require 'mime/types' require 'time' module Mailgun # A Mailgun::MessageBuilder object is used to create a valid payload # for the Mailgun API messages endpoint. If you prefer step by step message # generation through your code, this class is for you. # # See the Github documentation for full examples. class MessageBuilder attr_reader :message, :counters # Public: Creates a new MessageBuilder object. def initialize @message = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } @counters = { recipients: { to: 0, cc: 0, bcc: 0 }, attributes: { attachment: 0, campaign_id: 0, custom_option: 0, tag: 0 } } end # Adds a specific type of recipient to the message object. # # WARNING: Setting 'h:reply-to' with add_recipient() is deprecated! Use 'reply_to' instead. # # @param [String] recipient_type The type of recipient. "to", "cc", "bcc" or "h:reply-to". # @param [String] address The email address of the recipient to add to the message object. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! # @return [void] def add_recipient(recipient_type, address, variables = nil) if recipient_type == "h:reply-to" warn 'DEPRECATION: "add_recipient("h:reply-to", ...)" is deprecated. Please use "reply_to" instead.' return reply_to(address, variables) end if (@counters[:recipients][recipient_type] || 0) >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_RECIPIENTS fail Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many recipients added to message.', address end compiled_address = parse_address(address, variables) set_multi_complex(recipient_type, compiled_address) @counters[:recipients][recipient_type] += 1 if @counters[:recipients].key?(recipient_type) end # Sets the from address for the message # # @param [String] address The address of the sender. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of the variables associated with the recipient. We recommend "first" and "last" at a minimum! # @return [void] def from(address, vars = nil) add_recipient(:from, address, vars) end # Deprecated: please use 'from' instead. def set_from_address(address, variables = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_from_address" is deprecated. Please use "from" instead.' from(address, variables) end # Set the message's Reply-To address. # # Rationale: According to RFC, only one Reply-To address is allowed, so it # is *okay* to bypass the set_multi_simple and set reply-to directly. # # @param [String] address The email address to provide as Reply-To. # @param [Hash] variables A hash of variables associated with the recipient. # @return [void] def reply_to(address, variables = nil) compiled_address = parse_address(address, variables) header("reply-to", compiled_address) end # Set a subject for the message object # # @param [String] subject The subject for the email. # @return [void] def subject(subj = nil) set_multi_simple(:subject, subj) end # Deprecated: Please use "subject" instead. def set_subject(subj = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_subject" is deprecated. Please use "subject" instead.' subject(subj) end # Set a text body for the message object # # @param [String] text_body The text body for the email. # @return [void] def body_text(text_body = nil) set_multi_simple(:text, text_body) end # Deprecated: Please use "body_text" instead. def set_text_body(text_body = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_text_body" is deprecated. Please use "body_text" instead.' body_text(text_body) end # Set a html body for the message object # # @param [String] html_body The html body for the email. # @return [void] def body_html(html_body = nil) set_multi_simple(:html, html_body) end # Deprecated: Please use "body_html" instead. def set_html_body(html_body = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_html_body" is deprecated. Please use "body_html" instead.' body_html(html_body) end # Adds a series of attachments, when called upon. # # @param [String|File] attachment A file object for attaching as an attachment. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the attachment to be. # @return [void] def add_attachment(attachment, filename = nil) add_file(:attachment, attachment, filename) end # Adds an inline image to the message object. # # @param [String|File] inline_image A file object for attaching an inline image. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the inline image to be. # @return [void] def add_inline_image(inline_image, filename = nil) add_file(:inline, inline_image, filename) end # Adds a List-Unsubscribe for the message header. # # @param [Array] *variables Any number of url or mailto # @return [void] def list_unsubscribe(*variables) set_single('h:List-Unsubscribe', { |var| "<#{var}>" }.join(',')) end # Send a message in test mode. (The message won't really be sent to the recipient) # # @param [Boolean] mode The boolean or string value (will fix itself) # @return [void] def test_mode(mode) set_multi_simple('o:testmode', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Deprecated: 'set_test_mode' is depreciated. Please use 'test_mode' instead. def set_test_mode(mode) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_test_mode" is deprecated. Please use "test_mode" instead.' test_mode(mode) end # Turn DKIM on or off per message # # @param [Boolean] mode The boolean or string value(will fix itself) # @return [void] def dkim(mode) set_multi_simple('o:dkim', bool_lookup(mode)) end # Deprecated: 'set_dkim' is deprecated. Please use 'dkim' instead. def set_dkim(mode) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_dkim" is deprecated. Please use "dkim" instead.' dkim(mode) end # Add campaign IDs to message. Limit of 3 per message. # # @param [String] campaign_id A defined campaign ID to add to the message. # @return [void] def add_campaign_id(campaign_id) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many campaigns added to message.', campaign_id) if @counters[:attributes][:campaign_id] >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_CAMPAIGN_IDS set_multi_complex('o:campaign', campaign_id) @counters[:attributes][:campaign_id] += 1 end # Add tags to message. Limit of 3 per message. # # @param [String] tag A defined campaign ID to add to the message. # @return [void] def add_tag(tag) if @counters[:attributes][:tag] >= Mailgun::Chains::MAX_TAGS fail Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Too many tags added to message.', tag end set_multi_complex('o:tag', tag) @counters[:attributes][:tag] += 1 end # Turn Open Tracking on and off, on a per message basis. # # @param [Boolean] tracking Boolean true or false. # @return [void] def track_opens(mode) value = bool_lookup(mode) set_single('o:tracking-opens', value) set_multi_simple('o:tracking', value) end # Deprecated: 'set_open_tracking' is deprecated. Please use 'track_opens' instead. def set_open_tracking(tracking) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_open_tracking" is deprecated. Please use "track_opens" instead.' track_opens(tracking) end # Turn Click Tracking on and off, on a per message basis. # # @param [String] mode True, False, or HTML (for HTML only tracking) # @return [void] def track_clicks(mode) value = bool_lookup(mode) set_single('o:tracking-clicks', value) set_multi_simple('o:tracking', value) end # Depreciated: 'set_click_tracking. is deprecated. Please use 'track_clicks' instead. def set_click_tracking(tracking) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_click_tracking" is deprecated. Please use "track_clicks" instead.' track_clicks(tracking) end # Enable Delivery delay on message. Specify an RFC2822 date, and Mailgun # will not deliver the message until that date/time. For conversion # options, see Ruby "Time". Example: "October 25, 2013 10:00PM CST" will # be converted to "Fri, 25 Oct 2013 22:00:00 -0600". # # @param [String] timestamp A date and time, including a timezone. # @return [void] def deliver_at(timestamp) time_str = DateTime.parse(timestamp) set_multi_simple('o:deliverytime', time_str.rfc2822) end # Deprecated: 'set_delivery_time' is deprecated. Please use 'deliver_at' instead. def set_delivery_time(timestamp) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_delivery_time" is deprecated. Please use "deliver_at" instead.' deliver_at timestamp end # Add custom data to the message. The data should be either a hash or JSON # encoded. The custom data will be added as a header to your message. # # @param [string] name A name for the custom data. (Ex. X-Mailgun-: {}) # @param [Hash] data Either a hash or JSON string. # @return [void] def header(name, data) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Header name for message must be specified') if name.to_s.empty? begin jsondata = make_json data set_single("h:#{name}", jsondata) rescue Mailgun::ParameterError set_single("h:#{name}", data) end end # Deprecated: 'set_custom_data' is deprecated. Please use 'header' instead. def set_custom_data(name, data) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_custom_data" is deprecated. Please use "header" instead.' header name, data end # Attaches custom JSON data to the message. See the following doc page for more info. # # # @param [String] name A name for the custom variable block. # @param [String|Hash] data Either a string or a hash. If it is not valid JSON or # can not be converted to JSON, ParameterError will be raised. # @return [void] def variable(name, data) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Variable name must be specified') if name.to_s.empty? begin jsondata = make_json data set_single("v:#{name}", jsondata) rescue Mailgun::ParameterError set_single("v:#{name}", data) end end # Add custom parameter to the message. A custom parameter is any parameter that # is not yet supported by the SDK, but available at the API. Note: No validation # is performed. Don't forget to prefix the parameter with o, h, or v. # # @param [string] name A name for the custom parameter. # @param [string] data A string of data for the parameter. # @return [void] def add_custom_parameter(name, data) set_multi_complex(name, data) end # Set the Message-Id header to a custom value. Don't forget to enclose the # Message-Id in angle brackets, and ensure the @domain is present. Doesn't # use simple or complex setters because it should not set value in an array. # # @param [string] data A string of data for the parameter. Passing nil or # empty string will delete h:Message-Id key and value from @message hash. # @return [void] def message_id(data = nil) key = 'h:Message-Id' return @message.delete(key) if data.to_s.empty? set_single(key, data) end # Deprecated: 'set_message_id' is deprecated. Use 'message_id' instead. def set_message_id(data = nil) warn 'DEPRECATION: "set_message_id" is deprecated. Please use "message_id" instead.' message_id data end # Set name of a template stored via template API. See Templates for more information # # # @param [String] tag A defined template name to use. Passing nil or # empty string will delete template key and value from @message hash. # @return [void] def template(template_name = nil) key = 'template' return @message.delete(key) if template_name.to_s.empty? set_single(key, template_name) end # Set specific template version. # # @param [String] tag A defined template name to use. Passing nil or # empty string will delete template key and value from @message hash. # @return [void] def template_version(version = nil) key = 't:version' return @message.delete(key) if version.to_s.empty? set_single(key, version) end # Turn off or on template rendering in the text part # of the message in case of template sending. # # @param [Boolean] tracking Boolean true or false. # @return [void] def template_text(mode) set_single('t:text', bool_lookup(mode)) end private # Sets a single value in the message hash where "multidict" features are not needed. # Does *not* permit duplicate params. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_single(parameter, value) @message[parameter] = value ? value : '' end # Sets values within the multidict, however, prevents # duplicate values for keys. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_multi_simple(parameter, value) @message[parameter] = value ? [value] : [''] end # Sets values within the multidict, however, allows # duplicate values for keys. # # @param [String] parameter The message object parameter name. # @param [String] value The value of the parameter. # @return [void] def set_multi_complex(parameter, value) @message[parameter] << (value || '') end # Converts boolean type to string # # @param [String] value The item to convert # @return [void] def bool_lookup(value) return 'yes' if %w(true yes yep).include? value.to_s.downcase return 'no' if %w(false no nope).include? value.to_s.downcase warn 'WARN: for bool type actions next values are preferred: true yes yep | false no nope | htmlonly' value end # Validates whether the input is JSON. # # @param [String] json_ The suspected JSON string. # @return [void] def valid_json?(json_) JSON.parse(json_) return true rescue JSON::ParserError false end # Private: given an object attempt to make it into JSON # # obj - an object. Hopefully a JSON string or Hash # # Returns a JSON object or raises ParameterError def make_json(obj) return JSON.parse(obj).to_json if obj.is_a?(String) return obj.to_json if obj.is_a?(Hash) JSON.generate(obj).to_json rescue raise Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Provided data could not be made into JSON. Try a JSON string or Hash.', obj end # Parses the address and gracefully handles any # missing parameters. The result should be something like: # "'First Last' " # # @param [String] address The email address to parse. # @param [Hash] variables A list of recipient variables. # @return [void] def parse_address(address, vars) return address unless vars.is_a? Hash fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Email address not specified') unless address.is_a? String if vars['full_name'] != nil && (vars['first'] != nil || vars['last'] != nil) fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Must specify at most one of full_name or first/last. Vars passed: #{vars}') end if vars['full_name'] full_name = vars['full_name'] elsif vars['first'] || vars['last'] full_name = "#{vars['first']} #{vars['last']}".strip end return "'#{full_name}' <#{address}>" if full_name address end # Private: Adds a file to the message. # # @param [Symbol] disposition The type of file: :attachment or :inline # @param [String|File] attachment A file object for attaching as an attachment. # @param [String] filename The filename you wish the attachment to be. # @return [void] # # Returns nothing def add_file(disposition, filedata, filename) attachment =, 'r') if filedata.is_a?(String) attachment = filedata.dup unless attachment fail(Mailgun::ParameterError, 'Unable to access attachment file object.' ) unless attachment.respond_to?(:read) if attachment.respond_to?(:path) && !attachment.respond_to?(:content_type) mime_types = MIME::Types.type_for(attachment.path) content_type = mime_types.empty? ? 'application/octet-stream' : mime_types[0].content_type attachment.instance_eval "def content_type; '#{content_type}'; end" end unless filename.nil? attachment.instance_variable_set :@original_filename, filename attachment.instance_eval 'def original_filename; @original_filename; end' end set_multi_complex(disposition, attachment) end end end