class Test::Unit::TestCase class << self attr_accessor :before_each_callbacks, :before_all_callbacks, :after_each_callbacks, :after_all_callbacks # Add logic to run before the tests (i.e., a +setup+ method) # # before do # @user = User.first # end # def before(period = :each, &block) send("before_#{period}_callbacks") << block end alias :setup :before # Add logic to run after the tests (i.e., a +teardown+ method) # # after do # User.delete_all # end # def after(period = :each, &block) send("after_#{period}_callbacks") << block end alias :teardown :after def gather_callbacks(callback_type, period) # :nodoc: callbacks = superclass.respond_to?(:gather_callbacks) ? superclass.gather_callbacks(callback_type, period) : [] callbacks.push(*send("#{callback_type}_#{period}_callbacks")) end end self.before_all_callbacks = [] self.before_each_callbacks = [] self.after_each_callbacks = [] self.after_all_callbacks = [] def self.inherited(child) # :nodoc: super child.before_all_callbacks = [] child.before_each_callbacks = [] child.after_each_callbacks = [] child.after_all_callbacks = [] child.class_eval do def setup(&block) super run_each_callbacks :before end def teardown super run_each_callbacks :after end end end def run_each_callbacks(callback_type) # :nodoc: self.class.gather_callbacks(callback_type, :each).each { |c| instance_eval(&c) if c } end def run_all_callbacks(callback_type) # :nodoc: previous_ivars = instance_variables self.class.gather_callbacks(callback_type, :all).each { |c| instance_eval(&c) if c } (instance_variables - previous_ivars).inject({}) do |hash, ivar| hash.update ivar => instance_variable_get(ivar) end end def set_values_from_callbacks(values) # :nodoc: values.each do |name, value| instance_variable_set name, value end end end