module DataMapper module Associations class HasManyAssociation include Enumerable def initialize(instance, association_name, options) @instance = instance @association_name = association_name.to_sym @options = options @associated_class = if options.has_key?(:class) || options.has_key?(:class_name) associated_class_name = (options[:class] || options[:class_name]) if associated_class_name.kind_of?(String) Kernel.const_get(Inflector.classify(associated_class_name)) else associated_class_name end else Kernel.const_get(Inflector.classify(association_name)) end end def self.setup(klass, association_name, options) # Define the association instance method (i.e. Project#tasks) klass.class_eval <<-EOS def #{association_name} @#{association_name} || (@#{association_name} =, "#{association_name}", #{options.inspect})) end EOS end def each find.each { |item| yield item } end def size entries.size end alias length size def [](key) entries[key] end def empty? entries.empty? end def find return @results unless @results.nil? unless @instance.loaded_set.nil? # Temp variable for the instance variable name. instance_variable_name = "@#{foreign_key}".to_sym set = @instance.loaded_set.group_by { |instance| instance.key } # Fetch the foreign objects for all instances in the current object's loaded-set. @instance.session.all(@associated_class, foreign_key.to_sym => set.keys).group_by do |association| association.instance_variable_get(instance_variable_name) end.each_pair do |id, results| set[id].first.send(@association_name).set(results) end end return @results ||= [] end def set(results) @results = results end def inspect @results.inspect end def foreign_key @foreign_key || (@foreign_key = (@options[:foreign_key] || @instance.session.schema[@instance.class].default_foreign_key)) end end module HasMany def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def has_many(association_name, options = {}) HasManyAssociation.setup(self, association_name, options) end end end end end