require 'bundler' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'wordnik''spec') # If you want to make this the default task task :default => :spec desc 'Download the latest API docs and build out resource methods' task :abracadabra do Rake::Task['fetch_api_docs'].invoke # Rake::Task['write_resource_methods'].invoke # Rake::Task['generate_usage_docs'].invoke end desc 'Download the API docs to disk' task :fetch_api_docs do puts "\nFetch API Docs" puts "--------------\n" puts "\nEnter the base path (leave blank to default to " base_uri = STDIN.gets.chomp.sub('http://', '').sub('https://', '') base_uri = '' if base_uri.blank? puts "\nEnter a space-delimited list of resource names (optional): " resource_names = STDIN.gets.chomp.split(" ") puts "\nEnter API key (leave blank to fetch publically available resources): " api_key = STDIN.gets.chomp # Configure Wordnik, but tell it not to attempt to build resources # (there aren't any JSON docs yet.. a chicken/egg thing.) Wordnik.configure(false) do |c| c.base_uri = base_uri c.resource_names = resource_names unless resource_names.blank? c.api_key = api_key unless api_key.blank? end puts "\nCleanup" puts "-------\n" `rm api_docs/*.json` `rm lib/wordnik/resource_modules/*.rb` Wordnik.configuration.resource_names.each do |resource_name| request =, "#{resource_name}.json") filename = "api_docs/#{resource_name}.json", 'w') {|f| f.write(request.response.raw.body) } end puts "\nWrite Resource Methods" puts "----------------------\n" Wordnik.build_resources Wordnik.resources.each_pair do |resource_name, resource| next unless resource.endpoints.present? filename = "lib/wordnik/resource_modules/#{resource_name}.rb" puts filename file =, "w") lines = [] lines << "# HEY HACKER! THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE." lines << "# So don't bother editing it. To see how it's built, take a look at the Rakefile\n" lines << "module #{resource_name.to_s.camelize}Methods\n" resource.endpoints.each do |endpoint| endpoint.operations.each do |operation| next if operation.nickname.blank? # Comment about the operation lines << " # #{operation.summary}" if operation.summary.present? lines << " # #{operation.notes}" if operation.notes.present? lines << " #" if operation.summary.present? # Start writing the method lines << " def #{operation.nickname}(#{[operation.positional_parameter_names, '*args'].flatten.join(', ')})" # HTTP Method lines << " http_method = :#{operation.http_method}" # Path lines << " path = '#{endpoint.path.sub(".{format}", "")}'" operation.positional_parameter_names.each do |param| # `body` positional params don't get injected into the path will be dealt with separately next if param.to_s == 'body' lines << " path.sub!('\{#{param}\}', #{param}.to_s)" end lines << "\n # Ruby turns all key-value arguments at the end into a single hash" lines << " # e.g. Wordnik.word.get_examples('dingo', :limit => 10, :part_of_speech => 'verb')" lines << " # becomes {:limit => 10, :part_of_speech => 'verb'}" lines << " last_arg = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Hash)" lines << " last_arg = args.pop if args.last.is_a?(Array)" lines << " last_arg ||= {}\n" lines << " # Look for a kwarg called :request_only, whose presence indicates" lines << " # that we want the request itself back, not the response body" lines << " if last_arg.is_a?(Hash) && last_arg[:request_only].present?" lines << " request_only = true" lines << " last_arg.delete(:request_only)" lines << " end\n" lines << " params = last_arg" lines << " body ||= {}" lines << " request =, path, :params => params, :body => body)" lines << " request_only ? request : request.response.body" lines << " end\n" # case response.valueType # when 'wordObject' # # when 'List[definition]' # do |definition_data| # # end # end end end lines << "end" file.write lines.join("\n") file.close end end desc 'Iterate over resource > endpoint > operation nicknames, generating markdown documentation.' task :generate_usage_docs do Wordnik.configure filename = "" file =, "w") puts "\nGenerate Documentation" puts "----------------------\n" Wordnik.resources.each_pair do |resource_name, resource| next unless resource.endpoints.present? file.write "\n#{resource_name}\n#{"=" * resource_name.size}\n\n" resource.endpoints.each do |endpoint| endpoint.operations.each do |operation| docs_url = "!/#{}/#{operation.nickname}" puts "Wordnik.#{resource_name}.#{operation.nickname}" # Method name file.write "[Wordnik.#{resource_name}.#{operation.nickname}(#{operation.positional_parameter_names.join(', ')})](#{docs_url})\n" # Required kwargs operation.required_kwargs.each do |parameter| file.write " :#{}* #{' ' * (} #{parameter.description}\n" end # Optional kwargs operation.optional_kwargs.each do |parameter| file.write " :#{} #{' ' * (} #{parameter.description}\n" end end file.write "\n" end end file.close end # desc 'Iterate over each resource, generating a ruby module with operation methods for each.' # task :write_resource_methods do # # end