# Provides an intuitive way to build has_many associated records in the same form. module Formtastic module Inputs module Base def input_wrapping(&block) html = super template.concat(html) if template.output_buffer && template.assigns[:has_many_block] html end end end end module ActiveAdmin class FormBuilder < ::Formtastic::FormBuilder self.input_namespaces = [::Object, ::ActiveAdmin::Inputs, ::Formtastic::Inputs] # TODO: remove both class finders after formtastic 4 (where it will be default) self.input_class_finder = ::Formtastic::InputClassFinder self.action_class_finder = ::Formtastic::ActionClassFinder def cancel_link(url = {action: "index"}, html_options = {}, li_attrs = {}) li_attrs[:class] ||= "cancel" li_content = template.link_to I18n.t('active_admin.cancel'), url, html_options template.content_tag(:li, li_content, li_attrs) end attr_accessor :already_in_an_inputs_block def has_many(assoc, options = {}, &block) HasManyBuilder.new(self, assoc, options).render(&block) end end # Decorates a FormBuilder with the additional attributes and methods # to build a has_many block. Nested has_many blocks are handled by # nested decorators. class HasManyBuilder < SimpleDelegator attr_reader :assoc attr_reader :options attr_reader :heading, :sortable_column, :sortable_start attr_reader :new_record, :destroy_option def initialize(has_many_form, assoc, options) super has_many_form @assoc = assoc @options = extract_custom_settings!(options.dup) @options.reverse_merge!(for: assoc) @options[:class] = [options[:class], "inputs has_many_fields"].compact.join(' ') if sortable_column @options[:for] = [assoc, sorted_children(sortable_column)] end end def render(&block) html = "".html_safe html << template.content_tag(:h3) { heading } if heading.present? html << template.capture { content_has_many(&block) } html = wrap_div_or_li(html) template.concat(html) if template.output_buffer html end protected # remove options that should not render as attributes def extract_custom_settings!(options) @heading = options.key?(:heading) ? options.delete(:heading) : default_heading @sortable_column = options.delete(:sortable) @sortable_start = options.delete(:sortable_start) || 0 @new_record = options.key?(:new_record) ? options.delete(:new_record) : true @destroy_option = options.delete(:allow_destroy) options end def default_heading assoc_klass.model_name. human(count: ::ActiveAdmin::Helpers::I18n::PLURAL_MANY_COUNT) end def assoc_klass @assoc_klass ||= __getobj__.object.class.reflect_on_association(assoc).klass end def content_has_many(&block) form_block = proc do |form_builder| render_has_many_form(form_builder, options[:parent], &block) end template.assigns[:has_many_block] = true contents = without_wrapper { inputs(options, &form_block) } contents ||= "".html_safe js = new_record ? js_for_has_many(options[:class], &form_block) : '' contents << js end # Renders the Formtastic inputs then appends ActiveAdmin delete and sort actions. def render_has_many_form(form_builder, parent, &block) index = parent && form_builder.send(:parent_child_index, parent) template.concat template.capture { yield(form_builder, index) } template.concat has_many_actions(form_builder, "".html_safe) end def has_many_actions(form_builder, contents) if form_builder.object.new_record? contents << template.content_tag(:li) do template.link_to I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_remove'), "#", class: 'button has_many_remove' end elsif allow_destroy?(form_builder.object) form_builder.input(:_destroy, as: :boolean, wrapper_html: {class: 'has_many_delete'}, label: I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_delete')) end if sortable_column form_builder.input sortable_column, as: :hidden contents << template.content_tag(:li, class: 'handle') do I18n.t('active_admin.move') end end contents end def allow_destroy?(form_object) !! case destroy_option when Symbol, String form_object.public_send destroy_option when Proc destroy_option.call form_object else destroy_option end end def sorted_children(column) __getobj__.object.public_send(assoc).sort_by do |o| attribute = o.public_send column [attribute.nil? ? Float::INFINITY : attribute, o.id || Float::INFINITY] end end def without_wrapper is_being_wrapped = already_in_an_inputs_block self.already_in_an_inputs_block = false html = yield self.already_in_an_inputs_block = is_being_wrapped html end # Capture the ADD JS def js_for_has_many(class_string, &form_block) assoc_name = assoc_klass.model_name placeholder = "NEW_#{assoc_name.to_s.underscore.upcase.gsub(/\//, '_')}_RECORD" opts = { for: [assoc, assoc_klass.new], class: class_string, for_options: { child_index: placeholder } } html = template.capture{ __getobj__.send(:inputs_for_nested_attributes, opts, &form_block) } text = new_record.is_a?(String) ? new_record : I18n.t('active_admin.has_many_new', model: assoc_name.human) template.link_to text, '#', class: "button has_many_add", data: { html: CGI.escapeHTML(html).html_safe, placeholder: placeholder } end def wrap_div_or_li(html) template.content_tag(already_in_an_inputs_block ? :li : :div, html, class: "has_many_container #{assoc}", 'data-sortable' => sortable_column, 'data-sortable-start' => sortable_start) end end end