require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) describe "accept matcher" do it "should accept mimetypes and set response Content-Type" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :accept=>"application/xml" do response["Content-Type"] end end body("HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml").should == "application/xml" status.should == 404 end end describe "header matcher" do it "should match if header present" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :header=>"http-accept" do "bar" end end body("HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml").should == "bar" status.should == 404 end it "should yield the header value if :match_header_yield option is present" do app(:bare) do plugin :header_matchers opts[:match_header_yield] = true route do |r| r.on :header=>"http-accept" do |v| "bar-#{v}" end end end body("HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml").should == "bar-application/xml" status.should == 404 end end describe "host matcher" do it "should match a host" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :host=>"" do "worked" end end body("HTTP_HOST" => "").should == 'worked' status("HTTP_HOST" => "").should == 404 end it "should match a host with a regexp" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :host=>/example/ do "worked" end end body("HTTP_HOST" => "").should == 'worked' status("HTTP_HOST" => "").should == 404 end it "doesn't yield HOST" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :host=>"" do |*args| args.size.to_s end end body("HTTP_HOST" => "").should == '0' end end describe "user_agent matcher" do it "should accept pattern and match against user-agent" do app(:header_matchers) do |r| r.on :user_agent=>/(chrome)(\d+)/ do |agent, num| "a-#{agent}-#{num}" end end body("HTTP_USER_AGENT" => "chrome31").should == "a-chrome-31" status.should == 404 end end