require 'spec_helper' describe Morpheus::Finders do describe '#find' do context 'when the argument is a single integer' do context 'when this record exists on the external service' do before(:each) do @dog = => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog') Dog.stub(:get).and_return(@dog) end it 'makes a request to /dogs/1 at the external service' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs/1', nil, { :id => 1 }).and_return(@dog) Dog.find(1) end it 'returns the instance representing this found record' do @dog = Dog.find(1) @dog.should be_a(Dog) eql(1) eql('Daisy') @dog.breed.should eql('English Bulldog') end end context 'when this record does not exist on the external service' do before(:each) do Morpheus::Configuration.hydra.stub(:get, "#{}/dogs/1").and_return(build_morpheus_response(404, nil)) end it 'raises a ResourceNotFound error' do lambda { Dog.find(1) }.should raise_error(Morpheus::ResourceNotFound, "Couldn't find Dog with ID=1") end end end context 'when the argument is a single array' do context 'when all records exists on the external service' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog'), => 2, :name => 'Wilbur', :breed => 'Hounddog'), => 3, :name => 'Fido', :breed => 'Dalmatian') ] Dog.stub(:get).and_return(@dogs) end it 'makes a request to /dogs?ids=1,2,3 at the external service' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :ids => [1,2,3] }, { :ids => [1,2,3] }).and_return(@dogs) Dog.find([1,2,3]) end it 'returns an array of instances representing these found records' do @dogs = Dog.find([1,2,3]) @dogs.should be_an(Array) @dogs.should have(3).dogs @dogs.each do |dog| dog.should be_a(Dog) end end end context 'when there is a requested record that does not exist on the external service' do before(:each) do Morpheus::Configuration.hydra.stub(:get, "#{}/dogs?ids%5B%5D=1&ids%5B%5D=2&ids%5B%5D=3").and_return(build_morpheus_response(404, nil)) end it 'raises a ResourceNotFound error' do lambda { Dog.find([1,2,3]) }.should raise_error(Morpheus::ResourceNotFound, "Couldn't find all Dogs with IDs (1, 2, 3)") end end end context 'when there are multiple arguments, each being an integer' do context 'when all records exists on the external service' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog'), => 2, :name => 'Wilbur', :breed => 'Hounddog'), => 3, :name => 'Fido', :breed => 'Dalmatian') ] Dog.stub(:get).and_return(@dogs) end it 'makes a request to /dogs?ids=1,2,3 at the external service' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :ids => [1,2,3] }, { :ids => [1,2,3] }).and_return(@dogs) Dog.find(1,2,3) end it 'returns an array of instances representing these found records' do @dogs = Dog.find(1,2,3) @dogs.should be_an(Array) @dogs.should have(3).dogs @dogs.each do |dog| dog.should be_a(Dog) end end end context 'when there is a requested record that does not exist on the external service' do before(:each) do Morpheus::Configuration.hydra.stub(:get, "#{}/dogs?ids%5B%5D=1&ids%5B%5D=2&ids%5B%5D=3").and_return(build_morpheus_response(404, nil)) end it 'raises a ResourceNotFound error' do lambda { Dog.find(1,2,3) }.should raise_error(Morpheus::ResourceNotFound, "Couldn't find all Dogs with IDs (1, 2, 3)") end end end end describe '#all' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog'), => 2, :name => 'Wilbur', :breed => 'Hounddog'), => 3, :name => 'Fido', :breed => 'Dalmatian') ] Dog.stub(:get).and_return(@dogs) end it 'returns all found records' do @dogs = Dog.all @dogs.should be_an(Array) @dogs.should have(3).dogs @dogs.each do |dog| dog.should be_a(Dog) end end end describe '#first' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog')] Dog.stub(:get).and_return(@dogs) end it 'returns first found record' do @dog = Dog.first @dog.should be_a(Dog) end end describe '#where' do context 'when the where attribute is an acceptable attribute' do context 'for a where clause with one attribute' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog').attributes.merge(:id => 1)] end it 'makes a request to find all records with the given query parameter' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :name => 'Daisy' }).and_return(@dogs) Dog.where(:name => 'Daisy').first end end context 'for a where clause with multiple attributes' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog').attributes.merge(:id => 1)] end it 'makes a request to find all records with the given query parameters' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :breed => 'English Bulldog', :name => 'Daisy' }).and_return(@dogs) Dog.where(:name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog').first end end end end describe '#limit' do before(:each) do @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog'), => 2, :name => 'Wilbur', :breed => 'Hounddog'), => 3, :name => 'Fido', :breed => 'Dalmatian') ] end it 'makes a request to find all of the given records, but with a given limit' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :limit => 10 }).and_return(@dogs) Dog.limit(10).all end end describe '#page' do before(:each) do Dog.results_per_page = 10 @dogs = [ => 1, :name => 'Daisy', :breed => 'English Bulldog'), => 2, :name => 'Wilbur', :breed => 'Hounddog'), => 3, :name => 'Fido', :breed => 'Dalmatian') ] end it 'makes a request to find all of the given records, but with a given limit and offset' do Dog.should_receive(:get).with('/dogs', { :limit => 10, :offset => 20 }).and_return(@dogs) end end describe '#results_per_page' do it 'defaults to 10' do Dog.results_per_page.should eql(10) end context 'when set to something other than the default' do before(:each) do Dog.results_per_page = 25 end it 'returns the number of results to be returned on a page request' do Dog.results_per_page.should eql(25) end end end end