class Joshua INSTANCE ||= 'JoshuaOpts', :action, :bearer, :development, :id, :method_opts, :opts, :params, :raw, :rack_response, :request, :response, :uid attr_reader :api class << self # here we capture member & collection metods def method_added name return if name.to_s.start_with?('_api_') return unless @method_type set @method_type, name, PARAMS.fetch_and_clear_opts alias_method "_api_#{@method_type}_#{name}", name remove_method name end # perform auto_mount from a rake call def call env request = env if request.path == '/favicon.ico' [ 200, { 'Cache-Control'=>'public; max-age=1000000' }, [Doc.misc_file('favicon.png')] ] else data = auto_mount request: request, mount_on: '/', development: ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'development' if data.is_a?(Hash) [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Cache-Control'=>'private; max-age=0' }, [data.to_json] ] else data = data.to_s [ 200, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Cache-Control'=>'public; max-age=3600' }, [data] ] end end end # ApplicationApi.auto_mount request: request, response: response, mount_on: '/api', development: true # auto mount to a root # * display doc in a root # * call methods if possible /api/v1.comapny/1/show def auto_mount request:, response: nil, mount_on: nil, bearer: nil, development: false mount_on = [request.base_url, mount_on].join('') unless mount_on.to_s.include?('//') if request.url == mount_on && request.request_method == 'GET' response.header['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' if response Doc.render request: request, bearer: bearer else response.header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if response body = body = body[0] == '{' ? JSON.parse(body) : nil # class: klass, params: params, bearer: bearer, request: request, response: response, development: development opts = {} opts[:request] = request opts[:response] = response opts[:development] = development opts[:bearer] = bearer action = if body # { # "id": 'foo', # unique ID that will be returned, as required by JSON RPC spec # "class": 'v1/users', # v1/users => V1::UsersApi # "action": 'index', # "index' or "6/info" or [6, "info"] # "token": 'ab12ef', # api_token (bearer) # "params": {} # methos params # } opts[:params] = body['params'] || {} opts[:bearer] = body['token'] if body['token'] opts[:class] = body['class'] body['action'] else opts[:params] = request.params || {} opts[:bearer] = opts[:params][:api_token] if opts[:params][:api_token] mount_on = mount_on+'/' unless mount_on.end_with?('/') path = request.url.split(mount_on, 2).last.split('?').first.to_s parts = path.split('/') opts[:class] = parts.shift parts end opts[:bearer] ||= request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'].to_s.split('Bearer ')[1] api_response = render action, **opts if api_response.is_a?(Hash) response.status = api_response[:status] if response api_response.to_h else api_response end end end def render action, opts={} return error 'Action not defined' unless action[0] api_class = if klass = opts.delete(:class) # /api/_/foo if klass == '_' if Joshua::DocSpecial.respond_to?(action.first) return Joshua::DocSpecial.send action.first.to_sym else return error 'Action %s not defined' % action.first end end klass = klass.split('/') if klass.is_a?(String) klass[klass.length-1] += '_api' begin klass.join('/').classify.constantize rescue NameError => e return error 'API class "%s" not found' % klass end else self end api = action, **opts api.execute_call end private def only_in_api_methods! raise ArgumentError, "Available only inside collection or member block for API methods." unless @method_type end def set_callback name, block name = [name, @method_type || :all].join('_').to_sym set name, [] OPTS[to_s][name].push block end end ### def initialize action, id: nil, bearer: nil, params: {}, opts: {}, request: nil, response: nil, development: false @api = if action.is_a?(Array) # unpack id and action is action is given in path form # [123, :show], @api.action = action[1] ? action : [nil, action[0]] else @api.action = action end @api.bearer = bearer ||= id @api.action = @api.action.to_sym @api.request = request @api.method_opts = self.class.opts.dig( ? :member : :collection, @api.action) || {} @api.development = !!development @api.rack_response = response @api.params = params @api.opts = opts @api.response = @api end def message data response.message data end def execute_call if !@api.development && @api.request && @api.request_method == 'GET' && !@api.method_opts[:gettable] response.error 'GET request is not allowed' else parse_api_params parse_annotations unless response.error? resolve_api_body unless response.error? end @api.raw || response.render end def resolve_api_body &block begin # execute before "in the wild" # model @api.pbject should be set here execute_callback :before_all instance_exec &block if block # if we have model defiend, we execute member otherwise collection type = ? :member : :collection execute_callback 'before_%s' % type api_method = '_api_%s_%s' % [type, @api.action] raise Joshua::Error, "Api method #{type}:#{@api.action} not found" unless respond_to?(api_method) data = send api_method data unless # after blocks execute_callback 'after_%s' % type rescue Joshua::Error => error # controlled error raised via error "message", ignore response.error error.message rescue => error Joshua.error_print error block = RESCUE_FROM[error.class] || RESCUE_FROM[:all] if block instance_exec error, &block else # uncontrolled error, should be logged # search to response[:code] 500 in after block response.error error.message response.error :class, error.class.to_s response.error :code, 500 end end # we execute generic after block in case of error or no execute_callback :after_all end def to_json execute_call.to_json end def to_h execute_call end private def parse_api_params return unless @api.method_opts[:params] parse = for name, opts in @api.method_opts[:params] # enforce required if opts[:required] && @api.params[name].to_s == '' response.error_detail name, 'Argument missing' next end begin # check and coerce value @api.params[name] = parse.check opts[:type], @api.params[name], opts rescue Joshua::Error => error # add to details if error found response.error_detail name, error.message end end end def parse_annotations for key, opts in (@api.method_opts[:annotations] || {}) instance_exec *opts, &ANNOTATIONS[key] end end def execute_callback name do |klass| if before_list = (OPTS.dig(klass, name.to_sym) || []) for before in before_list instance_exec &before end end end end def response content_type=nil if block_given? @api.raw = yield if @api.rack_response @api.rack_response.header['Content-Type'] = content_type || (@api.raw[0] == '{' ? 'application/json' : 'text/plain') end else @api.response end end def params @api.params end end