# CHANGES ## Jellyfish 1.2.2 -- 2018-09-23 ### Bugs fixed * Fixed `Jellyfish::Rewrite`. Should put rewritten path in the front. ## Jellyfish 1.2.1 -- 2018-07-21 ### Bugs fixed * Fixed mapping with host in some cases (longest match goes first) * Fixed scheme matching with https. Now it won't try to map against https because it's not that easy to implement and this is how `Rack::URLMap` works anyway. ## Jellyfish 1.2.0 -- 2018-07-14 ### Incompatible changes * `Jellyfish::NewRelic` is extracted to [jellyfish-contrib](https://github.com/godfat/jellyfish-contrib) ### Bugs fixed * `Jellyfish::URLMap` would now properly handle nested maps like `Rack::URLMap`. ### Enhancements * `Jellyfish::URLMap` now supports listening on a specific host like `Rack::URLMap`. Beside prefixing `http://`, it also supports passing `host: host` argument to `map`, and a `listen` directive which takes a block. * Instead of using `module_eval`, DSL is now defined via `define_method` to make debugging easier. Performance shouldn't get hit. ## Jellyfish 1.1.1 -- 2015-12-22 ### Enhancements * Added `Jellyfish::Rewrite` as an extension to `Jellyfish::Builder`. Please check README.md for more detail. ## Jellyfish 1.1.0 -- 2015-09-25 ### Incompatible changes * `Jellyfish::Sinatra`, `Jellyfish::MultiActions`, and `Jellyfish::Swagger` were extracted to [jellyfish-contrib](https://github.com/godfat/jellyfish-contrib) ### Other enhancements * Added `Jellyfish::Builder` and `Jellyfish::URLMap` which is 36 times faster than `Rack::Builder` and `Rack::URLMap` given an application with 1000 routes. ## Jellyfish 1.0.2 -- 2014-12-09 * `Jellyfish::NewRelic` is fixed. Thanks Jason R. Clark (@jasonrclark) ## Jellyfish 1.0.1 -- 2014-11-07 ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * Now `Jellyfish.handle` could take multiple exceptions as the arguments. ### Other enhancements * Introduced `Jellyfish::WebSocket` for basic websocket support. ## Jellyfish 1.0.0 -- 2014-03-17 ### Incompatible changes * Renamed `forward` to `cascade` to better aligned with Rack. ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * Introduced `log` and `log_error` for for controllers. * Introduced `not_found` to trigger 404 response. * Now we separate the idea of 404 and cascade. Use `not_found` for 404 responses, and `cascade` for forwarding requests. ### Other enhancements * Now we have Jellyfish::Swagger to generate Swagger documentation. Read README.md for more detail or checkout config.ru for a full example. ## Jellyfish 0.9.2 -- 2013-09-26 * Do not rescue Exception since we don't really want to rescue something like SignalException, which would break signal handling. ## Jellyfish 0.9.1 -- 2013-08-23 * Fixed a thread safety bug for initializing exception handlers. ## Jellyfish 0.9.0 -- 2013-07-11 ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * We no longer use exceptions to control the flow. Use `halt(InternalError.new)` instead. However, raising exceptions would still work. Just prefer to use `halt` if you would like some performance boost. ### Incompatible changes * If you're raising `NotFound` instead of using `forward` in your app, it would no longer forward the request but show a 404 page. Always use `forward` if you intend to forward the request. ## Jellyfish 0.8.0 -- 2013-06-15 ### Incompatible changes * Now there's no longer Jellyfish#controller but Jellyfish.controller, as there's no much point for making the controller per-instance. You do this to override the controller method instead: ``` ruby class MyApp include Jellyfish def self.controller MyController end class MyController < Jellyfish::Controller def hi 'hi' end end get{ hi } end ``` * You can also change the controller by assigning it. The same as above: ``` ruby class MyApp include Jellyfish class MyController < Jellyfish::Controller def hi 'hi' end end controller MyController get{ hi } end ``` ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * Introduced Jellyfish.controller_include which makes it easy to pick modules to be included in built-in controller. * Introduced Controller#halt as a short hand for `throw :halt` * Now default route is `//`. Using `get{ 'Hello, World!' }` is effectively the same as `get(//){ 'Hello, World!' }` * Now inheritance works. * Now it raises TypeError if passing a route doesn't respond to :match. * Now Jellyfish would find the most suitable error handler to handle errors, i.e. It would find the error handler which would handle the nearest exception class in the ancestors chain. Previously it would only find the first one which matches, ignoring the rest. It would also cache the result upon a lookup. ### Enhancements for Jellyfish extension * Added `Jellyfish::ChunkedBody` which is similar to `Sinatra::Stream`. * Added `Jellyfish::MultiAction` which gives you some kind of ability to do before or after filters. See README.md for usage. * Added `Jellyfish::NormalizedParams` which gives you some kind of Sinatra flavoured params. * Added `Jellyfish::NormalizedPath` which would unescape incoming PATH_INFO so you could match '/f%C3%B6%C3%B6' with '/föö'. ### Enhancements for Jellyfish::Sinatra * Now `Jellyfish::Sinatra` includes `Jellyfish::MultiAction`, `Jellyfish::NormalizedParams`, and `Jellyfish::NormalizedPath`. ## Jellyfish 0.6.0 -- 2012-11-02 ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * Extracted Jellyfish::Controller#call and Jellyfish::Controller#block_call into Jellyfish::Controller::Call so that you can have modules which can override call and block_call. See Jellyfish::Sinatra and Jellyfish::NewRelic for an example. * Now you can use `request` in the controller, which is essentially: `@request ||= Rack::Request.new(env)`. This also means you would need Rack installed and required to use it. Other than this, there's no strict requirement for Rack. ### Enhancements for NewRelic * Added Jellyfish::NewRelic which makes you work easier with NewRelic. Here's an example of how to use it: (extracted from README) ``` ruby require 'jellyfish' class Tank include Jellyfish class MyController < Jellyfish::Controller include Jellyfish::NewRelic end def controller; MyController; end get '/' do "OK\n" end end use Rack::ContentLength use Rack::ContentType, 'text/plain' require 'cgi' # newrelic dev mode needs this and it won't require it itself require 'new_relic/rack/developer_mode' use NewRelic::Rack::DeveloperMode # GET /newrelic to read stats run Tank.new NewRelic::Agent.manual_start(:developer_mode => true) ``` ## Jellyfish 0.5.3 -- 2012-10-26 ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * Respond an empty string response if the block gives a nil. * Added Jellyfish#log method which allow you to use the same way as Jellyfish log things. * rescue LocalJumpError and give a hint if you're trying to return or break from the block. You should use `next` instead. Or you can simply pass lambda which you can safely `return`. For example: `get '/path', &lambda{ return "body" }` ### Enhancements for Sinatra flavored controller * Introduced `initialize_params` and only initialize them whenever it's not yet set, giving you the ability to initialize params before calling `block_call`, thus you can customize params more easily. An example for making NewRelic work would be like this: ``` ruby class Controller < Api::Controller include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation def block_call argument, block path = if argument.respond_to?(:regexp) argument.regexp else argument end.to_s[1..-1] name = "#{env['REQUEST_METHOD']} #{path}" initialize_params(argument) # magic category, see: # NewRelic::MetricParser::WebTransaction::Jellyfish perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(:category => 'Controller/Jellyfish', :path => path , :name => name , :request => request , :params => params ){ super } end end module NewRelic::MetricParser::WebTransaction::Jellyfish include NewRelic::MetricParser::WebTransaction::Pattern def is_web_transaction?; true; end def category ; 'Jellyfish'; end end ``` ## Jellyfish 0.5.2 -- 2012-10-20 ### Incompatible changes * `protect` method is removed and inlined, reducing the size of call stack. ### Enhancements for Jellyfish core * `log_error` is now a public method. ### Enhancements for Sinatra flavored controller * Force params encoding to Encoding.default_external ## Jellyfish 0.5.1 -- 2012-10-19 * Removed accidentally added sinatra files. ## Jellyfish 0.5.0 -- 2012-10-18 ### Incompatible changes * Some internal constants are removed. * Renamed `Respond` to `Response`. ### Enhancements * Now Jellyfish would always use the custom error handler to handle the particular exception even if `handle_exceptions` set to false. That is, now setting `handle_exceptions` to false would only disable default error handling. This behavior makes more sense since if you want the exception bubble out then you shouldn't define the custom error handler in the first place. If you define it, you must mean you want to use it. * Eliminated some uninitialized instance variable warnings. * Now you can access the original app via `jellyfish` in the controller. * `Jellyfish::Controller` no longer includes `Jellyfish`, which would remove those `DSL` methods accidentally included in previous version (0.4.0-). ## Jellyfish 0.4.0 -- 2012-10-14 * Now you can define your own custom controller like: ``` ruby require 'jellyfish' class Heater include Jellyfish get '/status' do temperature end def controller; Controller; end class Controller < Jellyfish::Controller def temperature "30\u{2103}\n" end end end use Rack::ContentLength use Rack::ContentType, 'text/plain' run Heater.new ``` * Now it's possible to use a custom matcher instead of regular expression: ``` ruby require 'jellyfish' class Tank include Jellyfish class Matcher def match path path.reverse == 'match/' end end get Matcher.new do |match| "#{match}\n" end end use Rack::ContentLength use Rack::ContentType, 'text/plain' run Tank.new ``` * Added a Sinatra flavor controller ``` ruby require 'jellyfish' class Tank include Jellyfish def controller; Jellyfish::Sinatra; end get %r{^/(?\d+)$} do "Jelly ##{params[:id]}\n" end end use Rack::ContentLength use Rack::ContentType, 'text/plain' run Tank.new ``` ## Jellyfish 0.3.0 -- 2012-10-13 * Birthday!