# Change Log ## Version 2.20180712.2 (2018-08-21) The Connect SDK now includes functionality for the OAuth API. The Square OAuth API lets applications request and obtain permission from a Square account to make API calls on behalf of that account. Applications can request individual permissions so that users do not need to grant full access to their Square accounts. ### OAuth API * `ObtainToken` endpoint — Exchanges the authorization code for an access token. After a merchant authorizes your application with the permissions form, an authorization code is sent to the application's redirect URL (See [Implementing OAuth](https://docs.connect.squareup.com/api/oauth#implementingoauth) for information about how to set up the redirect URL). * `RenewToken` endpoint — Renews an OAuth access token before it expires. OAuth access tokens besides your application's personal access token expire after __30 days__. You can also renew expired tokens within __15 days__ of their expiration. You cannot renew an access token that has been expired for more than 15 days. Instead, the associated merchant must complete the [OAuth flow](https://docs.connect.squareup.com/api/oauth#implementingoauth) from the beginning. __Important:__ The `Authorization` header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format: ``` Authorization: Client APPLICATION_SECRET ``` Replace `APPLICATION_SECRET` with your application's secret, available from the [application dashboard](https://connect.squareup.com/apps). * `RevokeToken` endpoint — Revokes an access token generated with the OAuth flow. If a merchant has more than one access token for your application, this endpoint revokes all of them, regardless of which token you specify. If you revoke a merchant's access token, all of the merchant's active subscriptions associated with your application are canceled immediately. __Important:__ The `Authorization` header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format: ``` Authorization: Client APPLICATION_SECRET ``` Replace `APPLICATION_SECRET` with your application's secret, available from the [application dashboard](https://connect.squareup.com/apps). ## Version 2.20180712.1 (2018-08-02) We have added MobileAuthorization API. ### New endpoint: MobileAuthorization API * `CreateMobileAuthorizationCode` endpoint — Generate a mobile authorization code for an instance of your application. Mobile authorization credentials permit an instance of your application to accept payments for a given location using the Square Reader SDK. Mobile authorization codes are one-time-use and expire shortly after being issued. ## Version 2.20180712.0 (2018-07-12) We introduce Square API versions. `Square-Version` is 2018-07-12 for this SDK. ### How versioning works Square API versions (`Square-Version`) track changes in the evolution of Connect v2 APIs. The `Square-Version` naming scheme is `YYYY-MM-DD`, which indicates the date the version was released. Connect v1 APIs are not versioned. Square continues to support Connect v1, but future releases will focus on improving Connect v2 functionality. By default, new Square applications are pinned to the version current at the time the application was created in the Square Application Dashboard. Pinning an application sets the default `Square-Version` for the application. The default `Square-Version` of an application can be reviewed and updated at any time on the settings pages for the application. ### Versioning and SDKs When a new `Square-Version` is released, new Connect SDKs are publish on GitHub and various package management systems. SDK updates follow the version convention of the associated language and manager but include the related `Square-Version` in the SDK version. For example, Connect SDKs tied to version `2018-01-04` might look like `{SDK_VERSION}.20180104.{VERSION_INCREMENT}`. While SDK versions can be mapped to a related Square-version, SDK versions follow an independent, incremental versioning scheme to allow updates and improvements to the SDKs outside of `Square-Version` updates. ### Migrating to new versions In most cases, Square-version migration should be straightforward, with known differences listed in the related Change Log. To test migrations, developers can override the default `Square-Version` of an application by explicitly setting the preferred `Square-Version` in the HTTP header of the Connect v2 API request for REST calls. Requesting an API version that does not exist returns an error. Successful API responses include the `Square-Version` header to indicate the API version used to process request. Connect SDK versions are locked to specific API versions and cannot be overwritten. Instead, the SDK must be upgraded to work with new API versions. ## Version 2.9.0 (2018-06-28) We have added search functionality to the Connect v2 Customer API. ### New features and Improvements: Customer API (Connect v2) * `SearchCustomers` endpoint — retrieves groups of customer profiles based on a related characteristic. For example, retrieving all customers created in the past 24 hours. * `creation_source` field is now available on `Customer` entities. The creation source exposes the process that created a customer profile. For example, if a customer is created using the API, the creation source will be `THIRD_PARTY`. * **Instant Profiles** are now exposed in the following endpoints: `RetrieveCustomer`, `SearchCustomers`, `UpdateCustomer`, `DeleteCustomer`. ### Fixes: Inventory SDK (Connect v1) * Fix SDK request property `adjustment_type` in V1 Adjust Inventory. ## Version 2.8.0 (2018-05-24) We have added sorting functionality to the Connect v2 Customer API, updated the Connect v1 Payments API to include information about surcharges and improvements to the Item data type. ### New feature: Customer API (Connect v2) * **ListCustomers** endpoint — now provides the ability to sort customers by their creation date using the `sort_field` and `sort_order` parameters. ### New features: Payments API (Connect v1) The Payments API now returns information about surcharges applied to payments. The new functionality introduces the following new data types: * **SurchargeMoney** datatype — The total of all surcharges applied to the payment. * **Surcharges** datatype — A list of all surcharges associated with the payment. * **Surcharge** datatype — A surcharge that is applied to the payment. One example of a surcharge is auto-gratuity, which is a fixed-rate surcharge applied to every payment, often based on party size. We are constantly evaluating new languages to add. In the meantime, if the language you need is not supported, you can use our [Swagger pipeline](<%= articles__client_libraries_path%>#generatingwithswagger) to generate a custom SDK or continue sending JSON to the endpoint URLs directly. ### Improvement: Item (Connect v1) **Item** will now provide two new properties: * `category_id` — indicates if an item can be added to pickup orders from the merchant's online store * `available_for_pickup` — indicates the item's category (if any). ## Version 2.7.0 (2018-04-26) ### New features: Transactions API and Payments API The Transactions API in Connect v2 now includes payment and refund information from exchanges. * `ListTransactions` now includes payment information from sales and exchanges and refund information from returns and exchanges. * `ListRefunds` now includes refunds that result from exchanges in addition to partial refunds and itemized returns through Square's Point of Sale applications. The Payments API in Connect v1 now includes payment and refund information from exchanges. * `ListPayments` now includes refunds that are generated from exchanges to account for the value of returned goods. * `ListRefunds` now returns an approximate number of refunds (default: 100, max: 200). The response may contain more results than the prescribed limit when refunds are made simultaneously to multiple tenders in a payment or when refunds are generated from exchanges to account for the value of returned goods. * `is_exchange` is added to `V1Refund` and `V1Tender`. Refunds and tenders marked in this way represent the value of returned goods in an exchange, rather than actual money movement. ## Version 2.6.1 (2018-03-28) * Updates user-agent header ## Version 2.6.0 (2018-03-27) ### Improvements: Orders API * `BatchRetrieveOrders` will now return uncharged orders. ### New features: Orders API * For Catalog-backed line items, setting `CreateOrderRequestLineItem.base_price_money` will now override the catalog item variation's price. * `CreateOrderRequestModifier`s may now be created ad hoc using the new `name` and `base_price_money` fields. ## Version 2.5.2 (2018-01-06) * `OTHER` enum value is added to `Type` on `V1SettlementEntry` ## Version 2.5.1 (2017-11-10) * `ordinal` is added to `CatalogItemVariation` * `website_url` is added to `Location` * `tip_money` is added to `Tender` * Changed `object_type` and `placeholder_type` from lists to single values in `V1PageCell` to mirror data model ## Version 2.5 (2017-11-02) ### New features: Transaction API and Reporting API The Transaction API now supports the following request objects: * `additional_recipients` — data type representing an additional recipient (in other words, a recipient other than the merchant or Square) receiving a portion of a tender. The new Reporting API includes two endpoints that let you pull information about distributions you have received as an additional recipient: * `AdditionalRecipientReceivables` — returns a list of receivables (across all source locations) representing monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the `additional_recipients` field in a transaction. * `AdditionalRecipientReceivablesRefunds` — returns a list of refunded transactions (across all source locations) related to monies credited to the given location ID by another Square account using the `additional_recipients` field in a transaction. ## Version 2.4 (2017-09-27) ### New features: Register Domain for Apple Pay * `RegisterDomain` endpoint activates a domain for use with Web Apple Pay. ### Other Changes * `Location.type` used to indicate whether or not the location object represents a physical space. ## Version 2.3.1 (2017-09-15) ### New features: Charge Orders * `Charge` endpoint can charge a specific Order. ## Version 2.3.0 (2017-09-13) ### New features: Orders API * `CreateOrder` endpoint creates an itemized order which can be referenced in messages to the `Charge` endpoint. * `BatchRetrieveOrders` retrieves order objects referenced in one or more transactions based on the provided `order_id`. **Note:** at this point, `BatchRetrieveOrders only` returns information on paid orders made through Square's eCommerce APIs (Transactions, Checkout). ### Other Changes * `order` is removed from Transaction * `order_id` is added to Transaction * `OrderLineItemDiscountType.UNKOWN` renamed to `OrderLineItemDiscountType.UNKOWN_DISCOUNT` * `OrderLineItemTaxType.UNKOWN` renamed to `OrderLineItemDiscountType.UNKOWN_TAX` * `ChargeRequest.idempotency_key` is restricted to max length 192 * `ChargeRequest.card_nonce` is restricted to max length 192 * `ChargeRequest.customer_card_id` is restricted to max length 192 * `ChargeRequest.reference_id` is restricted to max length 40 * `ChargeRequest.note` is restricted to max length 60 * `ChargeRequest.customer_id` is restricted to max length 50 * `CreateCheckoutRequest.redirect_url` is restricted to max length 800 * Added `phone_number` and `business_name` to Location ## Version 2.2.1 (2017-08-11) * Documentation style and links fixes * Support for pagination on V1 endpoints * Include refund detail fields on V1 Refund model ## Version 2.0.0 (2016-03-30) * Initial release of the SDK