Shindo.tests("Fog::Compute[:joyent] | machine requests", ["joyent"]) do @machine_format = { "id" => String, "name" => String, "type" => String, "state" => String, "dataset" => String, "memory" => Integer, "disk" => Integer, "ips" => Array, "metadata" => Hash, "created" => Time, "updated" => Time } if Fog.mock? @machines = Fog::Compute[:joyent].data[:machines] = { "15080eca-3786-4bb8-a4d0-f43e1981cd72" => { "id" => "15080eca-3786-4bb8-a4d0-f43e1981cd72", "name" => "getting-started", "type" => "smartmachine", "state" => "running", "dataset" => "sdc:sdc:smartos:1.3.15", "memory" => 256, "disk" => 5120, "ips" => [""], "metadata" => {}, "created" => Time.parse("2011-06-03T00:02:31+00:00"), "updated" => Time.parse("2011-06-03T00:02:31+00:00") } } end @provider = Fog::Compute[:joyent] # # # tests("#list_machines") do if Fog.mock? returns(@machines.length, "correct number of machines") do @provider.list_machines.body.length end end returns(Array, "returns an Array of machines") do @provider.list_machines.body.class end formats([@machine_format]) do @provider.list_machines.body end end # tests("#get_machine") do machines = @provider.list_machines.body unless machines.empty? formats(@machine_format) do id = machines.first["id"] @provider.get_machine(id).body end end end end