require 'spec_helper' describe SlackLogDevice do let(:device) { } let(:options) { { username: 'MyApp', webhook_url: '' } } before :each do allow(HTTParty).to receive(:post) end it 'is not a LogDevice instance' do expect(device).not_to be_a(Logger::LogDevice) end describe '.formatter' do it 'returns a SlackLogDevice::Formatter' do expect(SlackLogDevice.formatter).to be_a(SlackLogDevice::Formatter) end it 'block is given to formatter constructor' do formatter = SlackLogDevice.formatter { |message| message.reverse } expect('DEBUG',, ' ', 'Hello World')).to eq("*`DEBUG`*: dlroW olleH") end it 'options are forwarded to formatter constructor' do formatter = SlackLogDevice.formatter(extra_metadata: { 'bar' => 'foo' }) expect(formatter.extra_metadata).to eq({ 'bar' => 'foo' }) end end describe '#auto_flush?' do it 'is false by default' do options.delete(:auto_flush) expect(device).not_to be_auto_flush end it 'can be set to true' do options[:auto_flush] = true expect(device).to be_auto_flush end end describe '#close' do it 'does nothing' do expect { device.close }.not_to raise_error end end describe '#channel' do it 'is null by default' do options.delete(:channel) expect( be_nil end it 'is nil if blank' do options[:channel] = " \n" expect( be_nil end it 'can be set' do expect { = '#foo-bar_42abc' }.to change { }.from(nil).to('#foo-bar_42abc') end it 'raise an error if it contains spaces' do expect { = '#foo bar' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid channel specified: "#foo bar", it must start with # or @ and be in lower case with no spaces or special chars and its length must not exceed 22 chars') end it 'raise an error if it contains more than 22 chars (including #)' do expect { = "##{'a' * 22}" }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) = "##{'a' * 21}" # ok end it 'raise an error if it contains upper case letters' do expect { = '#Foo' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error if it contains special chars' do expect { = '#f{oo' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raise an error if it does not start with a # or @' do expect { = 'foo' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) = '#foo' # ok = '@foo' # ok end it 'raise an error if it only contains prefix' do expect { = '#' }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '#flush' do it 'sends a post to webhook URL with given given message and specified username' do device.write('BAM!') expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with(options[:webhook_url], body: { 'text' => 'BAM!', 'username' => options[:username] }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, timeout: 5) device.flush end it 'does not send username if nil' do options.delete(:username) device.write('BAM!') expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with(options[:webhook_url], body: { 'text' => 'BAM!' }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, timeout: 5) device.flush end it 'use specified channel' do options[:channel] = '#foo' device.write('BAM!') expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with(options[:webhook_url], body: { 'text' => 'BAM!', 'channel' => '#foo', 'username' => options[:username] }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, timeout: 5) device.flush end it 'use specified timeout' do options[:timeout] = 12 device.write('BAM!') expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with(options[:webhook_url], body: { 'text' => 'BAM!', 'username' => options[:username] }.to_json, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, timeout: 12) device.flush end it 'flushes all message writen separated by a new line' do device.write('BAM!') device.write('BIM!') expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).twice device.flush end it 'returns nil' do device.write('BIM!') expect(device.flush).to be_nil end it 'clears buffer' do device.write('BAM!') device.write('BIM!') expect { device.flush }.to change { device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer) }.to([]) expect(HTTParty).not_to receive(:post) device.flush end end describe '#flush?' do it 'is true if max_buffer_size is reached' do options[:max_buffer_size] = 2 device.write('hello') device.write('world') expect { device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer).send(:<<, 'foo') }.to change { device.flush? }.from(false).to(true) end it 'is true if auto_flush option is present' do expect { device.auto_flush = true }.to change { device.flush? }.from(false).to(true) end it 'is true if flush delay is 0' do expect { device.flush_delay = 0 }.to change { device.flush? }.from(false).to(true) end end describe '#flush_delay' do it 'is 1 by default' do expect(device.flush_delay).to eq(1) end it 'can be specified' do options[:flush_delay] = 10 expect(device.flush_delay).to be(10) end it 'raise an error if invalid' do options[:flush_delay] = 'foo' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid flush delay: "foo"') end it 'raise an error if negative' do options[:flush_delay] = -1 expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid flush delay: -1') end it 'can be zero' do options[:flush_delay] = 0 expect(device.flush_delay).to be(0) end it 'raise an error if blank' do options[:flush_delay] = ' ' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid flush delay: " "') end it 'raise an error if set as nil' do expect { device.flush_delay = nil }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid flush delay: nil') end it 'can be specified as string' do options[:flush_delay] = '42' expect(device.flush_delay).to eq(42) end it 'can be set' do expect { device.flush_delay = 15 }.to change { device.flush_delay }.from(1).to(15) end end describe '#initialize' do it 'raise an error if an invalid option is given' do expect { 'bar') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Unknown key: :foo. Valid keys are: :auto_flush, :channel, :flush_delay, :max_buffer_size, :timeout, :username, :webhook_url") end it 'raise an error if webhook option is not given' do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Webhook URL must be specified') end end describe '#max_buffer_size' do it 'is 10 by default' do expect(device.max_buffer_size).to eq(10) end it 'can be specified' do options[:max_buffer_size] = 42 expect(device.max_buffer_size).to be(42) end it 'raise an error if invalid' do options[:max_buffer_size] = 'foo' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid max buffer size: "foo"') end it 'raise an error if negative' do options[:max_buffer_size] = -1 expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid max buffer size: -1') end it 'can be zero' do options[:max_buffer_size] = 0 expect(device.max_buffer_size).to be_zero end it 'raise an error if blank' do options[:max_buffer_size] = ' ' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid max buffer size: " "') end it 'raise an error if set as nil' do expect { device.max_buffer_size = nil }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid max buffer size: nil') end it 'can be specified as string' do options[:max_buffer_size] = '42' expect(device.max_buffer_size).to eq(42) end it 'can be set' do expect { device.max_buffer_size = 42 }.to change { device.max_buffer_size }.from(10).to(42) end end describe '#timeout' do it 'is 5 by default' do expect(device.timeout).to eq(5) end it 'can be specified' do options[:timeout] = 10 expect(device.timeout).to be(10) end it 'raise an error if invalid' do options[:timeout] = 'foo' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid timeout: "foo"') end it 'raise an error if negative' do options[:timeout] = -1 expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid timeout: -1') end it 'raise an error if zero' do options[:timeout] = 0 expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid timeout: 0') end it 'raise an error if blank' do options[:timeout] = ' ' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid timeout: " "') end it 'raise an error if set as nil' do expect { device.timeout = nil }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid timeout: nil') end it 'can be specified as string' do options[:timeout] = '42' expect(device.timeout).to eq(42) end it 'can be set' do expect { device.timeout = 15 }.to change { device.timeout }.from(5).to(15) end end describe '#username' do it 'is username set at initialization' do expect(device.username).to eq('MyApp') end it 'is nil if not specified' do device = expect(device.username).to be_nil end it 'is squished' do options[:username] = "John Doe\n " expect(device.username).to eq('John Doe') end it 'is nil if blank' do options[:username] = " \n" expect(device.username).to be_nil end it 'can be set' do expect { device.username = 'John Doe' }.to change { device.username }.from(options[:username]).to('John Doe') end end describe '#webhook_url' do it 'is webhook_url set at initialization' do expect(device.webhook_url).to eq('') end it 'raise an error if invalid' do options[:webhook_url] = 'foo' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid webhook URL: "foo"') end it 'can be an HTTP URL' do options[:webhook_url] = '' expect(device.webhook_url).to eq('') end it 'can be an HTTPs URL' do options[:webhook_url] = '' expect(device.webhook_url).to eq('') end it 'raise an error if not an HTTP(s) url' do options[:webhook_url] = '' expect { device }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Invalid webhook URL: ""') end it 'can be set' do expect { device.webhook_url = '' }.to change { device.webhook_url }.from(options[:webhook_url]).to('') end end describe '#write' do it 'returns nil' do expect(device.write('BAM!')).to be_nil end it 'strips message' do device.write(" BAM !\n") expect(device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer)).to eq(['BAM !']) end it 'converts message to string' do device.write(42) expect(device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer)).to eq(['42']) end it 'adds given string to existing buffer with a two \n' do device.write('BAM!') expect { device.write('BIM!') }.to change { device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer) }.from(['BAM!']).to(['BAM!', 'BIM!']) end it 'does nothing if message is blank' do expect(HTTParty).not_to receive(:post) expect { expect(device.write(" \n")).to be_nil }.not_to change { device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer) } end it 'does nothing if message is nil' do expect(HTTParty).not_to receive(:post) expect(device.write(nil)).to be_nil expect(device.instance_variable_get(:@buffer)).to eq([]) end it 'does not post HTTP message if auto flush is false' do expect(HTTParty).not_to receive(:post) device.write('BAM!') end end describe Logger, 'with slack log device' do let(:logger) { { |logger| logger.level = Logger::INFO } } it 'does nothing if log level is lower than specified one' do expect(HTTParty).not_to receive(:post) logger.debug('BIM!') device.flush end it 'send HTTP request if log level is equal to specified one' do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post)'BIM!') device.flush end it 'send HTTP request if log level is higher to specified one' do expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post) logger.warn('BIM!') device.flush end describe '#close' do it 'does not raise any error' do expect { logger.close }.not_to raise_error end end describe '@logdev' do let(:logdev) { logger.instance_variable_get(:@logdev) } it 'is a LogDevice instance' do expect(logdev).to be_a(Logger::LogDevice) end describe '#dev' do let(:dev) { } it 'is SlackLogDevice instance' do expect(dev).to be(device) end end describe '#filename' do it 'is nil' do expect(logdev.filename).to be_nil end end end end end