require 'spec_helper' describe Qa::Authorities::Loc do describe "#new" do context "without a sub-authority" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { }.to raise_error RuntimeError, "Initializing with as sub authority is removed. use Module.subauthority_for(nil) instead" end end end describe "#subauthority_for" do context "with an invalid sub-authority" do it "should raise an exception" do expect { Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("foo") }.to raise_error Qa::InvalidSubAuthority end end context "with a valid sub-authority" do it "should create the authority" do expect(Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("subjects")).to be_kind_of Qa::Authorities::Loc::GenericAuthority end end end describe "urls" do let :authority do Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("subjects") end context "for searching" do it "should return a url" do url = '' expect(authority.build_query_url("foo")).to eq(url) end end context "for returning single terms" do it "returns a url with an authority and id" do url = "" expect(authority.find_url("sh2002003586")).to eq(url) end end end describe "#search" do context "any LOC authorities" do let :authority do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:body => webmock_fixture("loc-response.txt"), :status => 200) Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("geographicAreas") end it "should retain the raw respsonse from the LC service in JSON" do expect {"s") }.to change { authority.raw_response }. from(nil). to(JSON.parse(webmock_fixture("loc-response.txt").read)) end describe "the returned results" do let :results do"s") end it "should have :id and :label elements" do expect(results.first["label"]).to eq("West (U.S.)") expect(results.first["id"]).to eq("info:lc/vocabulary/geographicAreas/n-usp") expect(results.last["label"]).to eq("Baltic States") expect(results.last["id"]).to eq("info:lc/vocabulary/geographicAreas/eb") expect(results.size).to eq(20) end end end context "subject terms" do let :results do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:body => webmock_fixture("loc-subjects-response.txt"), :status => 200) Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("subjects").search("History--") end it "should have a URI for the id and a string label" do expect(results.count).to eq(20) expect(results.first["label"]).to eq("History--Philosophy--History--20th century") expect(results.first["id"]).to eq("info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2008121753") expect(results[1]["label"]).to eq("History--Philosophy--History--19th century") expect(results[1]["id"]).to eq("info:lc/authorities/subjects/sh2008121752") end end context "name terms" do let :results do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:body => webmock_fixture("loc-names-response.txt"), :status => 200) Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("names").search("Berry") end it "should retrieve names via search" do expect(results.first["label"]).to eq("Berry, James W. (James William), 1938-") end end end describe "#find" do context "using a subject id" do let :results do stub_request(:get, ""). with(:headers => {'Accept'=>'application/json'}). to_return(:status => 200, :body => webmock_fixture("loc-subject-find-response.txt"), :headers => {}) Qa::Authorities::Loc.subauthority_for("subjects").find("sh2002003586") end it "returns the complete record for a given subject" do expect(results.count).to eq(20) expect(results.first).to be_kind_of(Hash) end end end end