require 'logger' module ZTK # Standard Logging Class # # Supplies loggers the same as the base ruby logger class, except adds some # extra spice to your log messages. This includes uSec timestamping, PIDs and # caller tree details. # # One can override the logging level on the command line with programs that # use this library like so: # LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG bin/cucumber-chef ssh # # = Typical usage: # # $logger ="/dev/null") # # $logger.debug { "This is a debug message!" } # $ { "This is a info message!" } # $logger.warn { "This is a warn message!" } # $logger.error { "This is a error message!" } # $logger.fatal { "This is a fatal message!" } # # @author Zachary Patten class Logger < ::Logger attr_accessor :stdout_echo # Log Levels SEVERITIES = Severity.constants.inject([]) {|arr,c| arr[Severity.const_get(c)] = c; arr} def initialize(*args) super(*args) set_log_level end # Provides access to the raw log device. def logdev @logdev.instance_variable_get(:@dev) end # Specialized logging. Logs messages in the same format, except has the # option to shift the caller_at position to exposed the proper calling # method. # # Very useful in situations of class inheritence, for example, where you # might have logging statements in a base class, which are inherited by # another class. When calling the base class method via the inherited class # the log messages will indicate the base class as the caller. While this # is technically true it is not always what we want to see in the logs # because it is ambigious and does not show us where the call truly # originated from. def shift(severity, shift=0, &block) severity = ZTK::Logger.const_get(severity.to_s.upcase) add(severity, nil, nil, shift, &block) end # Generates a human-readable string about the logger. def inspect "#<#{self.class} filename=#{@logdev.filename.inspect}>" end private # Parses caller entries, extracting the file, line number and method. # # @param [String] at Entry from the caller Array. def parse_caller(at) if /^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*)')?/ =~ at file = Regexp.last_match[1] line = Regexp.last_match[2] method = Regexp.last_match[3] "#{File.basename(file)}:#{line}:#{method}|" else "" end end # Writes a log message if the current log level is at or below the supplied # severity. # # @param [Constant] severity Log level severity. # @param [String] message Optional message to prefix the log entry with. # @param [String] progname Optional name of the program to prefix the log # entry with. # @yieldreturn [String] The block should return the desired log message. def add(severity, message=nil, progname=nil, shift=0, &block) return if (@level > severity) message = if message.nil? && block_given? return if message.nil? called_by = parse_caller(caller[1+shift]) message = [message, progname].flatten.compact.join(": ") message = "%19s.%06d|%05d|%5s|%s%s\n" % ["%Y-%m-%d|%H:%M:%S"),,, SEVERITIES[severity], called_by, message] statement = ZTK::ANSI.uncolor(message) (stdout_echo == true) and $stdout.write(statement) @logdev.write(statement) @logdev.respond_to?(:flush) and @logdev.flush true end # Sets the log level. # # @param [String] level Log level to use. def set_log_level(level=nil) defined?(Rails) and (default = (Rails.env.production? ? "INFO" : "DEBUG")) or (default = "INFO") log_level = (ENV['LOG_LEVEL'] || level || default) self.level = ZTK::Logger.const_get(log_level.to_s.upcase) end end end