require 'geoip' require 'sinatra' require 'redis' require 'json' class RepsheetVisualizer < Sinatra::Base # Grab the mount point before every request before do @mount = mount end helpers do def action(ip, blacklist=nil) puts ip.inspect puts blacklist.inspect blacklist = redis_connection.get("#{ip}:repsheet:blacklist") if blacklist.nil? if blacklist.nil? || blacklist == "false" "blacklist" else "allow" end end end # Settings methods def redis_connection host = defined?(settings.redis_host) ? settings.redis_host : "localhost" port = defined?(settings.redis_port) ? settings.redis_port : 6379 => host, :port => port) end def geoip_database geoip_database = defined?(settings.geoip_database) ? settings.geoip_database : nil raise "Missing GeoIP database settings" if geoip_database.nil? raise "Could not locate GeoIP database" unless File.exist?(geoip_database) end def mount defined?(settings.mount) ? (settings.mount + "/") : "/" end # TODO: These methods should get moved out to another place def summary(connection) suspects = {} blacklisted = {} connection.keys("*:requests").map {|d| d.split(":").first}.reject {|ip| ip.empty?}.each do |actor| detected = connection.smembers("#{actor}:detected").join(", ") blacklist = connection.get("#{actor}:repsheet:blacklist") if !detected.empty? && blacklist != "true" suspects[actor] = 0 suspects[actor][:detected] = detected connection.smembers("#{actor}:detected").each do |rule| suspects[actor][:total] += connection.get("#{actor}:#{rule}:count").to_i end end if blacklist == "true" blacklisted[actor] = 0 blacklisted[actor][:detected] = detected connection.smembers("#{actor}:detected").each do |rule| blacklisted[actor][:total] += connection.get("#{actor}:#{rule}:count").to_i end end end [suspects.sort_by{|k,v| -v[:total]}.take(10), blacklisted] end def breakdown(connection) data = {} offenders = connection.keys("*:repsheet").map {|o| o.split(":").first} offenders.each do |offender| data[offender] = {"totals" => {}} connection.smembers("#{offender}:detected").each do |rule| data[offender]["totals"][rule] = connection.get "#{offender}:#{rule}:count" end end aggregate = 0 data.each {|ip,data| data["totals"].each {|rule,count| aggregate[rule] += count.to_i}} [data, aggregate] end def activity(connection) connection.lrange("#{@ip}:requests", 0, -1) end def worldview(connection, database) data = {} offenders = connection.keys("*:repsheet*").map {|o| o.split(":").first} offenders.each do |address| details = next if details.nil? data[address] = [details.latitude, details.longitude] end data end # This is the actual application get '/' do @suspects, @blacklisted = summary(redis_connection) erb :actors end get '/breakdown' do @data, @aggregate = breakdown(redis_connection) erb :breakdown end get '/worldview' do @data = worldview(redis_connection, geoip_database) erb :worldview end get '/activity/:ip' do @ip = params[:ip] @data = activity(redis_connection) erb :activity end post '/action' do connection = redis_connection if params["action"] == "allow" connection.set("#{params[:ip]}:repsheet:blacklist", "false") else connection.set("#{params[:ip]}:repsheet:blacklist", "true") end redirect back end end