module ActiveRecord module ConnectionAdapters module CockroachDB module DatabaseStatements # Since CockroachDB will run all transactions with serializable isolation, # READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, and REPEATABLE READ are all aliases # for SERIALIZABLE. This lets the adapter support all isolation levels, # but READ UNCOMMITTED has been removed from this list because the # ActiveRecord transaction isolation test fails for READ UNCOMMITTED. # See def transaction_isolation_levels { read_committed: "READ COMMITTED", repeatable_read: "REPEATABLE READ", serializable: "SERIALIZABLE" } end # Overridden to avoid using transactions for schema creation. def insert_fixtures_set(fixture_set, tables_to_delete = []) fixture_inserts = build_fixture_statements(fixture_set) table_deletes = { |table| "DELETE FROM #{quote_table_name(table)}" } statements = table_deletes + fixture_inserts with_multi_statements do disable_referential_integrity do execute_batch(statements, "Fixtures Load") end end end private def execute_batch(statements, name = nil) statements.each do |statement| execute(statement, name) end end DEFAULT_INSERT_VALUE = Arel.sql("DEFAULT").freeze private_constant :DEFAULT_INSERT_VALUE def default_insert_value(column) DEFAULT_INSERT_VALUE end def build_fixture_sql(fixtures, table_name) columns = schema_cache.columns_hash(table_name) values_list = do |fixture| fixture = fixture.stringify_keys unknown_columns = fixture.keys - columns.keys if unknown_columns.any? raise Fixture::FixtureError, %(table "#{table_name}" has no columns named #{', ')}.) end do |name, column| if fixture.key?(name) type = lookup_cast_type_from_column(column) with_yaml_fallback(type.serialize(fixture[name])) else default_insert_value(column) end end end table = manager = manager.into(table) if values_list.size == 1 values = values_list.shift new_values = [] columns.each_key.with_index { |column, i| unless values[i].equal?(DEFAULT_INSERT_VALUE) new_values << values[i] manager.columns << table[column] end } values_list << new_values else columns.each_key { |column| manager.columns << table[column] } end manager.values = manager.create_values_list(values_list) manager.to_sql end def build_fixture_statements(fixture_set) do |table_name, fixtures| next if fixtures.empty? build_fixture_sql(fixtures, table_name) end.compact end def with_multi_statements yield end end end end end