require 'spec_helper' describe IndonesianStemmer do describe "covering the inflectional particles" do describe "'kah'" do it { should_stem 'bukukah', 'buku' } end describe "'lah'" do it { should_stem 'adalah', 'ada' } end describe "'pun'" do it { should_stem 'bagaimanapun', 'bagaimana' } end end describe "covering the inflectional possessive pronouns" do describe "'ku'" do it { should_stem 'bukuku', 'buku' } end describe "'mu'" do it { should_stem 'rumahmu', 'rumah' } end describe "'nya'" do it { should_stem 'cintanya', 'cinta' } end end describe "covering the first order of derivational prefixes" do describe "'meng'" do it { should_stem 'mengukur', 'ukur' } end describe "'meny'" do it { should_stem 'menyapu', 'sapu' } end describe "'men'" do it { should_stem 'menduga', 'duga' } it { should_stem 'menuduh', 'tuduh' } end describe "'mem' followed by 'p'" do it { should_stem 'memilih', 'pilih'} it { should_stem 'memilah', 'pilah'} it { should_stem 'memuji', 'puji'} end describe "'mem'" do it { should_stem 'membaca', 'baca'} it { should_stem 'membantu', 'bantu'} end describe "'me'" do it { should_stem 'merusak', 'rusak'} it { should_stem 'melayang', 'layang'} end describe "'peng'" do it { should_stem 'pengukur', 'ukur'} end describe "'peny'" do it { should_stem 'penyalin', 'salin'} end describe "'pen'" do it { should_stem 'penasehat', 'nasehat'} it { should_stem 'penarik', 'tarik'} end describe "'pem' followed by 'p'" do it { should_stem 'pemilih', 'pilih'} it { should_stem 'pemilah', 'pilah'} it { should_stem 'pemuji', 'puji'} end describe "'pem'" do it { should_stem 'pembaca', 'baca'} end describe "'di'" do it { should_stem 'diukur', 'ukur'} it { should_stem 'dilihat', 'lihat'} end describe "'ter'" do it { should_stem 'terindah', 'indah'} it { should_stem 'terhebat', 'hebat'} it { should_stem 'terukur', 'ukur'} it { should_stem 'tersapu', 'sapu'} end describe "'ke'" do it { should_stem 'kekasih', 'kasih'} end end describe "covering the second order of derivational prefixes" do describe "'ber'" do it { should_stem 'berlari', 'lari'} end describe "'bel'" do it { should_stem 'belajar', 'ajar'} end describe "'be'" do it { should_stem 'bekerja', 'kerja'} end describe "'per'" do it { should_stem 'perjelas', 'jelas'} end describe "'pel'" do it { should_stem 'pelajar', 'ajar'} end describe "'pe'" do it { should_stem 'pekerja', 'kerja'} it { should_stem 'pelari', 'lari'} end end describe "covering the derivational suffixes" do describe "'kan'" do it { should_stem 'tarikkan', 'tarik'} it { should_stem 'ambilkan', 'ambil'} end describe "'an'" do it { should_stem 'makanan', 'makan'} it { should_stem 'sarapan', 'sarap'} end describe "'i'" do it { should_stem 'ajari', 'ajar'} it { should_stem 'cermati', 'cermat'} end end end