Implements iPizza protocol to communicate with Estonian Banks. # Usage Add gem dependency in your `Gemfile` and install the gem: gem 'ipizza' ## Ruby 1.8 support Since ipizza gem version 1.0.0, Ruby 1.8 support has been dropped. If you need to use this gem with older versions of Ruby, use 0.7.1 version of this gem. # Configuration Configuration can be made in two different ways, using `Ipizza::Config.configure` block or loading configuration properties from YAML file. Loading from YAML file: Ipizza::Config.load_from_file('config.yml') Configuration values should be set in YAML file in **provider.attribute_value** format. See example YAML file below in "Configuration parameters" section. At any time, configuration can be modified with `Ipizza::Config.configure` block: Ipizza::Config.configure do |c| c.certs_root = '/path/to/certificates' c.swedbank_service_url = '' end ## Configuration parameters swedbank: service_url: return_url: cancel_url: # Your private key file path. Can be specified relatively # to YAML file file_key: ./certificates/my_private.key # If your private key is protected with password, # provide it here key_secret: private_key_password # Path to bank's public key file. Can be specified # relatively to YAML file file_cert: ./certificates/bank_public.crt snd_id: dealer encoding: ISO-8859-4 Please note that currently only ISO-8859-4 encoding is supported with Swedbank. UTF-8 works well with other payment providers. ## Payment requests ### Building request payment = :stamp => 1, :amount => '123.34', :refnum => 1, :message => 'Payment message', :currency => 'EUR' ) request = ## Authentication requests ### Building request request = ### Validating response response ={'VK_PARAM_1' => 'VALUE 1', ...}) response.valid? # Gateway specifications This library currently works with four Estonian Banks. Here are their respective interface specifications: * [Swedbank]( * [SEB]( * [Sampo]( * [Krediidipank]( * [Nordea](ärikliendile/E-lahendused/787802.html) # Helpful links * [Repository]( * [Issue tracker]( # Authors * Thanks to [all contributors](! * Tarmo Talu (Thanks for the 7-3-1 algorithm)