module CmAdmin::CmRole extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do cm_admin do actions only: [] set_icon 'fa fa-database' cm_index do page_title 'Roles & Permissions' set_display_name 'Role' filter [:name], :search, placeholder: 'Search' column :name column :created_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y' column :updated_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y' end cm_show page_title: :name do custom_action name: 'create_role_permission', route_type: 'member', verb: 'post', path: ':id/create_role_permission', display_type: :route do # allowed_params = params.permit(role_permission: []).to_h @role = CmRole.find(params[:id]) params[:role_permission].except(:submit).each do |model_name, action_arr| action_names = { |k, v| k if v.key?('is_checked') }.keys action_names << 'create' if action_names.include?('new') action_names << 'update' if action_names.include?('edit') @role.cm_permissions.where(ar_model_name: model_name).where.not(action_name: action_names).destroy_all action_arr.each do |action_name, selected_option| if selected_option.has_key?('is_checked') permission = @role.cm_permissions.where(action_name:, ar_model_name: model_name).first_or_create permission.update(scope_name: selected_option['scope_name']) end end end @role end tab :profile, '' do cm_show_section 'Role details' do field :name field :created_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y' field :updated_at, field_type: :date, format: '%d %b, %Y' end end tab :permissions, 'permissions', layout_type: 'cm_association_show', partial: '/cm_admin/roles/permissions' end cm_new page_title: 'Add Role', page_description: 'Enter all details to add role' do cm_section 'Details' do form_field :name, input_type: :string end end cm_edit page_title: 'Edit Role', page_description: 'Enter all details to edit role' do cm_section 'Details' do form_field :name, input_type: :string end end end end end