# rspec-openapi ![test](https://github.com/k0kubun/rspec-openapi/workflows/test/badge.svg) Generate OpenAPI schema from RSpec request specs. ## What's this? There are some gems which generate OpenAPI specs from RSpec request specs. However, they require a special DSL specific to these gems, and we can't reuse existing request specs as they are. Unlike such [existing gems](#links), rspec-openapi can generate OpenAPI specs from request specs without requiring any special DSL. Furthermore, rspec-openapi keeps manual modifications when it merges automated changes to OpenAPI specs in case we can't generate everything from request specs. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'rspec-openapi', group: :test ``` ## Usage Run rspec with OPENAPI=1 to generate `doc/openapi.yaml` for your request specs. ```bash $ OPENAPI=1 bundle exec rspec ``` ### Example Let's say you have [a request spec](./spec/requests/rails/tables_spec.rb) like this: ```rb RSpec.describe 'Tables', type: :request do describe '#index' do it 'returns a list of tables' do get '/tables', params: { page: '1', per: '10' }, headers: { authorization: 'k0kubun' } expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it 'does not return tables if unauthorized' do get '/tables' expect(response.status).to eq(401) end end # ... end ``` If you run the spec with `OPENAPI=1`, ``` OPENAPI=1 rspec spec/requests/tables_spec.rb ``` It will generate [`doc/openapi.yaml` file](./spec/rails/doc/openapi.yaml) like: ```yml openapi: 3.0.3 info: title: rspec-openapi paths: "/tables": get: summary: index tags: - Table parameters: - name: page in: query schema: type: integer example: 1 - name: per in: query schema: type: integer example: 10 responses: '200': description: returns a list of tables content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: integer name: type: string # ... ``` and the schema file can be used as an input of [Swagger UI](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui) or [Redoc](https://github.com/Redocly/redoc). ![Redoc example](./spec/rails/doc/screenshot.png) ### Configuration The following configurations are optional. ```rb require 'rspec/openapi' # Change the path to generate schema from `doc/openapi.yaml` RSpec::OpenAPI.path = 'doc/schema.yaml' # Change the output type to JSON RSpec::OpenAPI.path = 'doc/schema.json' # Or generate multiple partial schema files, given an RSpec example RSpec::OpenAPI.path = -> (example) { case example.file_path when %r[spec/requests/api/v1/] then 'doc/openapi/v1.yaml' when %r[spec/requests/api/v2/] then 'doc/openapi/v2.yaml' else 'doc/openapi.yaml' end } # Disable generating `example` RSpec::OpenAPI.enable_example = false # Change `info.version` RSpec::OpenAPI.application_version = '1.0.0' # Set the info header details RSpec::OpenAPI.info = { description: 'My beautiful API', license: { 'name': 'Apache 2.0', 'url': 'https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html' } } # Set `headers` - generate parameters with headers for a request RSpec::OpenAPI.request_headers = %w[X-Authorization-Token] # Set `server_urls` - generate servers of a schema file RSpec::OpenAPI.server_urls = %w[ http://localhost:3000 ] # Generate a comment on top of a schema file RSpec::OpenAPI.comment = <<~EOS This file is auto-generated by rspec-openapi https://github.com/k0kubun/rspec-openapi When you write a spec in spec/requests, running the spec with `OPENAPI=1 rspec` will update this file automatically. You can also manually edit this file. EOS # Generate a custom description, given an RSpec example RSpec::OpenAPI.description_builder = -> (example) { example.description } # Change the example type(s) that will generate schema RSpec::OpenAPI.example_types = %i[request] ``` ### How can I add information which can't be generated from RSpec? rspec-openapi tries to keep manual modifications as much as possible when generating specs. You can directly edit `doc/openapi.yaml` as you like without spoiling the automatic generation capability. ### Can I exclude specific specs from OpenAPI generation? Yes, you can specify `openapi: false` to disable the automatic generation. ```rb RSpec.describe '/resources', type: :request, openapi: false do # ... end # or RSpec.describe '/resources', type: :request do it 'returns a resource', openapi: false do # ... end end ``` ## Customizations Some examples' attributes can be overwritten via RSpec metadata options. Example: ```rb describe 'GET /api/v1/posts', openapi: { summary: 'list all posts', description: 'list all posts ordered by pub_date', tags: %w[v1 posts], } do # ... end ``` **NOTE**: `description` key will override also the one provided by `RSpec::OpenAPI.description_builder` method. ## Links Existing RSpec plugins which have OpenAPI integration: * [zipmark/rspec\_api\_documentation](https://github.com/zipmark/rspec_api_documentation) * [rswag/rswag](https://github.com/rswag/rswag) * [drewish/rspec-rails-swagger](https://github.com/drewish/rspec-rails-swagger) ## Acknowledgements This gem was heavily inspired by the following gem: * [r7kamura/autodoc](https://github.com/r7kamura/autodoc) ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).