= Exlibris::Primo
Exlibris::Primo offers a set of libraries for interacting with the ExLibris Primo APIs.
== Exlibris::Primo::Searcher
The Exlibris::Primo::Searcher class performs a search against Primo for given parameters
and exposes the set of holdings (availibrary elements), rsrcs, tocs, and related links (addlink elements).
=== Example of Exlibris::Primo::Searcher in action
setup = {
:base_url => "http://primo.institution.edu", :vid => "VID", :institution => "INSTITUTION",
:config => {
"libraries" =>
{"library_code1" => "library_display_1", "library_code2" => "library_display_1"},
"statuses" =>
{"status_code1" => "status_display_1", "status_code2" => "status_display_2"}}
params = {
:primo_id => primo_id,
:isbn => isbn,
:issn => issn,
:title => title,
:author => author,
:genre => genre
searcher = Exlibris::Primo::Searcher.new(setup, params)
count = search.count
holdings = searcher.holdings
rsrcs = searcher.rsrcs
tocs = searcher.tocs
related_links = searcher.related_links
== Exlibris::Primo::Record
The Exlibris::Primo::Record class creates an object representation of a Primo record for given parameters
and exposes the record's primary attributes (format, title, author, url, openurl) and full record Xml (raw_xml)
as instance variables.
=== Example of Exlibris::Primo::Record in action
setup = {
:base_url => "http://primo.institution.edu",
:resolver_base_url => "http://resolver.institution.edu",
:vid => "VID",
:institution => "DEFAULT",
:record_id => "PrimoRecordId"
record = Exlibris::Primo::Record.new(setup)
raw_xml = record.instance_variable_get(:@raw_xml)
record_hash = record.to_h
openurl = record_hash["openurl"]
== Exlibris::Primo::EShelf
The Exlibris::Primo::EShelf class provides methods for reading a given user's Primo eshelf and eshelf structure as well as adding and removing records.
=== Example of Exlibris::Primo::EShelf in action
setup = {
:base_url => "http://primo.institution.edu",
:vid => "VID",
:resolver_base_url => "http://resolver.institution.edu"
eshelf = Exlibris::Primo::EShelf.new(setup, "USER_ID", "PRIMO")
records = eshelf.records
p records.first.class
record_count = eshelf.count
basket_id = eshelf.basket_id
eshelf.add_records(["PrimoRecordId","PrimoRecordId2"], basket_id)