require 'helper' describe Octospy::Extensions::String do describe '#underscore' do it { expect('FooBar'.underscore).to eq 'foo_bar' } it { expect('fooBar'.underscore).to eq 'foo_bar' } it { expect('fooBaR'.underscore).to eq 'foo_ba_r' } it { expect('foo-bar'.underscore).to eq 'foo_bar' } it { expect('foo/bar'.underscore).to eq 'foo/bar' } it { expect('Foo::Bar'.underscore).to eq 'foo/bar' } end describe '#split_by_linefeed_except_blankline' do subject { sentence.split_by_linefeed_except_blankline } context 'when include line feed' do let(:sentence) { <<-RUBY.strip_heredoc That lucid breeze in Ihatov, Blue sky that has coolness at the bottom even in summer, Morio which has been decorated with beautiful forest, grass wave shines garishly in suburb. RUBY } it { expect(subject).to be_instance_of Array } it { expect(subject).to have(4).items } it { expect(subject[1]).to include 'Blue sky' } end context 'when not include line feed' do let(:sentence) { 'hi, hello world.' } it { expect(subject).to be_instance_of Array } it { expect(subject).to have(1).items } end it 'have alias_method' do expect(''.respond_to? :split_lfbl).to be_true end end describe '#colorize_for_irc' do let(:word) { 'hello world' } it 'call StringIrc#new' do expect(StringIrc).to receive(:new).with(word).once.and_call_original expect(word.colorize_for_irc).to be_instance_of StringIrc end end describe '#shorten_url' do context 'when it is in the url of github' do let(:url) { '' } let(:result) { '' } it 'call Octospy::Shortener.shorten_by_github' do expect(Octospy::Shortener).to receive(:shorten_by_github).and_return result expect(url.shorten_url).to eq result end end context 'when it is not in the url of github' do let(:url) { '' } let(:result) { '' } it 'call Octospy::Shortener.shorten_by_google' do expect(Octospy::Shortener).to receive(:shorten_by_google).and_return result expect(url.shorten_url).to eq result end end context 'when it is not in the url' do let(:url) { 'hello world' } let(:result) { url } it 'not call Octospy::Shortener' do expect(Octospy::Shortener).to_not receive(:shorten_by_github) expect(Octospy::Shortener).to_not receive(:shorten_by_google) expect(url.shorten_url).to eq result end end end end