class Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode def get_meta(key) @ast_metadata ||= {} return @ast_metadata[key] if @ast_metadata[key] return self.parent.get_meta(key) if self.parent nil end def set_meta(key, value) @ast_metadata ||= {} @ast_metadata[key] = value end def compile return "" if elements.nil? return elements.collect(&:compile).reject(&:empty?).join("") end # Traverse the syntax tree recursively. # The order should respect the order of the configuration file as it is read # and written by humans (and the order in which it is parsed). def recurse(e, depth=0, &block) r =, depth) e.elements.each { |e| recurse(e, depth + 1, &block) } if r && e.elements nil end def recursive_inject(results=[], &block) if !elements.nil? elements.each do |element| if results << element else element.recursive_inject(results, &block) end end end return results end # When Treetop parses the configuration file # it will generate a tree, the generated tree will contain # a few `Empty` nodes to represent the actual space/tab or newline in the file. # Some of theses node will point to our concrete class. # To fetch a specific types of object we need to follow each branch # and ignore the empty nodes. def recursive_select(*klasses) return recursive_inject { |e| klasses.any? {|k| e.is_a?(k)} } end def recursive_inject_parent(results=[], &block) if !parent.nil? if results << parent else parent.recursive_inject_parent(results, &block) end end return results end def recursive_select_parent(results=[], klass) return recursive_inject_parent(results) { |e| e.is_a?(klass) } end # Monkeypatch Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode's inspect method to skip # any Whitespace or SyntaxNodes with no children. def _inspect(indent="") em = extension_modules interesting_methods = methods-[em.last ? em.last.methods : nil]-self.class.instance_methods im = interesting_methods.size > 0 ? " (#{interesting_methods.join(",")})" : "" tv = text_value tv = "...#{tv[-20..-1]}" if tv.size > 20 indent + self.class.to_s.sub(/.*:/,'') +{|m| "+"+m.to_s.sub(/.*:/,'')}*"" + " offset=#{interval.first}" + ", #{tv.inspect}" + im + (elements && elements.size > 0 ? ":" + ( { |e| !e.is_a?(LogStash::Config::AST::Whitespace) && e.elements && e.elements.size > 0 }||[]).map{|e| begin "\n"+e.inspect(indent+" ") rescue # Defend against inspect not taking a parameter "\n"+indent+" "+e.inspect end }.join("") : "" ) end end