#text-button.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_button') %p Displays an element as a bold link, underlined on hover. Primarily used for styling secondary actions, like "Cancel" next to a "Submit" action. %p should work with button[type=button] elements: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Text Button', class: 'text-button', type: 'button' %p should support an icon .style-guide__example-block = button_tag class: 'text-button', type: 'button' do Text Button = inline_svg('workarea/core/icon.svg', class: 'text-button__icon') %p should work with button[type=submit] elements: .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Text Button', class: 'text-button', type: 'submit' %p should work with input[type=submit] elements: .style-guide__example-block = submit_tag 'Text Button', class: 'text-button' %p should work with a elements: .style-guide__example-block = link_to 'Text Button', '#', class: 'text-button' %p should style non-interactive elements wrapped in an a element: .style-guide__example-block = link_to '#' do %span.text-button Span Text Button #text-button--create.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_button__create') %p should change the color of the component .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Text Button', class: 'text-button text-button--create', type: 'button' .style-guide__example-block = button_tag class: 'text-button text-button--create', type: 'button' do Text Button = inline_svg('workarea/core/icon.svg', class: 'text-button__icon') #text-button--destroy.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_button__destroy') %p should change the color of the component .style-guide__example-block = button_tag 'Text Button', class: 'text-button text-button--destroy', type: 'button' .style-guide__example-block = button_tag class: 'text-button text-button--destroy', type: 'button' do Text Button = inline_svg('workarea/core/icon.svg', class: 'text-button__icon')