#!/usr/bin/env node /* globals cat, cd, echo, grep, sed */ require('../global'); echo('Appending docs to README.md'); cd(__dirname + '/..'); // Extract docs from shell.js var docs = grep('//@', 'shell.js'); docs = docs.replace(/\/\/\@include (.+)/g, function(match, path) { var file = path.match('.js$') ? path : path+'.js'; return grep('//@', file); }); // Remove '//@' docs = docs.replace(/\/\/\@ ?/g, ''); // Wipe out the old docs cat('README.md').replace(/## Command reference(.|\n)*/, '## Command reference').to('README.md'); // Append new docs to README sed('-i', /## Command reference/, '## Command reference\n\n' + docs, 'README.md'); echo('All done.');