module Spaceship class ConnectAPI module Model def self.included(base) Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Models.types ||= [] Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Models.types << base base.extend(Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Model) end attr_accessor :id def initialize(id, attributes) = id update_attributes(attributes) end def update_attributes(attributes) attributes.each do |key, value| method = "#{key}=".to_sym self.send(method, value) if self.respond_to?(method) end end # # Example: # { "minOsVersion" => "min_os_version" } # # Creates attr_write and attr_reader for :min_os_version # Creates alias for :minOsVersion to :min_os_version # def attr_mapping(attr_map) attr_map.each do |key, value| # Actual reader = value.to_sym writer = "#{value}=".to_sym has_reader = instance_methods.include?(reader) has_writer = instance_methods.include?(writer) send(:attr_reader, value) unless has_reader send(:attr_writer, value) unless has_writer # Alias key_reader = key.to_sym key_writer = "#{key}=".to_sym # Alias the API response name to attribute name alias_method(key_reader, reader) alias_method(key_writer, writer) end end def to_json(*options) do |var| [var.to_s[1..-1], instance_variable_get(var)] end.to_h.to_json(*options) end end module Models class << self attr_accessor :types attr_accessor :types_cache end def self.parse(json) data = json["data"] raise "No data" unless data included = json["included"] || [] if data.kind_of?(Hash) inflate_model(data, included) elsif data.kind_of?(Array) return do |model_data| inflate_model(model_data, included) end else raise "'data' is neither a hash nor an array" end end def self.find_class(model_data) # Initialize cache @types_cache ||= {} # Find class in cache type_string = model_data["type"] type_class = @types_cache[type_string] return type_class if type_class # Find class in array type_class = @types.find do |type| type.type == type_string end # Cache and return class @types_cache[type_string] = type_class return type_class end def self.inflate_model(model_data, included) # Find class type_class = find_class(model_data) raise "No type class found for #{model_data['type']}" unless type_class # Get id and attributes needed for inflating id = model_data["id"] attributes = model_data["attributes"] # Instantiate object and inflate relationships relationships = model_data["relationships"] || [] type_instance =, attributes) type_instance = inflate_model_relationships(type_instance, relationships, included) return type_instance end def self.inflate_model_relationships(type_instance, relationships, included) # Relationship attributes to set attributes = {} # 1. Iterate over relationships # 2. Find id and type # 3. Find matching id and type in included # 4. Inflate matching data and set in attributes relationships.each do |key, value| # Validate data exists value_data_or_datas = value["data"] next unless value_data_or_datas # Map an included data object map_data = lambda do |value_data| id = value_data["id"] type = value_data["type"] relationship_data = included.find do |included_data| id == included_data["id"] && type == included_data["type"] end inflate_model(relationship_data, included) end # Map a hash or an array of data if value_data_or_datas.kind_of?(Hash) attributes[key] = elsif value_data_or_datas.kind_of?(Array) attributes[key] = end end type_instance.update_attributes(attributes) return type_instance end end end end