# Module: Capcode
[ "README", "AUTHORS", "COPYING", "lib/capcode.rb", nil].each do

Module Capcode

(in files lib/capcode.rb )



Public Class method: Route(*u)

Add routes to a controller class

  module Capcode
    class Hello < Route '/hello/(.*)', '/hello/([^#]*)#(.*)'
      def get( arg1, arg2 )

In the get method, you will receive the maximum of parameters declared by the routes. In this example, you will receive 2 parameters. So if you go to /hello/world#friend then arg1 will be set to world and arg2 will be set to friend. Now if you go to /hello/you, then arg1 will be set to you and arg2 will be set to nil

If the regexp in the route does not match, all arguments will be nil

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 202
202:     def Route *u
203:       Class.new {
204:         meta_def(:__urls__){
205:           # < Route '/hello/world/([^\/]*)/id(\d*)', '/hello/(.*)'
206:           # # => [ {'/hello/world' => '([^\/]*)/id(\d*)', '/hello' => '(.*)'}, 2, <Capcode::Klass> ]
207:           h = {}
208:           max = 0
209:           u.each do |_u|
210:             m = /\/([^\/]*\(.*)/.match( _u )
211:             if m.nil?
212:               raise Capcode::RouteError, "Route `#{_u}' already defined with regexp `#{h[_u]}' !", caller if h.keys.include?(_u)
213:               h[_u] = ''
214:             else
215:               _pre = m.pre_match
216:               _pre = "/" if _pre.size == 0
217:               raise Capcode::RouteError, "Route `#{_pre}' already defined with regexp `#{h[_pre]}' !", caller if h.keys.include?(_pre)
218:               h[_pre] = m.captures[0]
219:               max = Regexp.new(m.captures[0]).number_of_captures if max < Regexp.new(m.captures[0]).number_of_captures
220:             end
221:           end
222:           [h, max, self]
223:         }
225:         # Hash containing all the request parameters (GET or POST)
226:         def params
227:           @request.params
228:         end
230:         # Hash containing all the environment variables
231:         def env
232:           @env
233:         end
235:         # Hash session
236:         def session
237:           @env['rack.session']
238:         end
240:         # Return the Rack::Request object
241:         def request
242:           @request
243:         end
245:         # Return the Rack::Response object
246:         def response
247:           @response
248:         end
250:         def call( e ) #:nodoc:
251:           @env = e
252:           @response = Rack::Response.new
253:           @request = Rack::Request.new(@env)
255:           # __k = self.class.to_s.split( /::/ )[-1].downcase.to_sym
256:           # @@__FILTERS.each do |f|
257:           #   proc = f.delete(:action)
258:           #   __run = true
259:           #   if f[:only]
260:           #     __run = f[:only].include?(__k)
261:           #   end
262:           #   if f[:except]
263:           #     __run = !f[:except].include?(__k)
264:           #   end
265:           #   
266:           #   # proc.call(self) if __run
267:           #   puts "call #{proc} for #{__k}"
268:           # end
270:           r = case @env["REQUEST_METHOD"]
271:             when "GET"
272:               finalPath = nil
273:               finalArgs = nil
274:               finalNArgs = nil
276:               aPath = @request.path.gsub( /^\//, "" ).split( "/" )
277:               self.class.__urls__[0].each do |p, r|
278:                 xPath = p.gsub( /^\//, "" ).split( "/" )
279:                 if (xPath - aPath).size == 0
280:                   diffArgs = aPath - xPath
281:                   diffNArgs = diffArgs.size
282:                   if finalNArgs.nil? or finalNArgs > diffNArgs
283:                     finalPath = p
284:                     finalNArgs = diffNArgs
285:                     finalArgs = diffArgs
286:                   end
287:                 end
289:               end
291:               nargs = self.class.__urls__[1]
292:               regexp = Regexp.new( self.class.__urls__[0][finalPath] )
293:               args = regexp.match( Rack::Utils.unescape(@request.path).gsub( Regexp.new( "^#{finalPath}" ), "" ).gsub( /^\//, "" ) )
294:               if args.nil?
295:                 raise Capcode::ParameterError, "Path info `#{@request.path_info}' does not match route regexp `#{regexp.source}'"
296:               else
297:                 args = args.captures.map { |x| (x.size == 0)?nil:x }
298:               end
300:               while args.size < nargs
301:                 args << nil
302:               end
304:               get( *args )
305:             when "POST"
306:               post
307:           end
308:           if r.respond_to?(:to_ary)
309:             @response.status = r[0]
310:             r[1].each do |k,v|
311:               @response[k] = v
312:             end
313:             @response.body = r[2]
314:           else
315:             @response.write r
316:           end
318:           @response.finish
319:         end
321:         include Capcode::Helpers
322:         include Capcode::Views
323:       }      
324:     end

Public Class method: env()

Hash containing all the environment variables

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 231
231:         def env
232:           @env
233:         end

Public Class method: map( r ) {|| ...}

This method help you to map and URL to a Rack or What you want Helper

  Capcode.map( "/file" ) do
    Rack::File.new( "." )
     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 331
331:     def map( r, &b )
332:       @@__ROUTES[r] = yield
333:     end

Public Class method: params()

Hash containing all the request parameters (GET or POST)

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 226
226:         def params
227:           @request.params
228:         end

Public Class method: request()

Return the Rack::Request object

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 241
241:         def request
242:           @request
243:         end

Public Class method: response()

Return the Rack::Response object

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 246
246:         def response
247:           @response
248:         end

Public Class method: run( args = {} ) {|self| ...}

Start your application.

Options :

  • :port = Listen port
  • :host = Listen host
  • :server = Server type (webrick or mongrel)
  • :log = Output logfile (default: STDOUT)
  • :session = Session parameters. See Rack::Session for more informations
  • :pid = PID file (default: $0.pid)
  • :daemonize = Daemonize application (default: false)
  • :db_config = database configuration file (default: database.yml)
  • :static = Static directory (default: none — relative to the working directory)
  • :root = Root directory (default: directory of the main.rb) — This is also the working directory !
     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 348
348:     def run( args = {} )
349:       __VERBOSE = false
351:       conf = {
352:         :port => args[:port]||3000, 
353:         :host => args[:host]||"localhost",
354:         :server => args[:server]||nil,
355:         :log => args[:log]||$stdout,
356:         :session => args[:session]||{},
357:         :pid => args[:pid]||"#{$0}.pid",
358:         :daemonize => args[:daemonize]||false,
359:         :db_config => args[:db_config]||"database.yml",
360:         :static => args[:static]||nil,
361:         :root => args[:root]||File.expand_path(File.dirname($0)),
363:         :console => false
364:       }
366:       # Parse options
367:       opts = OptionParser.new do |opts|
368:         opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options]"
369:         opts.separator ""
370:         opts.separator "Specific options:"
372:         opts.on( "-C", "--console", "Run in console mode with IRB (default: false)" ) { 
373:           conf[:console] = true
374:         }
375:         opts.on( "-h", "--host HOSTNAME", "Host for web server to bind to (default: #{conf[:host]})" ) { |h|
376:           conf[:host] = h
377:         }
378:         opts.on( "-p", "--port NUM", "Port for web server (default: #{conf[:port]})" ) { |p|
379:           conf[:port] = p
380:         }
381:         opts.on( "-d", "--daemonize [true|false]", "Daemonize (default: #{conf[:daemonize]})" ) { |d|
382:           conf[:daemonize] = d
383:         }
384:         opts.on( "-r", "--root PATH", "Working directory (default: #{conf[:root]})" ) { |w|
385:           conf[:root] = w
386:         }
387:         opts.on( "-s", "--static PATH", "Static directory -- relative to the root directory (default: #{conf[:static]})" ) { |r|
388:           conf[:static] = r
389:         }
391:         opts.separator ""
392:         opts.separator "Common options:"
394:         opts.on("-?", "--help", "Show this message") do
395:           puts opts
396:           exit
397:         end  
398:         opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show versions") do
399:           puts "Capcode version #{Capcode::CAPCOD_VERION} (ruby v#{RUBY_VERSION})"
400:           exit
401:         end  
402:         opts.on_tail( "-V", "--verbose", "Run in verbose mode" ) do
403:           __VERBOSE = true
404:         end
405:       end
407:       begin
408:         opts.parse! ARGV
409:       rescue OptionParser::ParseError => ex
410:         STDERR.puts "!! #{ex.message}"
411:         puts "** use `#{File.basename($0)} --help` for more details..."
412:         exit 1
413:       end
415:       # Run in the Working directory
416:       puts "** Go on root directory (#{File.expand_path(conf[:root])})" if __VERBOSE
417:       Dir.chdir( conf[:root] ) do
419:         # Check that mongrel exists 
420:         if conf[:server].nil? || conf[:server] == "mongrel"
421:           begin
422:             require 'mongrel'
423:             conf[:server] = "mongrel"
424:           rescue LoadError 
425:             puts "!! could not load mongrel. Falling back to webrick."
426:             conf[:server] = "webrick"
427:           end
428:         end
430:         Capcode.constants.each do |k|
431:           begin
432:             if eval "Capcode::#{k}.public_methods(true).include?( '__urls__' )"
433:               u, m, c = eval "Capcode::#{k}.__urls__"
434:               u.keys.each do |_u|
435:                 raise Capcode::RouteError, "Route `#{_u}' already define !", caller if @@__ROUTES.keys.include?(_u)
436:                 @@__ROUTES[_u] = c.new
437:               end
438:             end
439:           rescue => e
440:             raise e.message
441:           end
442:         end
444:         # Set Static directory
445:         @@__STATIC_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join("/", conf[:static]))
447:         # Initialize Rack App
448:         puts "** Map routes." if __VERBOSE
449:         app = Rack::URLMap.new(@@__ROUTES)
450:         puts "** Initialize static directory (#{conf[:static]})" if __VERBOSE
451:         app = Rack::Static.new( 
452:           app, 
453:           :urls => [@@__STATIC_DIR], 
454:           :root => File.expand_path(conf[:root]) 
455:         ) unless conf[:static].nil?
456:         puts "** Initialize session" if __VERBOSE
457:         app = Rack::Session::Cookie.new( app, conf[:session] )
458:         app = Capcode::HTTPError.new(app)
459:         app = Rack::ContentLength.new(app)
460:         app = Rack::Lint.new(app)
461:         app = Rack::ShowExceptions.new(app)
462: #        app = Rack::Reloader.new(app) ## -- NE RELOAD QUE capcode.rb -- So !!!
463:         app = Rack::CommonLogger.new( app, Logger.new(conf[:log]) )
465:         # From rackup !!!
466:         if conf[:daemonize]
467:           if /java/.match(RUBY_PLATFORM).nil?
468:             if RUBY_VERSION < "1.9"
469:               exit if fork
470:               Process.setsid
471:               exit if fork
472:               # Dir.chdir "/"
473:               File.umask 0000
474:               STDIN.reopen "/dev/null"
475:               STDOUT.reopen "/dev/null", "a"
476:               STDERR.reopen "/dev/null", "a"
477:             else
478:               Process.daemon
479:             end
480:           else
481:             puts "!! daemonize option unavailable on #{RUBY_PLATFORM} platform."
482:           end
484:           File.open(conf[:pid], 'w'){ |f| f.write("#{Process.pid}") }
485:           at_exit { File.delete(conf[:pid]) if File.exist?(conf[:pid]) }
486:         end
488:         # Start database
489:         if self.methods.include? "db_connect"
490:           db_connect( conf[:db_config], conf[:log] )
491:         end
493:         if block_given?
494:           yield( self )
495:         end
497:         if conf[:console]
498:           puts "Run console..."
499:           IRB.start
500:           exit
501:         end
503:         # Start server
504:         case conf[:server]
505:         when "mongrel"
506:           puts "** Starting Mongrel on #{conf[:host]}:#{conf[:port]}"
507:           Rack::Handler::Mongrel.run( app, {:Port => conf[:port], :Host => conf[:host]} ) { |server|
508:             trap "SIGINT", proc { server.stop }
509:           }
510:         when "webrick"
511:           puts "** Starting WEBrick on #{conf[:host]}:#{conf[:port]}"
512:           Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run( app, {:Port => conf[:port], :BindAddress => conf[:host]} ) { |server|
513:             trap "SIGINT", proc { server.shutdown }
514:           }
515:         end
516:       end
517:     end

Public Class method: session()

Hash session

     # File lib/capcode.rb, line 236
236:         def session
237:           @env['rack.session']
238:         end