# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Admin # This custom FormBuilder extends the FormBuilder present in core with # fields only used in admin. class FormBuilder < Decidim::FormBuilder # Generates a select field with autocompletion using ajax # # @param [Symbol] attribute # The name of the object's attribute (usually something like user_id) # @param [Object] selected # An instance of the selected value # @param [Hash] options # A optional set of options to render the field: # - :label (boolean|string) (optional) You can disable the creation of the input label passing false, # or override the default label passing a string (default: name of the input) # - :name (string) You can provide a custom name for the field to be submitted # - :class (string) You can provide custom class name for the container (ex. autocomplete-field--results-inline) # @param [Hash] prompt_options # Prompt configuration. A hash with options: # - :url (String) The url where the ajax endpoint to fill the select # - :placeholder (String) Text to use as placeholder # - :no_results (String) (optional) Text to use when there are no matching results (default: No results found) # - :search_prompt (String) (optional) Text to prompt for search input (default: Type at least three characters to search) # # @yield [resource] # It should receive a block that returns a Hash for the selected option with: # - value: This will be the value of the option select. # - label: This will be the label of the option select. # # @example How to use it # <% prompt_options = { url: users_url, text: t(".select_user") } # options = { label: t(".user") } %> # <%= form.autocomplete_select(:user_id, form.object.user.presence, options, prompt_options) do |user| # { value: user.id, label: "#{user.name} (#{user.nickname})" } # end %> # # @return [String] # The HTML ready to output in the view # def autocomplete_select(attribute, selected = nil, options = {}, prompt_options = {}) selected = yield(selected) if selected template = "" template += label(attribute, (options[:label] || label_for(attribute)) + required_for_attribute(attribute)) unless options[:label] == false template += content_tag(:div, nil, class: options[:class], data: { autocomplete: { name: options[:name] || "#{@object_name}[#{attribute}]", options: (options[:default_options].to_a + [selected]).compact, placeholder: prompt_options[:placeholder], searchURL: prompt_options[:url], changeURL: prompt_options[:change_url], selected: selected ? selected[:value] : "", searchPromptText: options[:search_prompt] || I18n.t("autocomplete.search_prompt", scope: "decidim.admin"), noResultsText: options[:no_results] || I18n.t("autocomplete.no_results", scope: "decidim.admin") }, autocomplete_for: attribute, plugin: "autocomplete" }) template += error_for(attribute, options) if error?(attribute) template.html_safe end # Calls Decidim::FormBuilder#editor with default options for admin. def editor(name, options = {}) super( name, { toolbar: :full, lines: 25, editor_images: true }.merge(options) ) end end end end