module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class ReachGateway < Gateway self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = %w(AE AG AL AM AT AU AW AZ BA BB BD BE BF BG BH BJ BM BN BO BR BS BW BZ CA CD CF CH CI CL CM CN CO CR CU CV CY CZ DE DJ DK DM DO DZ EE EG ES ET FI FJ FK FR GA GB GD GE GG GH GI GN GR GT GU GW GY HK HN HR HU ID IE IL IM IN IS IT JE JM JO JP KE KG KH KM KN KR KW KY KZ LA LC LK LR LT LU LV LY MA MD MK ML MN MO MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NC NE NG NI NL NO NP NZ OM PA PE PF PG PH PK PL PT PY QA RO RS RW SA SB SC SE SG SH SI SK SL SN SO SR ST SV SY SZ TD TG TH TN TO TR TT TV TW TZ UG US UY UZ VC VN VU WF WS YE ZM) self.default_currency = 'USD' self.supported_cardtypes = %i[visa diners_club american_express jcb master discover maestro] self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Reach' self.currencies_without_fractions = %w(BIF BYR CLF CLP CVE DJF GNF ISK JPY KMF KRW PYG RWF UGX UYI VND VUV XAF XOF XPF IDR MGA MRO) API_VERSION = 'v2.22'.freeze STANDARD_ERROR_CODE_MAPPING = {} PAYMENT_METHOD_MAP = { american_express: 'AMEX', cabal: 'CABAL', check: 'ACH', dankort: 'DANKORT', diners_club: 'DINERS', discover: 'DISC', elo: 'ELO', jcb: 'JCB', maestro: 'MAESTRO', master: 'MC', naranja: 'NARANJA', union_pay: 'UNIONPAY', visa: 'VISA' } def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :merchant_id, :secret) super end def authorize(money, payment, options = {}) request = build_checkout_request(money, payment, options) add_custom_fields_data(request, options) add_customer_data(request, options, payment) add_stored_credentials(request, options) post = { request: request, card: add_payment(payment, options) } if options[:stored_credential] do |r| r.process { commit('checkout', post) } r.process do r2 = get_network_payment_reference(r.responses[0]) r.params[:network_transaction_id] = r2.message r2 end end else commit('checkout', post) end end def purchase(money, payment, options = {}) options[:capture] = true authorize(money, payment, options) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = { request: { MerchantId: @options[:merchant_id], OrderId: authorization } } commit('capture', post) end def supports_scrubbing? true end def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r(((MerchantId)[% \w]+%\d{2})[\w -]+), '\1[FILTERED]'). gsub(%r((signature=)[\w%]+), '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((Number%22%3A%22)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((VerificationCode%22%3A)\d+), '\1[FILTERED]\2') end def refund(amount, authorization, options = {}) currency = options[:currency] || currency(options[:amount]) post = { request: { MerchantId: @options[:merchant_id], OrderId: authorization, ReferenceId: options[:order_id] || options[:reference_id], Amount: localized_amount(amount, currency) } } commit('refund', post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = { request: { MerchantId: @options[:merchant_id], OrderId: authorization } } commit('cancel', post) end def verify(credit_card, options = {}) do |r| r.process { authorize(100, credit_card, options) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r.authorization, options) } end end private def build_checkout_request(amount, payment, options) currency = options[:currency] || currency(options[:amount]) { MerchantId: @options[:merchant_id], ReferenceId: options[:order_id], ConsumerCurrency: currency, Capture: options[:capture] || false, PaymentMethod: PAYMENT_METHOD_MAP.fetch(payment.brand.to_sym, 'unsupported'), Items: [ Sku: options[:item_sku] || SecureRandom.alphanumeric, ConsumerPrice: localized_amount(amount, currency), Quantity: (options[:item_quantity] || 1) ] } end def add_payment(payment, options) ntid = options.dig(:stored_credential, :network_transaction_id) cvv_or_previos_reference = (ntid ? { PreviousNetworkPaymentReference: ntid } : { VerificationCode: payment.verification_value }) { Name:, Number: payment.number, Expiry: { Month: payment.month, Year: payment.year } }.merge!(cvv_or_previos_reference) end def add_customer_data(request, options, payment) address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] return if address.blank? request[:Consumer] = { Name: payment.respond_to?(:name) ? : address[:name], Email: options[:email], Address: address[:address1], City: address[:city], Country: address[:country] }.compact end def add_stored_credentials(request, options) request[:PaymentModel] = payment_model(options) || '' request[:DeviceFingerprint] = options[:device_fingerprint] if options[:device_fingerprint] end def payment_model(options) stored_credential = options[:stored_credential] return options[:payment_model] if options[:payment_model] return 'CIT-One-Time' unless stored_credential payment_model_options = { initial_transaction: { 'cardholder' => { 'installment' => 'CIT-Setup-Scheduled', 'unscheduled' => 'CIT-Setup-Unscheduled-MIT', 'recurring' => 'CIT-Setup-Unscheduled' } }, no_initial_transaction: { 'cardholder' => { 'unscheduled' => 'CIT-Subsequent-Unscheduled' }, 'merchant' => { 'recurring' => 'MIT-Subsequent-Scheduled', 'unscheduled' => 'MIT-Subsequent-Unscheduled' } } } initial = stored_credential[:initial_transaction] ? :initial_transaction : :no_initial_transaction payment_model_options[initial].dig(stored_credential[:initiator], stored_credential[:reason_type]) end def add_custom_fields_data(request, options) add_shipping_data(request, options) if options[:taxes].present? request[:RateOfferId] = options[:rate_offer_id] if options[:rate_offer_id].present? request[:Items] = options[:items] if options[:items].present? end def add_shipping_data(request, options) request[:Shipping] = { ConsumerPrice: options[:price], ConsumerTaxes: options[:taxes], ConsumerDuty: options[:duty] } request[:Consignee] = { Name: options[:consignee_name], Address: options[:consignee_address], City: options[:consignee_city], Country: options[:consignee_country] } end def sign_body(body) Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha256', @options[:secret].encode('utf-8'), body.encode('utf-8'))) end def parse(body) hash_response = URI.decode_www_form(body).to_h hash_response['response'] = JSON.parse(hash_response['response']) hash_response end def format_and_sign(post) post[:request] = post[:request].to_json post[:card] = post[:card].to_json if post[:card].present? post[:signature] = sign_body(post[:request]) post end def get_network_payment_reference(response) parameters = { request: { MerchantId: @options[:merchant_id], OrderId: response.params['response']['OrderId'] } } body = post_data format_and_sign(parameters) raw_response = ssl_request :post, url('query'), body, {} response = parse(raw_response) message = response.dig('response', 'Payment', 'NetworkPaymentReference'), message, {}) end def commit(action, parameters) body = post_data format_and_sign(parameters) raw_response = ssl_post url(action), body response = parse(raw_response) success_from(response), message_from(response) || '', response, authorization: authorization_from(response['response']), # avs_result: response['some_avs_response_key']), # cvv_result:['some_cvv_response_key']), test: test?, error_code: error_code_from(response) ) rescue ActiveMerchant::ResponseError => e, (e.response.body.present? ? e.response.body : e.response.msg), {}, test: test?) end def success_from(response) response.dig('response', 'Error').blank? end def message_from(response) success_from(response) ? '' : response.dig('response', 'Error', 'ReasonCode') end def authorization_from(response) response['OrderId'] end def post_data(params) { |k, v| "#{k}=#{CGI.escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&') end def error_code_from(response) response['response']['Error']['Code'] unless success_from(response) end def url(action) "#{test? ? test_url : live_url}#{API_VERSION}/#{action}" end end end end