// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var src, src2, content, controller; // .......................................................... // NO MULTIPLE CONTENT // module("SC.ObjectController - multiple_case - ALLOWSMULTIPLE = NO", { setup: function() { src = SC.Object.create({ foo: "foo1", bar: "bar1" }); src2 = SC.Object.create({ foo: "foo2", bar: "bar1" }); content = [src, src2]; controller = SC.ObjectController.create({ content: content, allowsMultipleContent: NO }); }, teardown: function() { controller.destroy(); } }); test("hasContent", function() { equals(controller.get("hasContent"), NO, 'hasContent should be NO'); }); test("getting any value should return undefined", function() { equals(controller.get("foo"), undefined, 'controller.get(foo)'); equals(controller.get("bar"), undefined, 'controller.get(bar)'); }); test("setting any unknown value should have no effect", function() { equals(controller.set("foo", "FOO"), controller, 'controller.set(foo, FOO) should return self'); equals(controller.set("bar", "BAR"), controller, 'controller.set(bar, BAR) should return self'); equals(src.get("foo"), "foo1", 'src.get(foo)'); equals(src.get("bar"), "bar1", 'src.get(bar)'); }); // .......................................................... // MULTIPLE CONTENT // module("SC.ObjectController - multiple_case - ALLOWSMULTIPLE = YES", { setup: function() { src = SC.Object.create({ foo: "foo1", bar: "bar1" }); src2 = SC.Object.create({ foo: "foo2", bar: "bar1" }); content = [src, src2]; controller = SC.ObjectController.create({ content: content, allowsMultipleContent: YES }); }, teardown: function() { controller.destroy(); } }); test("getting any unknown value", function() { same(controller.get("foo"), ["foo1", "foo2"], 'controller.get(foo) should return array with all items'); same(controller.get("bar"), "bar1", 'controller.get(bar) should return single property since all items match'); }); test("setting any unknown value should pass through", function() { equals(controller.set("foo", "EDIT"), controller, 'controller.set(foo, EDIT) should return self'); equals(controller.set("bar", "EDIT"), controller, 'controller.set(bar, EDIT) should return self'); equals(controller.set("baz", "EDIT"), controller, 'controller.set(baz, EDIT) should return self'); equals(src.get("foo"), "EDIT", 'src.get(foo)'); equals(src.get("bar"), "EDIT", 'src.get(bar)'); equals(src.get("baz"), "EDIT", 'src.get(bar)'); equals(src2.get("foo"), "EDIT", 'src2.get(foo)'); equals(src2.get("bar"), "EDIT", 'src2.get(bar)'); equals(src2.get("baz"), "EDIT", 'src2.get(bar)'); }); test("changing a property on a content object", function() { var callCount = 0; controller.addObserver("bar", function() { callCount++; }); equals(controller.get("bar"), "bar1", "controller.get(bar) before edit should have original value"); src.set("bar", "EDIT"); same(controller.get("bar"), ["EDIT", "bar1"], "controller.get(bar) after edit should have updated value"); equals(callCount, 1, 'observer on controller should have fired'); }); test("hasContent", function() { equals(controller.get("hasContent"), YES, 'should have content'); var callCount = 0; controller.addObserver("hasContent", function() { callCount++; }); controller.set("content", null); equals(controller.get("hasContent"), NO, "hasContent should == NO after setting to null"); ok(callCount > 0, 'hasContent observer should fire when setting to null'); callCount = 0; controller.set("content", content); equals(controller.get("hasContent"), YES, "hasContent should == YES after setting back to content"); ok(callCount > 0, "hasContent observer should fire"); });