include('uki.js'); /** * Geometry * * @namespace */ uki.geometry = {}; /** * Point with x and y properties * * @author voloko * @name uki.geometry.Point * @constructor * * @param {Integer=} x defaults to 0 * @param {Integer=} y defaults to 0 */ var Point = uki.geometry.Point = function(x, y) { this.x = x*1.0 || 0.0; this.y = y*1.0 || 0.0; }; Point.prototype = /** @lends uki.geometry.Point.prototype */ { /** * Converts to "100 50" string * * @this {uki.geometry.Point} * @return {string} */ toString: function() { return this.x + ' ' + this.y; }, /** * Creates a new Point with the same properties * * @this {uki.geometry.Point} * @return {uki.geometry.Point} */ clone: function() { return new Point(this.x, this.y); }, /** * Checks if this equals to another Point * * @param {uki.geometry.Point} point Point to compare with * @this {uki.geometry.Point} * @return {boolean} */ eq: function(point) { return this.x == point.x && this.y == point.y; }, /** * Moves point by x, y * * @this {uki.geometry.Point} * @return {uki.geometry.Point} self */ offset: function(x, y) { if (typeof x == 'object') { y = x.y; x = x.x; } this.x += x; this.y += y; return this; }, constructor: Point }; /** * Creates point from "x y" string * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Point * @name fromString * @function * * @param {string} string String representation of point * * @returns {uki.geometry.Point} created point */ Point.fromString = function(string) { var parts = string.split(/\s+/); return new Point( parts[0], parts[1] ); }; /** * Size with width and height properties * * @param {number=} width defaults to 0 * @param {number=} height defaults to 0 * @name uki.geometry.Size * @constructor */ var Size = uki.geometry.Size = function(width, height) { this.width = width*1.0 || 0.0; this.height = height*1.0 || 0.0; }; Size.prototype = /** @lends uki.geometry.Size.prototype */ { /** * Converts size to "300 100" string * * @this {uki.geometry.Size} * @return {string} */ toString: function() { return this.width + ' ' + this.height; }, /** * Creates a new Size with same properties * * @this {uki.geometry.Size} * @return {uki.geometry.Size} new Size */ clone: function() { return new Size(this.width, this.height); }, /** * Checks if this equals to another Size * * @param {uki.geometry.Size} size Size to compare with * @this {uki.geometry.Size} * @return {boolean} */ eq: function(size) { return this.width == size.width && this.height == size.height; }, /** * Checks if this size has non-positive width or height * * @this {uki.geometry.Size} * @return {boolean} */ empty: function() { return this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0; }, constructor: Size }; /** * Creates size from "width height" string * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Size * @name fromString * @function * * @param {string} string String representation of size * * @returns {uki.geometry.Size} created size */ Size.fromString = function(string) { var parts = string.split(/\s+/); return new Size( parts[0], parts[1] ); }; /** * Creates size from different representations * - if no params given returns null * - if uki.geometry.Size given returns it * - if "200 300" string converts it to size * - if two params given creates size from them * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Size * @name create * @function * * @param {...string|number|uki.geometry.Size} var_args Size representation * * @returns {uki.geometry.Size} created size */ Size.create = function(a1, a2) { if (a1 === undefined) return null; if (a1.width !== undefined) return a1; if (/\S+\s+\S+/.test(a1 + '')) return Size.fromString(a1, a2); return new Size(a1, a2); }; /** * Rectangle with x, y, width and height properties * May be used as uki.geometry.Point or uki.geometry.Size * - if 4 arguments given creates size with x,y,width,height set to the given arguments * - if 2 number arguments given creates size with x = y = 0 and width and height set * set to the given arguments * - if a Point and a Size given creates rect with point as an origin and given size * * @param {...number|uki.geometry.Point|uki.geometry.Size} var_args * @name uki.geometry.Rect * @augments uki.geometry.Size * @augments uki.geometry.Point * @constructor */ var Rect = uki.geometry.Rect = function(a1, a2, a3, a4) { if (a3 !== undefined) { this.x = a1*1.0 || 0.0; this.y = a2*1.0 || 0.0; this.width = a3*1.0 || 0.0; this.height = a4*1.0 || 0.0; } else if (a1 === undefined || a1.x === undefined) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.width = a1*1.0 || 0.0; this.height = a2*1.0 || 0.0; } else { this.x = a1 ? a1.x*1.0 : 0; this.y = a1 ? a1.y*1.0 : 0; this.width = a2 ? a2.width*1.0 : 0; this.height = a2 ? a2.height*1.0 : 0; } }; Rect.prototype = /** @lends uki.geometry.Rect.prototype */ { /** * Converts Rect to "x y width height" string * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {string} */ toString: function() { return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height].join(' '); }, /** * Converts Rect to "x y maxX maxY" string * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {string} */ toCoordsString: function() { return [this.x, this.y, this.maxX(), this.maxY()].join(' '); }, /** * Creates a new Rect with same properties * * @this {uki.geometry.Size} * @return {uki.geometry.Size} new Size */ clone: function() { return new Rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); }, /** * Equals to .x * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ minX: function() { return this.x; }, /** * Equals to x + width * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ maxX: function() { return this.x + this.width; }, /** * Point between minX and maxX * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ midX: function() { return this.x + this.width / 2.0; }, /** * Equals to .y * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ minY: function() { return this.y; }, /** * Point between minY and maxY * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ midY: function() { return this.y + this.height / 2.0; }, /** * Equals to y + height * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {number} */ maxY: function() { return this.y + this.height; }, /** * Moves origin to 0,0 point * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {uki.geometry.Point} self */ normalize: function() { this.x = this.y = 0; return this; }, /** * Checks if this rect has non-positive width or height * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @function * @return {boolean} */ empty: Size.prototype.empty, /** * Checks if this equals to another Rect * * @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect Rect to compare with * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @return {boolean} */ eq: function(rect) { return rect && this.x == rect.x && this.y == rect.y && this.height == rect.height && this.width == rect.width; }, /** * Insets size with dx and dy * * @param {number} dx * @param {number} dy * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} sefl */ inset: function(dx, dy) { this.x += dx; this.y += dy; this.width -= dx*2.0; this.height -= dy*2.0; return this; }, /** * Moves origin point by x, y * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @function * @return {uki.geometry.Rect} self */ offset: Point.prototype.offset, /** * Intersects this with given rect * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect Rect to intersect with * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} intersection */ intersection: function(rect) { var origin = new Point( MAX(this.x, rect.x), MAX(this.y, rect.y) ), size = new Size( MIN(this.maxX(), rect.maxX()) - origin.x, MIN(this.maxY(), rect.maxY()) - origin.y ); return size.empty() ? new Rect() : new Rect(origin, size); }, /** * Union rect of this and given rect * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} union */ union: function(rect) { return Rect.fromCoords( MIN(this.x, rect.x), MIN(this.y, rect.y), MAX(this.maxX(), rect.maxX()), MAX(this.maxY(), rect.maxY()) ); }, /** * Checks if point is within this * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @param {uki.geometry.Point} point * @returns {boolean} */ containsPoint: function(point) { return point.x >= this.minX() && point.x <= this.maxX() && point.y >= this.minY() && point.y <= this.maxY(); }, /** * Checks if this contains given rect * * @this {uki.geometry.Rect} * @param {uki.geometry.Rect} rect * @returns {boolean} */ containsRect: function(rect) { return this.eq(this.union(rect)); }, constructor: Rect }; Rect.prototype.left = Rect.prototype.minX; = Rect.prototype.minY; /** * Creates Rect from minX, minY, maxX, maxY * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Rect * @name fromCoords * @function * * @param {number} minX * @param {number} maxX * @param {number} minY * @param {number} maxY * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} */ Rect.fromCoords = function(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) { if (maxX === undefined) { return new Rect( minX.x, minX.y, minY.x - minX.x, minY.y - minX.y ); } return new Rect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); }; /** * Creates Rect from "minX minY maxX maxY" string * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Rect * @name fromCoordsString * @function * * @param {string} string * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} */ Rect.fromCoordsString = function(string) { var parts = string.split(/\s+/); return Rect.fromCoords( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] ) ; }; /** * Creates Rect from "x y width height" or "width height" string * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Rect * @name fromString * @function * * @param {string} string * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} */ Rect.fromString = function(string) { var parts = string.split(/\s+/); if (parts.length > 2) return new Rect( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] ); return new Rect( parts[0], parts[1] ) ; }; /** * Creates rect from different representations * - if no params given returns null * - if uki.geometry.Rect given returns it * - if "200 300" or "0 10 200 300" string converts it to rect * - if two or four params given creates rect from them * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Rect * @name creates * @function * * @param {...string|number|uki.geometry.Rect} var_args Rect representation * * @returns {uki.geometry.Rect} created size */ Rect.create = function(a1, a2, a3, a4) { if (a1 === undefined) return null; if (a1.x !== undefined) return a1; if (/\S+\s+\S+/.test(a1 + '')) return Rect.fromString(a1, a2); if (a3 === undefined) return new Rect(a1, a2); return new Rect(a1, a2, a3, a4); }; /** * Inset with top, right, bottom and left properties * - if no params given top = right = bottom = left = 0 * - if two params given top = bottom and right = left * * @param {number=} top * @param {number=} right * @param {number=} bottom * @param {number=} left * * @name uki.geometry.Inset * @constructor */ var Inset = uki.geometry.Inset = function(top, right, bottom, left) { = top*1.0 || 0; this.right = right*1.0 || 0; this.bottom = bottom === undefined ?*1.0 : bottom*1.0; this.left = left === undefined ? this.right*1.0 : left*1.0; }; Inset.prototype = /** @lends uki.geometry.Inset.prototype */ { /** * Converts Inset to "top right bottom left" string * * @returns {string} */ toString: function() { return [, this.right, this.bottom, this.left].join(' '); }, /** * Creates a new Inset with same properties * * @this {uki.geometry.Inset} * @return {uki.geometry.Inset} new Inset */ clone: function() { return new Inset(, this.right, this.bottom, this.left); }, /** * left + right * * @this {uki.geometry.Inset} * @return {number} */ width: function() { return this.left + this.right; }, /** * top + bottom * * @this {uki.geometry.Inset} * @return {number} */ height: function() { return + this.bottom; }, /** * True if any property < 0 * * @this {uki.geometry.Inset} * @return {boolean} */ negative: function() { return < 0 || this.left < 0 || this.right < 0 || this.bottom < 0; }, /** * True if all properties = 0 * * @this {uki.geometry.Inset} * @return {boolean} */ empty: function() { return ! && !this.left && !this.right && !this.bottom; } }; /** * Creates Rect from "top right bottom left" or "top right" string * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Inset * @name fromString * @function * * @param {string} string * @returns {uki.geometry.Inset} */ Inset.fromString = function(string) { var parts = string.split(/\s+/); if (parts.length < 3) parts[2] = parts[0]; if (parts.length < 4) parts[3] = parts[1]; return new Inset( parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], parts[3] ); }; /** * Creates rect from different representations * - if no params given returns null * - if uki.geometry.Inset given returns it * - if "200 300" or "0 10 200 300" string converts it to inset * - if two or four params given creates inset from them * * @memberOf uki.geometry.Inset * @name create * @function * * @param {...string|number|uki.geometry.Inset} var_args Rect representation * * @returns {uki.geometry.Inset} created inset */ Inset.create = function(a1, a2, a3, a4) { if (a1 === undefined) return null; if ( !== undefined) return a1; if (/\S+\s+\S+/.test(a1 + '')) return Inset.fromString(a1, a2); if (a3 === undefined) return new Inset(a1, a2); return new Inset(a1, a2, a3, a4); };