require 'nokogiri' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # Public: This gateway allows you to interact with any gateway you've # created in Spreedly ( It's an adapter which can be # particularly useful if you already have code interacting with # ActiveMerchant and want to easily take advantage of Spreedly's vault. class SpreedlyCoreGateway < Gateway self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w(AD AE AT AU BD BE BG BN CA CH CY CZ DE DK EE EG ES FI FR GB GI GR HK HU ID IE IL IM IN IS IT JO KW LB LI LK LT LU LV MC MT MU MV MX MY NL NO NZ OM PH PL PT QA RO SA SE SG SI SK SM TR TT UM US VA VN ZA) self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :discover] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Spreedly' self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'USD' # Public: Create a new Spreedly gateway. # # options - A hash of options: # :login - The environment key. # :password - The access secret. # :gateway_token - The token of the gateway you've created in # Spreedly. def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password, :gateway_token) super end # Public: Run a purchase transaction. # # money - The monetary amount of the transaction in cents. # payment_method - The CreditCard or the Spreedly payment method token. # options - A hash of options: # :store - Retain the payment method if the purchase # succeeds. Defaults to false. (optional) def purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) if payment_method.is_a?(String) purchase_with_token(money, payment_method, options) else do |r| r.process { save_card(false, payment_method, options) } r.process { purchase_with_token(money, r.authorization, options) } end end end # Public: Run an authorize transaction. # # money - The monetary amount of the transaction in cents. # payment_method - The CreditCard or the Spreedly payment method token. # options - A hash of options: # :store - Retain the payment method if the authorize # succeeds. Defaults to false. (optional) def authorize(money, payment_method, options = {}) if payment_method.is_a?(String) authorize_with_token(money, payment_method, options) else do |r| r.process { save_card(false, payment_method, options) } r.process { authorize_with_token(money, r.authorization, options) } end end end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) request = build_xml_request('transaction') do |doc| add_invoice(doc, money, options) end commit("transactions/#{authorization}/capture.xml", request) end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) request = build_xml_request('transaction') do |doc| add_invoice(doc, money, options) end commit("transactions/#{authorization}/credit.xml", request) end def void(authorization, options={}) commit("transactions/#{authorization}/void.xml", '') end # Public: Store a credit card in the Spreedly vault and retain it. # # credit_card - The CreditCard to store # options - A standard ActiveMerchant options hash def store(credit_card, options={}) retain = (options.has_key?(:retain) ? options[:retain] : true) save_card(retain, credit_card, options) end # Public: Redact the CreditCard in Spreedly. This wipes the sensitive # payment information from the card. # # credit_card - The CreditCard to store # options - A standard ActiveMerchant options hash def unstore(authorization, options={}) commit("payment_methods/#{authorization}/redact.xml", '', :put) end private def save_card(retain, credit_card, options) request = build_xml_request('payment_method') do |doc| add_credit_card(doc, credit_card, options) add_extra_options(:data, doc, options) doc.retained(true) if retain end commit("payment_methods.xml", request, :post, :payment_method_token) end def purchase_with_token(money, payment_method_token, options) request = auth_purchase_request(money, payment_method_token, options) commit("gateways/#{options[:gateway_token] || @options[:gateway_token]}/purchase.xml", request) end def authorize_with_token(money, payment_method_token, options) request = auth_purchase_request(money, payment_method_token, options) commit("gateways/#{@options[:gateway_token]}/authorize.xml", request) end def auth_purchase_request(money, payment_method_token, options) build_xml_request('transaction') do |doc| add_invoice(doc, money, options) doc.ip(options[:ip]) add_extra_options(:gateway_specific_fields, doc, options) doc.payment_method_token(payment_method_token) doc.retain_on_success(true) if options[:store] end end def add_invoice(doc, money, options) doc.amount amount(money) doc.currency_code(options[:currency] || currency(money) || default_currency) doc.order_id(options[:order_id]) doc.description(options[:description]) end def add_credit_card(doc, credit_card, options) doc.credit_card do doc.number(credit_card.number) doc.verification_value(credit_card.verification_value) doc.first_name(credit_card.first_name) doc.last_name(credit_card.last_name) doc.month(credit_card.month) doc.year(credit_card.year)[:email]) doc.address1(options[:billing_address].try(:[], :address1)) doc.address2(options[:billing_address].try(:[], :address2))[:billing_address].try(:[], :city)) doc.state(options[:billing_address].try(:[], :state))[:billing_address].try(:[], :zip))[:billing_address].try(:[], :country)) end end def add_extra_options(type, doc, options) doc.send(type) do extra_options_to_doc(doc, options[type]) end end def extra_options_to_doc(doc, value) return doc.text value unless value.kind_of? Hash value.each do |k, v| doc.send(k) do extra_options_to_doc(doc, v) end end end def parse(xml) response = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(xml) doc.root.xpath('*').each do |node| if (node.elements.empty?) response[] = node.text else node.elements.each do |childnode| childnode_to_response(response, node, childnode) end end end response end def childnode_to_response(response, node, childnode) name = "#{}_#{}" if name == 'payment_method_data' && !childnode.elements.empty? response[name.to_sym] = Hash.from_xml(childnode.to_s).values.first else response[name.to_sym] = childnode.text end end def build_xml_request(root) builder = builder.__send__(root) do |doc| yield(doc) end builder.to_xml end def commit(relative_url, request, method = :post, authorization_field = :token) begin raw_response = ssl_request(method, "#{live_url}/#{relative_url}", request, headers) rescue ResponseError => e raw_response = e.response.body end response_from(raw_response, authorization_field) end def response_from(raw_response, authorization_field) parsed = parse(raw_response) options = { :authorization => parsed[authorization_field], :test => (parsed[:on_test_gateway] == 'true'), :avs_result => { :code => parsed[:response_avs_code] }, :cvv_result => parsed[:response_cvv_code] }[:succeeded] == 'true', parsed[:message] || parsed[:error], parsed, options) end def headers { 'Authorization' => ('Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64("#{@options[:login]}:#{@options[:password]}").chomp), 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml' } end end end end