require "digest/md5" module Ginatra # Helpers used in the views usually, # but not exclusively. module Helpers # takes an email and returns a url to a secure gravatar # # @param [String] email the email address # @return [String] the url to the gravatar def gravatar_url(email) "{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email)}?s=40" end # reformats the date into a user friendly date with html entities # # @param [#strftime] date object to format nicely # @return [String] html string formatted using # +"%b %d, %Y – %H:%M"+ def nicetime(date) date.strftime("%b %d, %Y – %H:%M") end # displays the actor box easily. # # Internally, it calls the +#partial+ method # @see Sinatra::Partials#partial # # @param [Grit::Actor] actor the Grit Actor Object # @param [#to_s] role the role that the object has. # @param [#strftime] date the date that the actor acted on. # # @return [String] a string that contains the box for the actor. def actor_box(actor, role, date) partial(:actor_box, :locals => { :actor => actor, :role => role, :date => date }) end # works out what actor boxes need to be displayed. # # Will always display the committer box, and will only display # the author box if it's different to the committer # # @param [Grit::Commit] commit the commit in question # @return [String] a string representing the HTML actor boxes def actor_boxes(commit) o = actor_box(commit.committer, :committer, commit.committed_date) if != o = actor_box(, :author, commit.authored_date) + o end end # spits out a link to a certain reference. # # @param [Grit::Ref] ref grit ref object # @param [String] repo_param the url-sanitised-name for the repo # (for the link path) # # @return [String] HTML link to the given ref with class attached. def commit_ref(ref, repo_param) ref_class = ref.class.to_s.split("::")[1].to_s "#{}" end # calls +Ginatra::Helpers#commit_ref+ for each ref in the commit # # @see Ginatra::Helpers#commit_ref # # @param [Grit::Commit] commit grit commit object # @param [String] repo_param the url-sanitised-name for the repo # (for the link path) # # @return [String] HTML containing all the ref links def commit_refs(commit, repo_param){ |r| commit_ref(r, repo_param) }.join("\n") end # returns a string including the link to download a certain # tree of the repo # # @param [Grit::Tree] tree the tree you want an archive link for # @param [String] repo_param the url-sanitised-name of the repo # (for the link path) # # @return [String] the HTML link to the archive. def archive_link(tree, repo_param) "Download Archive" end # returns a string including the link to download a patch for a certain # commit to the repo # # @param [Grit::Commit] commit the commit you want a patch for # @param [String] repo_param the url-sanitised name for the repo # (for the link path) # # @return [String] the HTML link to the patch def patch_link(commit, repo_param) "Download Patch" end # returns a HTML (+
tags without any options, then modified
# more later.
# @param [String] text the text you want formatted
# @return [String] the formatted text
def simple_format(text)
text.gsub!(/ +/, " ")
text.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
text.gsub!(/\n/, "
# Cleans up the particularly volatile parts of HTML
# and replaces them with their entities. Replaces the following
# characters:
# - &
# - >
# - <
# - '
# If you are using this with #simple_format, do not forget to call
# this one first, then put in unsanitised linebreaks. The other way around
# is full of fail.
# stolen from rails: ERB::Util
# @see Ginatra::Helpers#simple_format
# @param [#to_s] clean_me the object to clean.
# @return [String] the cleaned html text.
def html_escape(clean_me)
clean_me.to_s.gsub(/[&"<>]/) do |special|
{ '&' => '&',
'>' => '>',
'<' => '<',
'"' => '"' }[special]
alias :h :html_escape
# Truncates a given text to a certain number of letters, including a special ending if needed.
# Stolen and bastardised from rails
# @param [String] text the text to truncate
# @option options [Integer] :length (30) the length you want the output string
# @option options [String] :omission ("...") the string to show an omission.
# @return [String] the truncated text.
def truncate(text, options={})
options[:length] ||= 30
options[:omission] ||= "..."
if text
l = options[:length] - options[:omission].length
chars = text
stop = options[:separator] ? (chars.rindex(options[:separator], l) || l) : l
(chars.length > options[:length] ? chars[0...stop] + options[:omission] : text).to_s
# Returns the rfc representation of a date, for use in the atom feeds.
# stolen from Marley
# @param [DateTime] datetime the date to format
# @return [String] the formatted datetime
def rfc_date(datetime)
datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # 2003-12-13T18:30:02Z
# Returns the Hostname of the given install.
# @todo Where is this used?
# stolen from Marley
# @return [String] the hostname of the server. Respects HTTP-X-Forwarded-For
def hostname
(request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] =~ /[a-z]*/) ? request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER'] : request.env['HTTP_HOST']
# Spits out a HTML link to the atom feed for a given ref of a given repo
# @param [Sting] repo_param the url-sanitised-name of a given repo
# @param [String] ref the ref to link to.
# @return [String] the HTML containing the link to the feed.
def atom_feed_link(repo_param, ref=nil)