require 'action_controller' module Incline::Extensions ## # Adds some extra functionality to the base controller definition. module ActionControllerBase ## # Adds some class methods to the base action controller. module ClassMethods ## # Turn on auto API for the controller. def enable_auto_api @enable_auto_api = true end ## # Turn off auto API for the controller. def disable_auto_api @enable_auto_api = false end ## # Determines if the controller is configured for auto API. def auto_api? @enable_auto_api ||= false end ## # Enables or disables HTTP (non-SSL) for actions. # # Pass +false+ to disable HTTP for all actions(default). # Pass +true+ to enable HTTP for all actions. # Pass action names to enable HTTP for specific actions. # # With no arguments, the current setting is returned. # # allow_non_ssl false # allow_non_ssl true # allow_non_ssl :home, :about # def allow_non_ssl(*args) if args.blank? @allow_non_ssl ||= false else @allow_non_ssl = setting_value(args) end end ## # Enables anonymous access for actions. # # Pass +false+ to disable anonymous access for all actions(default). # Pass +true+ to allow anonymous access for all actions. # Pass action names to enable anonymous access for specific actions. # # With no arguments, the current setting is returned. # # allow_anon false # allow_anon true # allow_anon :home, :about # def allow_anon(*args) if args.blank? @allow_anon ||= false else @allow_anon = setting_value(args) end end ## # Enables requiring a system administrator for actions. # # Pass +false+ to allow non-system administrators access for all actions(default). # Pass +true+ to require system administrators for all actions. # Pass action names to require system administrators for specific actions. # # With no arguments, the current setting is returned. # # require_admin false # require_admin true # require_admin :new, :edit, :create, :update, :destroy # def require_admin(*args) if args.blank? @require_admin ||= false else @require_admin = setting_value(args) end end ## # Enables requiring an anonymous user for actions. # # Pass +false+ to allow logged in users access for all actions(default). # Pass +true+ to require anonymous users for all actions. # Pass action names to require anonymous for specific actions. # # With no arguments, the current setting is returned. # # require_anon false # require_anon true # require_anon :new, :edit, :create, :update, :destroy # def require_anon(*args) if args.blank? @require_anon ||= false else @require_anon = setting_value(args) end end ## # Determines if the current request can be allowed with an anonymous user. # # Overridden by require_admin_for_request? # Implied by require_anon_for_request? def allow_anon_for?(action) require_anon_for?(action) || setting_for_action(allow_anon, action) end ## # Determines if the current request requires a system administrator. # # Overrides all other access requirements. def require_admin_for?(action) setting_for_action require_admin, action end ## # Determines if the current request requires an anonymous user. # # Overridden by require_admin_for_request? # Implies allow_anon_for_request? def require_anon_for?(action) setting_for_action require_anon, action end ## # Determines if the current request can be allowed via HTTP (non-SSL). def allow_http_for?(action) setting_for_action allow_non_ssl, action end private def setting_value(args) if args.include?(false) false elsif args.include?(true) true else{|v| v.is_a?(::Symbol) ? v : v.to_s.to_sym } end end def setting_for_action(setting, action) return false unless setting if setting.is_a?(::Array) return false unless setting.include?(action.to_sym) end true end end ## # Enforces SSL and catches Incline::NotLoggedIn exceptions. def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do # Force SSL under production environments unless allow_http_for_request returns true. if Rails.env.production? force_ssl unless: :allow_http_for_request? end # Process user authorization for all actions except the GET/POST api actions. # These get to be authorized once the actual action is selected. before_action :valid_user?, except: [ :api ] undef process_action ## # Override the default to enable auto-api behavior if desired. def process_action(method_name, *args) #:nodoc: if self.class.auto_api? unless process_api_action(false, nil) super method_name, *args end else super method_name, *args end end rescue_from ::Incline::NotLoggedIn do |exception| flash[:info] = exception.message store_location redirect_to(incline.login_url) end end end ## # Renders the view as a CSV file. # # Set the +filename+ you would like to provide to the client, or leave it nil to use the action name. # Set the +view_name+ you would like to render, or leave it nil to use the action name. def render_csv(filename = nil, view_name = nil) filename ||= params[:action] view_name ||= params[:action] filename.downcase! filename += '.csv' unless filename[-4..-1] == '.csv' headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv' headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\"" render view_name, layout: false end ## # A redirects to a previously stored location or to the default location. # # Usually this will be used to return to an action after a user logs in. def redirect_back_or(default) redirect_to session[:forwarding_url] || default session.delete :forwarding_url end ## # Stores the current URL to be used with #redirect_back_or. def store_location session[:forwarding_url] = request.url if request.get? end protected ## # This method maps the requested action into the actual action performed. # # By default, the requested action is returned. If for some reason you want to use a different # action in your API, override this method in your controller and map the actions as appropriate. # # The actions you can expect to translate are 'index', 'new', 'show', and 'edit' for GET requests, and # 'create', 'update', and 'destroy' for POST requests. They will be string values or nil, they will not be # symbols. # # The default behavior causes the API to "fall through" to your standard controller methods. # # The API is accessed by either a POST or a GET request that specifies an `action` parameter. The action # gets translated to the acceptable actions listed above and then run through this method for translation. # def map_api_action(requested_action) #:doc: requested_action end ## # Authorizes access for the action. # # * With no arguments, this will validate that a user is currently logged in, but does not check their permission. # * With an argument of true, this will validate that the user currently logged in is an administrator. # * With one or more strings, this will validate that the user currently logged in has at least one or more # of the named permissions. # # authorize! # authorize! true # authorize! "Safety Manager", "HR Manager" # # If no user is logged in, then the user will be redirected to the login page and the method will return false. # If a user is logged in, but is not authorized, then the user will be redirected to the home page and the method # will return false. # If the user is authorized, the method will return true. def authorize!(*accepted_groups) #:doc: begin # an authenticated user must exist. unless logged_in? store_location if (auth_url = ::Incline::UserManager.begin_external_authentication(request)) ::Incline::Log.debug 'Redirecting for external authentication.' redirect_to auth_url return false end raise_not_logged_in "You need to login to access '#{request.fullpath}'.", 'nobody is logged in' end if system_admin? log_authorize_success 'user is system admin' else # clean up the group list. accepted_groups ||= [] accepted_groups.flatten! accepted_groups.delete false accepted_groups.delete '' if accepted_groups.include?(true) # group_list contains "true" so only a system admin may continue. raise_authorize_failure "Your are not authorized to access '#{request.fullpath}'.", 'requires system administrator' elsif accepted_groups.blank? # group_list is empty or contained nothing but empty strings and boolean false. # everyone can continue. log_authorize_success 'only requires authenticated user' else # the group list contains one or more authorized groups. # we want them to all be uppercase strings. accepted_groups ={|v| v.to_s.upcase}.sort result = current_user.has_any_group?(*accepted_groups) unless result raise_authorize_failure "You are not authorized to access '#{request.fullpath}'.", "requires one of: #{accepted_groups.inspect}" end log_authorize_success "user has #{result.inspect}" end end rescue ::Incline::NotAuthorized => err flash[:danger] = err.message redirect_to main_app.root_url return false end true end ## # Is the current request for JSON data? # # Redirects are generally bad when JSON data is requested. # For instance a `create` request in JSON format should return data, not redirect to `show`. def json_request? #:doc: request.format.to_s.downcase == 'json' end ## # Is the current request an inline request? # # JSON requests are always considered inline, otherwise we check to see if the "inline" parameter is set to a true value. # # Primarily this would be used to strip the layour from rendered content. def inline_request? json_request? || params[:inline].to_bool end ## # Determines if the current request can be allowed via HTTP (non-SSL). def allow_http_for_request? #:doc: self.class.allow_http_for? params[:action] end ## # Determines if the current request can be allowed with an anonymous user. # # Overridden by require_admin_for_request? # Implied by require_anon_for_request? def allow_anon_for_request? #:doc: self.class.allow_anon_for? params[:action] end ## # Determines if the current request requires a system administrator. # # Overrides all other access requirements. def require_admin_for_request? #:doc: self.class.require_admin_for? params[:action] end ## # Determines if the current request requires an anonymous user. # # Overridden by require_admin_for_request? # Implies allow_anon_for_request? def require_anon_for_request? #:doc: self.class.require_anon_for? params[:action] end private ## # Validates that the current user is authorized for the current request. # # This method is called for every action except the :api action. # For the :api action, this method will not be called until the actual requested action is performed. # # One of four scenarios are possible: # 1. If the +require_admin+ method applies to the current action, then a system administrator must be logged in. # 1. If a nobody is logged in, then the user will be redirected to the login url. # 2. If a system administrator is logged in, then access is granted. # 3. Non-system administrators will be redirected to the root url. # 2. If the +require_anon+ method applies to the current action, then a user cannot be logged in. # 1. If a user is logged in, a warning message is set and the user is redirected to their account. # 2. If no user is logged in, then access is granted. # 3. If the +allow_anon+ method applies to the current action, then access is granted. # 4. The action doesn't require a system administrator, but does require a valid user to be logged in. # 1. If nobody is logged in, then the user will be redirected to the login url. # 2. If a system administrator is logged in, then access is granted. # 3. If the action doesn't have any required permissions, then access is granted to any logged in user. # 4. If the action has required permissions and the logged in user shares at least one, then access is granted. # 5. Users without at least one required permission are redirected to the root url. # # Two of the scenarios are configured at design time. If you use +require_admin+ or +allow_anon+, # they cannot be changed at runtime. The idea is that anything that allows anonymous access will always allow # anonymous access during runtime and anything that requires admin access will always require admin access during # runtime. # # The third scenario is what would be used by most actions. Using the +admin+ controller, which requires admin # access, you can customize the permissions required for each available route. Using the +users+ controller, # admins can assign permissions to other users. # def valid_user? #:doc: if require_admin_for_request? authorize! true elsif require_anon_for_request? if logged_in? flash[:warning] = 'The specified action cannot be performed while logged in.' redirect_to incline.user_path(current_user) end elsif allow_anon_for_request? true else action = Incline::ActionSecurity.valid_items[self.class.controller_path, params[:action]] if action && action.groups.count > 0 authorize! action.groups.pluck(:name) else authorize! end end end def process_api_action(raise_on_invalid_action = true, default_get_action = 'index') api_action = map_api_action( if # A post request can create, update, or destroy. # In addition we allow index to post since DataTables can send quite a bit of data with server-side # processing. # The post action can be provided as a query parameter or a form parameter with the form parameter # taking priority. { nil => 'index', 'list' => 'index', 'index' => 'index', 'new' => 'create', 'create' => 'create', 'edit' => 'update', 'update' => 'update', 'remove' => 'destroy', 'destroy' => 'destroy' }[request.request_parameters.delete('action') || request.query_parameters.delete('action')] elsif request.get? # For the most part, these shouldn't be used except for maybe index and show. # The new and edit actions could be used if for some reason you need to supply data to the ajax form # calling these actions, e.g. - a list of locations. # Datatables Editor does not use any of them. # Datatables will simple be requesting the index action in JSON format. # To remain consistent though, you can use '?action=list' to perform the same feat. { 'list' => 'index', 'index' => 'index', 'new' => 'new', 'show' => 'show', 'edit' => 'edit' }[request.query_parameters.delete('action')] || default_get_action else nil end ) if api_action # Datatables Editor sends the 'data' in the 'data' parameter. # We simple want to move that up a level so `params[:data][:user][:name]` becomes `params[:user][:name]`. data = request.params.delete('data') unless data.blank? # get the first entry in the hash. id, item = data.first # if the id is in AAAAA_NNN format, then we can extract the ID from it. if id.include?('_') params[:id] = id.split('_').last.to_i end # merge the item data into the params array. params.merge! item end # since we are processing for an API request, we should return JSON. request.format = :json # finally, we'll start over on processing the stack. # This should ensure the appropriate `before_action` filters are called for the new action. process api_action else # raise an error. raise Incline::InvalidApiCall, 'Invalid API Action' if raise_on_invalid_action nil end end def raise_authorize_failure(message, log_message = nil) log_authorize_failure message, log_message raise end def raise_not_logged_in(message, log_message = nil) log_authorize_failure message, log_message raise end def log_authorize_failure(message, log_message = nil) log_message ||= message Incline::Log::info "AUTH(FAILURE): #{request.fullpath}, #{current_user}, #{log_message}" end def log_authorize_success(message) Incline::Log::info "AUTH(SUCCESS): #{request.fullpath}, #{current_user}, #{message}" end end end ActionController::Base.include Incline::Extensions::ActionControllerBase