unreleased ---------- v2.3.1 ------ Fix: - Relax Ruby version constraint to allow Ruby 3.2. v2.3.0 ------ Feature: - Add configuration for setting defaults. E.g.: ```rb GraphAttack.configure do |config| # config.threshold = 15 # config.interval = 60 # config.on = :ip # config.redis_client = Redis.new end ``` v2.2.0 ------ Feature: - Skip throttling when rate limited field is nil (#19) v2.1.0 ------ Feature: - Add support to custom rate limited context key with the `on:` option. v2.0.0 ------ Breaking changes: - Drop support for GraphQL legacy schema, please use GraphQL::Ruby's class-based syntax exclusively. Feature: - Support Ruby 3. v1.2.0 ------ Feature: - New GraphAttack::RateLimit extension to be used in GraphQL::Ruby's class-based syntax. v1.1.0 ------ Feature: - Add `redis_client` option to provide a custom Redis client. v1.0.0 ------ First release!