- in_section :dashboard - content_for :header do %h1 Dashboard = render :partial => 'layouts/admin_messages' .row .span4 %section %h3 My Organization %p - if current_user.is_in_organization? =link_to current_user.current_organization.name, organization_path(current_user.current_organization) - else You are not in an organization yet. Ask your organization administrator to add you, or =link_to "create your own.", new_organization_path %section %h3 Recent Activity - if @recent_actions.blank? %p= t(".no-actions", :default => "When someone buys a ticket, makes a donation, or updates a record, it will be noted here. Get started by adding some new contacts to your People database.") = link_to "Add a Contact", new_person_path, :class => 'btn' - else %ul#recent-list - @recent_actions.each do |action| %li.row-fluid .span2 = image_tag "actions/#{action.action_type.downcase}.png" .span10 =link_to_person (action.person) =action.sentence .span8 %section -if @ticket_offers = render :partial => "ticket_offers/list", :locals => { :ticket_offers => @ticket_offers } %h3 Events = render :partial => 'events/list', :locals => { :events => @events } - unless @events.blank? .pull-right =icon_link_to("View All Events", events_path, 'icon-arrow-right', 'btn', '')