require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) include Fathom describe NetworkBuilder do before do @network = @network.extend NetworkBuilder end # ============= # = from_hash = # ============= context "when building a network from a hash" do # =========================== # = Top-level Functionality = # =========================== it "should have a from_hash method" do @network.should respond_to(:from_hash) end it "should merge the attributes with the new hash" do @network.from_hash name: :special @network.attributes.should eql(name: :special) end it "should provide the name directly" do @network.from_hash name: :special eql(:special) end # ========================== # = Variable Serialization = # ========================== it "should convert the variables to serialized Variables" do @network.from_hash variables: [{name: :arrived}, {name: :happy}] @network.variables.all? {|p| p.is_a?(Variable)}.should be_true end it "should convert the variables to an array" do @network.from_hash variables: :temperature_at_noon) @network.variables.should be_a(Array) end # ========================== # = Property Serialization = # ========================== it "should convert the properties to serialized Properties" do @network.from_hash properties: [1, 2, 3] {|p| p.is_a?(Property)}.should be_true {|p| p.value }.should eql([1,2,3]) end it "should convert the properties to an array" do @network.from_hash properties: 1 be_a(Array) end # ====================== # = Edge Serialization = # ====================== it "should convert the edges to serialized Edges" do @network.from_hash edges: {parent: 1, child: 2} @network.edges.all? {|p| p.is_a?(Edge)}.should be_true end it "should convert the edges to an array" do @network.from_hash edges: @network.edges.should be_a(Array) end # ============================ # = Definition Serialization = # ============================ it "should convert the definitions to serialized Definitions" do @network.from_hash definitions: {for: :target, given: [:p1, :p2], table: [[0.1, 0.9], [0.3, 0.7]]} @network.definitions.all? {|p| p.is_a?(Definition)}.should be_true end it "should convert the definitions to an array" do @network.from_hash definitions: @network.definitions.should be_a(Array) end # TODO: Come back to this and deal with the recursive nature of this process: basically, initialization and from_hash share a lot of behavior, and there's a case to be made to merge these. end # when building a network from a hash end