object([]) do |an_id, sub_result| found_feature = features_by_ids[an_id] if found_feature.nil? fail(StandardError, "No feature file with identifier '#{an_id}'.") end sub_result << found_feature end return selection end # The list of feature files without identifiers def anonymous_features() feature_files.select { |ff| ff.feature.anonymous? } end # Build an array of FileDependencies objects. def dependency_links() if @dependencies.nil? # Build the mapping: feature identifier => feature features_by_id = id2features # Resolve the dependency tags resolve_dependencies(features_by_id) end return @dependencies end # Sort the feature files by dependency order. def sort_features_by_dep() dep_links = dependency_links graph = DepGraph.new(dep_links) sorted_deps = graph.tsort all_sorted = sorted_deps.map(&:dependee) @sorted_features = all_sorted.reject { |f| f.feature.anonymous? } end # Generate CSV files detailing the feature to identifier mapping # and vise versa def mapping_reports(fileFeature2id, fileId2Feature, isVerbose = false) puts " #{fileFeature2id}" if isVerbose # Generate the feature file name => feature identifier report CSV.open(fileFeature2id, 'wb') do |f| f << ['Feature file', 'Identifier'] feature_files.each do |ff| identifier = ff.feature.identifier filename = File.basename(ff.filepath) f << [filename, identifier.nil? ? 'nil' : identifier] end end # Generate the feature file name => feature identifier report puts " #{fileId2Feature}" if isVerbose CSV.open(fileId2Feature, 'wb') do |f| f << ['identifier', 'feature file'] feature_files.each do |ff| identifier = ff.feature.identifier filename = File.basename(ff.filepath) f << [identifier, filename] unless identifier.nil? end end end # Create a graphical representation of the dependencies. # The result is a DOT file that can be rendered via the DOT # application from the GraphViz distribution. def draw_dependency_graph(theDOTfile, isVerbose = false) puts " #{theDOTfile}" if isVerbose dot_file = File.open(theDOTfile, 'w') emit_heading(dot_file) emit_body(dot_file) emit_trailing(dot_file) end def emit_heading(anIO) dir = File.dirname(File.absolute_path(feature_files[0].filepath)) heading = <<-EOS // Graph of dependencies of feature files in directory: // '#{dir}' // This file uses the DOT syntax, a free utility from the Graphviz toolset. // Graphviz is available at: www.graphviz.org // File generated on #{Time.now.asctime}. digraph g { size = "7, 11"; // Dimensions in inches... center = true; rankdir = BT; // Draw from bottom to top label = "\\nDependency graph of '#{dir}'"; // Nodes represent feature files EOS anIO.write heading end # Output the nodes as graph vertices + their edges with parent node def emit_body(anIO) anIO.puts <<-EOS subgraph island { node [shape = box, style=filled, color=lightgray]; EOS feature_files.each_with_index do |ff, i| draw_node(anIO, ff, i) if ff.feature.anonymous? end anIO.puts <<-EOS label = "Isolated features"; } subgraph dependencies { node [shape = box, fillcolor = none]; EOS feature_files.each_with_index do |ff, i| draw_node(anIO, ff, i) unless ff.feature.anonymous? end anIO.puts <<-EOS label = "Dependencies"; } // The edges represent dependencies EOS dependencies.each { |a_dep| draw_edge(anIO, a_dep) } end # Output the closing part of the graph drawing def emit_trailing(anIO) anIO.puts '} // End of graph' end # Draw a refinement node in DOT format def draw_node(anIO, aFeatureFile, anIndex) basename = File.basename(aFeatureFile.filepath, '.feature') its_feature = aFeatureFile.feature if its_feature.anonymous? id_suffix = '' else id_suffix = " -- #{its_feature.identifier}" end anIO.puts %Q| node_#{anIndex} [label = "#{basename}#{id_suffix}"];| end # Draw an edge between feature files having dependencies. def draw_edge(anIO, aDependency) source_id = feature_files.find_index(aDependency.dependee) target_ids = aDependency.dependents.map do |a_target| feature_files.find_index(a_target) end target_ids.each do |t_id| anIO.puts "\tnode_#{source_id} -> node_#{t_id};" end end def generate_rake_tasks(rakefile, theProjDir) puts " #{rakefile}" grandparent_path = Pathname.new(File.dirname(__FILE__)).parent.parent template_source = File.read(grandparent_path + './templates/rake.erb') # Create one template engine instance engine = ERB.new(template_source) source_dir = File.absolute_path(Dir.getwd) proj_dir = File.absolute_path(theProjDir) anonymous = anonymous_features.map { |ff| ff.basename } feature_ids = feature_files.map { |ff| ff.feature.identifier } feature_ids.compact! deps = dependencies.reject { |dep| dep.dependee.feature.anonymous? } # Generate the text representation with given context file_source = engine.result(binding) File.open(rakefile, 'w') { |f| f.write(file_source) } end protected def validated_model(theFeatureFiles) return theFeatureFiles end # Build the mapping: feature identifier => feature def id2features() mapping = feature_files.each_with_object({}) do |file, mp| feature_id = file.feature.identifier mp[feature_id] = file unless feature_id.nil? end return mapping end # Given a feature identifier => feature mapping, # resolve the dependency tags; that is, # Establish links between a feature file object and its # dependent feature file objects. def resolve_dependencies(aMapping) @dependencies = [] feature_files.each do |feature_file| feature = feature_file.feature its_id = feature.identifier dep_tags = feature.dependency_tags # Complain when self dependency detected if dep_tags.include?(its_id) msg = "Feature #{} with identifier #{its_id} depends on itself!" fail(StandardError, msg) end # Complain when dependency tag refers to an unknown feature dependents = dep_tags.map do |a_tag| unless aMapping.include?(a_tag) msg_p1 = "Feature with identifier '#{its_id}'" msg_p2 = " depends on unknown feature '#{a_tag}'" fail(StandardError, msg_p1, msg_p2) end aMapping[a_tag] end @dependencies << FeatureDependencies.new(feature_file, dependents) end return @dependencies end end # class end # module # end of file