require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') $VERBOSE = false require 'active_record' require 'sqlite3' require 'workflow' require 'mocha/setup' require 'stringio' #require 'ruby-debug' ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false class Order < ActiveRecord::Base include Workflow workflow do state :submitted do event :accept, :transitions_to => :accepted, :meta => {:doc_weight => 8} do |reviewer, args| end end state :accepted do event :ship, :transitions_to => :shipped end state :shipped end end class LegacyOrder < ActiveRecord::Base include Workflow workflow_column :foo_bar # use this legacy database column for persistence workflow do state :submitted do event :accept, :transitions_to => :accepted, :meta => {:doc_weight => 8} do |reviewer, args| end end state :accepted do event :ship, :transitions_to => :shipped end state :shipped end end class Image < ActiveRecord::Base include Workflow workflow_column :status workflow do state :unconverted do event :convert, :transitions_to => :converted end state :converted end end class SmallImage < Image end class SpecialSmallImage < SmallImage end class MainTest < ActiveRecordTestCase def setup super ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :orders do |t| t.string :title, :null => false t.string :workflow_state end end exec "INSERT INTO orders(title, workflow_state) VALUES('some order', 'accepted')" ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :legacy_orders do |t| t.string :title, :null => false t.string :foo_bar end end exec "INSERT INTO legacy_orders(title, foo_bar) VALUES('some order', 'accepted')" ActiveRecord::Schema.define do create_table :images do |t| t.string :title, :null => false t.string :state t.string :type end end end def assert_state(title, expected_state, klass = Order) o = klass.find_by_title(title) assert_equal expected_state, o.read_attribute(klass.workflow_column) o end test 'immediately save the new workflow_state on state machine transition' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert o.ship! assert_state 'some order', 'shipped' end test 'immediately save the new workflow_state on state machine transition with custom column name' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted', LegacyOrder assert o.ship! assert_state 'some order', 'shipped', LegacyOrder end test 'persist workflow_state in the db and reload' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert_equal :accepted, o.ship!! assert_state 'some order', 'shipped' o.reload assert_equal 'shipped', o.read_attribute(:workflow_state) end test 'persist workflow_state in the db with_custom_name and reload' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted', LegacyOrder assert_equal :accepted, o.ship!! assert_state 'some order', 'shipped', LegacyOrder o.reload assert_equal 'shipped', o.read_attribute(:foo_bar) end test 'default workflow column should be workflow_state' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert_equal :workflow_state, o.class.workflow_column end test 'custom workflow column should be foo_bar' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted', LegacyOrder assert_equal :foo_bar, o.class.workflow_column end test 'access workflow specification' do assert_equal 3, Order.workflow_spec.states.length assert_equal ['submitted', 'accepted', 'shipped'].sort,{|n| n.to_s}.sort end test 'current state object' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert_equal 'accepted', o.current_state.to_s assert_equal 1, end test 'on_entry and on_exit invoked' do c = callbacks = mock() callbacks.expects(:my_on_exit_new).once callbacks.expects(:my_on_entry_old).once c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow do state :new do event :age, :transitions_to => :old end on_exit do callbacks.my_on_exit_new end state :old on_entry do callbacks.my_on_entry_old end on_exit do fail "wrong on_exit executed" end end end o = assert_equal 'new', o.current_state.to_s o.age! end test 'on_transition invoked' do callbacks = mock() callbacks.expects(:on_tran).once # this is validated at the end c = c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow do state :one do event :increment, :transitions_to => :two end state :two on_transition do |from, to, triggering_event, *event_args| callbacks.on_tran end end end assert_not_nil c.workflow_spec.on_transition_proc! end test 'access event meta information' do c = c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow do state :main, :meta => {:importance => 8} state :supplemental, :meta => {:importance => 1} end end assert_equal 1, c.workflow_spec.states[:supplemental].meta[:importance] end test 'initial state' do c = c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow { state :one; state :two } end assert_equal 'one', end test 'nil as initial state' do exec "INSERT INTO orders(title, workflow_state) VALUES('nil state', NULL)" o = Order.find_by_title('nil state') assert o.submitted?, 'if workflow_state is nil, the initial state should be assumed' assert !o.shipped? end test 'initial state immediately set as ActiveRecord attribute for new objects' do o = Order.create(:title => 'new object') assert_equal 'submitted', o.read_attribute(:workflow_state) end test 'question methods for state' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert o.accepted? assert !o.shipped? end test 'correct exception for event, that is not allowed in current state' do o = assert_state 'some order', 'accepted' assert_raise Workflow::NoTransitionAllowed do o.accept! end end test 'multiple events with the same name and different arguments lists from different states' test 'implicit transition callback' do args = mock() args.expects(:my_tran).once # this is validated at the end c = c.class_eval do include Workflow def my_transition(args) args.my_tran end workflow do state :one do event :my_transition, :transitions_to => :two end state :two end private def another_transition(args) args.another_tran end end a = a.my_transition!(args) end test '#53 Support for non public transition callbacks' do args = mock() args.expects(:log).with('in private callback').once args.expects(:log).with('in protected callback in the base class').once b = # the base class with a protected callback b.class_eval do protected def assign_old(args) args.log('in protected callback in the base class') end end c = # inheriting class with an additional protected callback c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow do state :new do event :assign, :transitions_to => :assigned event :assign_old, :transitions_to => :assigned_old end state :assigned state :assigned_old end private def assign(args) args.log('in private callback') end end a = a.assign!(args) a2 = a2.assign_old!(args) end test '#58 Limited private transition callback lookup' do args = mock() c = c.class_eval do include Workflow workflow do state :new do event :fail, :transitions_to => :failed end state :failed end end a =!(args) end test 'Single table inheritance (STI)' do class BigOrder < Order end bo = assert bo.submitted? assert !bo.accepted? end test 'STI when parent changed the workflow_state column' do assert_equal 'status', Image.workflow_column.to_s assert_equal 'status', SmallImage.workflow_column.to_s assert_equal 'status', SpecialSmallImage.workflow_column.to_s end test 'Two-level inheritance' do class BigOrder < Order end class EvenBiggerOrder < BigOrder end assert end test 'Iheritance with workflow definition override' do class BigOrder < Order end class SpecialBigOrder < BigOrder workflow do state :start_big end end special = assert_equal 'start_big', special.current_state.to_s end test 'Better error message for missing target state' do class Problem include Workflow workflow do state :initial do event :solve, :transitions_to => :solved end end end assert_raise Workflow::WorkflowError do! end end # Intermixing of transition graph definition (states, transitions) # on the one side and implementation of the actions on the other side # for a bigger state machine can introduce clutter. # # To reduce this clutter it is now possible to use state entry- and # exit- hooks defined through a naming convention. For example, if there # is a state :pending, then you can hook in by defining method # `def on_pending_exit(new_state, event, *args)` instead of using a # block: # # state :pending do # on_entry do # # your implementation here # end # end # # If both a function with a name according to naming convention and the # on_entry/on_exit block are given, then only on_entry/on_exit block is used. test 'on_entry and on_exit hooks in separate methods' do c = c.class_eval do include Workflow attr_reader :history def initialize @history = [] end workflow do state :new do event :next, :transitions_to => :next_state end state :next_state end def on_next_state_entry(prior_state, event, *args) @history << "on_next_state_entry #{event} #{prior_state} ->" end def on_new_exit(new_state, event, *args) @history << "on_new_exit #{event} -> #{new_state}" end end o = assert_equal 'new', o.current_state.to_s assert_equal [], o.history! assert_equal ['on_new_exit next -> next_state', 'on_next_state_entry next new ->'], o.history end test 'diagram generation' do begin $stdout ='', 'w') Workflow::create_workflow_diagram(Order, '/tmp') assert_match(/open.+\.pdf/, $stdout.string, 'PDF should be generate and a hint be given to the user.') ensure $stdout = STDOUT end end test 'halt stops the transition' do c = do include Workflow workflow do state :young do event :age, :transitions_to => :old end state :old end def age(by=1) halt 'too fast' if by > 100 end end joe = assert joe.young? joe.age! 120 assert joe.young?, 'Transition should have been halted' assert_equal 'too fast', joe.halted_because end test 'halt! raises exception immediately' do article_class = do include Workflow attr_accessor :too_far workflow do state :new do event :reject, :transitions_to => :rejected end state :rejected end def reject(reason) halt! 'We do not reject articles unless the reason is important' \ unless reason =~ /important/i self.too_far = "This line should not be executed" end end article = assert assert_raise Workflow::TransitionHalted do article.reject! 'Too funny' end assert_nil article.too_far assert, 'Transition should have been halted' article.reject! 'Important: too short' assert article.rejected?, 'Transition should happen now' end test 'can fire event?' do c = do include Workflow workflow do state :newborn do event :go_to_school, :transitions_to => :schoolboy end state :schoolboy do event :go_to_college, :transitions_to => :student end state :student end end human = assert human.can_go_to_school? assert_equal false, human.can_go_to_college? end test 'workflow graph generation' do Dir.chdir('/tmp') do capture_streams do Workflow::create_workflow_diagram(Order, '/tmp') end end end test 'workflow graph generation in a path with spaces' do `mkdir -p '/tmp/Workflow test'` capture_streams do Workflow::create_workflow_diagram(Order, '/tmp/Workflow test') end end def capture_streams old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = captured_stdout = yield $stdout = old_stdout captured_stdout end end