# = Data Sources
# Currently, Picky offers the following Sources:
# * CSV (comma – or other – separated file)
# * Couch (CouchDB, key-value store)
# * DB (Databases, foremost MySQL)
# * Delicious (http://del.icio.us, online bookmarking service)
# See also:
# http://github.com/floere/picky/wiki/Sources-Configuration
# Don't worry if your source isn't here. Adding your own is easy:
# http://github.com/floere/picky/wiki/Contributing-sources
module Sources
# Sources are where your data comes from.
# A source has 1 mandatory and 2 optional methods:
# * connect_backend (_optional_): called once for each type/category pair.
# * harvest: Used by the indexer to gather data. Yields an indexed_id (string or integer) and a string value.
# * take_snapshot (_optional_): called once for each type.
# This base class "implements" all these methods, but they don't do anything.
# Subclass this class class MySource < Base and override the methods in your source to do something.
class Base
attr_reader :key_format
# Connect to the backend.
# Called once per index/category combination before harvesting.
# Examples:
# * The DB backend connects the DB adapter.
# * We open a connection to a key value store.
# * We open an file with data.
def connect_backend
# Called by the indexer when gathering data.
# Yields the data (id, text for id) for the given category.
# When implementing or overriding your own,
# be sure to yield(id, text_for_id) (or block.call(id, text_for_id))
# for the given type symbol and category symbol.
# Note: Since harvest needs to be implemented, it has no default impementation.
# def harvest category # :yields: id, text_for_id
# end
# Used to take a snapshot of your data if it is fast changing.
# Called once for each type before harvesting.
# Example:
# * In a DB source, a table based on the source's select statement is created.
def take_snapshot index