require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe ActiveAdmin::Filters::ViewHelper do # Setup an ActionView::Base object which can be used for # generating the form for. let(:helpers) do view = mock_action_view def view.collection_path "/posts" end def view.protect_against_forgery? false end def view.a_helper_method "A Helper Method" end view end def render_filter(search, filters) render_component({filter_args: [search, filters]}, helpers) do text_node active_admin_filters_form_for *assigns[:filter_args] end.to_s end def filter(name, options = {}) render_filter scope, name => options end let(:scope) { Post.ransack } describe "the form in general" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title) } it "should generate a form which submits via get" do expect(body).to have_selector("form.filter_form[method=get]") end it "should generate a filter button" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=submit][value=Filter]") end it "should only generate the form once" do expect(body).to have_selector("form", count: 1) end it "should generate a clear filters link" do expect(body).to have_selector("a.clear_filters_btn", text: "Clear Filters") end describe "label as proc" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title, label: proc { 'Title from proc' }) } it "should render proper label" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Title from proc") end end describe "input html as proc" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title, as: :select, input_html: proc{ {'data-ajax-url': '/'} }) } it "should render proper label" do expect(body).to have_selector('select[data-ajax-url="/"]') end end end describe "string attribute" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title) } it "should generate a select option for starts with" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_starts_with]", text: "Starts with") end it "should generate a select option for ends with" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_ends_with]", text: "Ends with") end it "should generate a select option for contains" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_contains]", text: "Contains") end it "should generate a text field for input" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[title_contains]']") end it "should have a proper label" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Title") end it "should translate the label for text field" do with_translation activerecord: {attributes: {post: {title: 'Name'}}} do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Name") end end it "should select the option which is currently being filtered" do scope = Post.ransack title_starts_with: "foo" body = Capybara.string(render_filter scope, title: {}) expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_starts_with][selected=selected]", text: "Starts with") end context "with filters options" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title, filters: [:contains, :starts_with]) } it "should generate provided options for filter select" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_contains]", text: "Contains") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=title_starts_with]", text: "Starts with") end it "should not generate a select option for ends with" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("option[value=title_ends_with]") end end context "with predicate" do %w[eq equals cont contains start starts_with end ends_with].each do |predicate| describe "'#{predicate}'" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :"title_#{predicate}") } it "shouldn't include a select field" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("select") end it "should build correctly" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[title_#{predicate}]']") end end end end end describe "text attribute" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :body) } it "should generate a search field for a text attribute" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[body_contains]']") end it "should have a proper label" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Body") end end describe "string attribute, as a select" do let(:body) { filter :title, as: :select } let(:builder) { ActiveAdmin::Inputs::Filters::SelectInput } context "when loading collection from DB" do it "should use pluck for efficiency" do expect_any_instance_of(builder).to receive(:pluck_column) { [] } body end it "should remove original ordering to prevent PostgreSQL error" do expect(scope.object.klass).to receive(:reorder).with('title asc') { m = double distinct: double(pluck: ['A Title']) expect(m.distinct).to receive(:pluck).with :title m } body end end end describe "date attribute" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :published_date) } it "should generate a date greater than" do expect(body).to have_selector("input.datepicker[name='q[published_date_gteq]']") end it "should generate a date less than" do expect(body).to have_selector("input.datepicker[name='q[published_date_lteq]']") end end describe "datetime attribute" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :created_at) } it "should generate a date greater than" do expect(body).to have_selector("input.datepicker[name='q[created_at_gteq_datetime]']") end it "should generate a date less than" do expect(body).to have_selector("input.datepicker[name='q[created_at_lteq_datetime]']") end end describe "integer attribute" do context "without options" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :id) } it "should generate a select option for equal to" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_equals]", text: "Equals") end it "should generate a select option for greater than" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_greater_than]", text: "Greater than") end it "should generate a select option for less than" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_less_than]", text: "Less than") end it "should generate a text field for input" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[id_equals]']") end it "should select the option which is currently being filtered" do scope = Post.ransack id_greater_than: 1 body = Capybara.string(render_filter scope, id: {}) expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_greater_than][selected=selected]", text: "Greater than") end end context "with filters options" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :id, filters: [:equals, :greater_than]) } it "should generate provided options for filter select" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_equals]", text: "Equals") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=id_greater_than]", text: "Greater than") end it "should not generate a select option for less than" do expect(body).not_to have_selector("option[value=id_less_than]") end end end describe "boolean attribute" do context "boolean datatypes" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :starred) } it "should generate a select" do expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[starred_eq]']") end it "should set the default text to 'Any'" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='']", text: "Any") end it "should create an option for true and false" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=true]", text: "Yes") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=false]", text: "No") end it "should translate the label for boolean field" do with_translation activerecord: {attributes: {post: {starred: 'Faved'}}} do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Faved") end end end context "non-boolean data types" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :title_present, as: :boolean) } it "should generate a select" do expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[title_present]']") end it "should set the default text to 'Any'" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='']", text: "Any") end it "should create an option for true and false" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=true]", text: "Yes") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=false]", text: "No") end end end describe "belongs_to" do before do @john = User.create first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", username: "john_doe" @jane = User.create first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe", username: "jane_doe" end context "when given as the _id attribute name" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :author_id) } it "should generate a numeric filter" do expect(body).to have_selector("label", text: "Author") # really this should be Author ID :/) expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=author_id_less_than]") expect(body).to have_selector("input#q_author_id[name='q[author_id_equals]']") end end context "when given as the name of the relationship" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :author) } it "should generate a select" do expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[author_id_eq]']") end it "should set the default text to 'Any'" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='']", text: "Any") end it "should create an option for each related object" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='#{}']", text: "John Doe") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='#{}']", text: "Jane Doe") end context "with a proc" do let :body do Capybara.string(filter :title, as: :select, collection: proc{ ['Title One', 'Title Two'] }) end it "should use call the proc as the collection" do expect(body).to have_selector("option", text: "Title One") expect(body).to have_selector("option", text: "Title Two") end it "should render the collection in the context of the view" do body = Capybara.string(filter(:title, as: :select, collection: proc{[a_helper_method]})) expect(body).to have_selector("option", text: "A Helper Method") end end end context "when given the name of relationship with a primary key other than id" do let(:resource_klass) { do belongs_to :kategory, class_name: "Category", primary_key: :name, foreign_key: :title def "SuperPost" end end } let(:scope) do resource_klass.ransack end let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :kategory) } it "should use the association primary key" do expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[kategory_name_eq]']") end end context "as check boxes" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :author, as: :check_boxes) } it "should create a check box for each related object" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=checkbox][name='q[author_id_in][]'][value='#{}']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[type=checkbox][name='q[author_id_in][]'][value='#{}']") end end context "when polymorphic relationship" do let(:scope) { ActiveAdmin::Comment.ransack } it "should raise an error if a collection isn't provided" do expect { filter :resource }.to raise_error \ Formtastic::PolymorphicInputWithoutCollectionError end end context "when using a custom foreign key" do let(:scope) { Post.ransack } let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :category) } it "should ignore that foreign key and let Ransack handle it" do expect(Post.reflect_on_association(:category).foreign_key.to_sym).to eq :custom_category_id expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[category_id_eq]']") end end end # belongs to describe "has_and_belongs_to_many" do skip "add HABTM models so this can be tested" end describe "has_many :through" do # Setup an ActionView::Base object which can be used for # generating the form for. let(:helpers) do view = mock_action_view def view.collection_path "/categories" end def view.protect_against_forgery? false end def view.a_helper_method "A Helper Method" end view end let(:scope) { Category.ransack } let!(:john) { User.create first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", username: "john_doe" } let!(:jane) { User.create first_name: "Jane", last_name: "Doe", username: "jane_doe" } context "when given as the name of the relationship" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :authors) } it "should generate a select" do expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[posts_author_id_eq]']") end it "should set the default text to 'Any'" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='']", text: "Any") end it "should create an option for each related object" do expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='#{}']", text: "John Doe") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value='#{}']", text: "Jane Doe") end end context "as check boxes" do let(:body) { Capybara.string(filter :authors, as: :check_boxes) } it "should create a check box for each related object" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[posts_author_id_in][]'][type=checkbox][value='#{}']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[posts_author_id_in][]'][type=checkbox][value='#{}']") end end end describe "conditional display" do [:if, :unless].each do |verb| should = verb == :if ? "should" : "shouldn't" if_true = verb == :if ? :to : :to_not if_false = verb == :if ? :to_not : :to context "with #{verb.inspect} proc" do it "#{should} be displayed if true" do body = Capybara.string(filter :body, verb => proc{ true }) expect(body).send if_true, have_selector("input[name='q[body_contains]']") end it "#{should} be displayed if false" do body = Capybara.string(filter :body, verb => proc{ false }) expect(body).send if_false, have_selector("input[name='q[body_contains]']") end it "should still be hidden on the second render" do filters = {body: { verb => proc{ verb == :unless }}} 2.times do body = Capybara.string(render_filter scope, filters) expect(body).not_to have_selector("input[name='q[body_contains]']") end end it "should successfully keep rendering other filters after one is hidden" do filters = {body: { verb => proc{ verb == :unless }}, author: {}} body = Capybara.string(render_filter scope, filters) expect(body).not_to have_selector("input[name='q[body_contains]']") expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[author_id_eq]']") end end end end describe "custom search methods" do it "should use the default type of the ransacker" do body = Capybara.string(filter :custom_searcher_numeric) expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=custom_searcher_numeric_equals]") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=custom_searcher_numeric_greater_than]") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=custom_searcher_numeric_less_than]") end it "should work as select" do body = Capybara.string(filter :custom_title_searcher, as: :select, collection: ['foo']) expect(body).to have_selector("select[name='q[custom_title_searcher_eq]']") end it "should work as string" do body = Capybara.string(filter :custom_title_searcher, as: :string) expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=custom_title_searcher_contains]") expect(body).to have_selector("option[value=custom_title_searcher_starts_with]") end describe "custom date range search" do let(:qteq) { "2010-10-01" } let(:lteq) { "2010-10-02" } let(:scope){ Post.ransack custom_created_at_searcher_gteq_datetime: qteq, custom_created_at_searcher_lteq_datetime: lteq } let(:body) { Capybara.string(render_filter scope, custom_created_at_searcher: {as: :date_range}) } it "should work as date_range" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[custom_created_at_searcher_gteq_datetime]'][value='2010-10-01']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[custom_created_at_searcher_lteq_datetime]'][value='2010-10-02']") end context "filter value can't be casted to date" do let(:qteq) { "Ooops" } let(:lteq) { "Ooops" } it "should work display empty filter values" do expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[custom_created_at_searcher_gteq_datetime]'][value='']") expect(body).to have_selector("input[name='q[custom_created_at_searcher_lteq_datetime]'][value='']") end end end end describe "does not support some filter inputs" do it "should fallback to use formtastic inputs" do body = Capybara.string(filter :custom_title_searcher, as: :text) expect(body).to have_selector("textarea[name='q[custom_title_searcher]']") end end describe "blank option" do context "for a select filter" do it "should be there by default" do body = Capybara.string(filter(:author)) expect(body).to have_selector("option", text: "Any") end it "should be able to be disabled" do body = Capybara.string(filter(:author, include_blank: false)) expect(body).to_not have_selector("option", text: "Any") end end context "for a multi-select filter" do it "should not be there by default" do body = Capybara.string(filter(:author, multiple: true)) expect(body).to_not have_selector("option", text: "Any") end it "should be able to be enabled" do body = Capybara.string(filter(:author, multiple: true, include_blank: true)) expect(body).to have_selector("option", text: "Any") end end end end