begin require 'rack' require 'json' rescue LoadError abort "ERROR: restful_rpc requires the 'rack' and 'json' gems" end # Don't you love regular expressions? Matches only 0-255 octets. Recognizes "*" as an octet wildcard. VALID_IP_ADDRESS = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|\*)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?|\*)$/ def ip_allowed?(ip) raise ArgumentError, "#{ip.inspect} is not a valid IP address!" unless ip.kind_of?(String) && ip =~ VALID_IP_ADDRESS octets = ip.split "." case COMPONENTS.restful_rpc["access"] when "everyone" true when "whitelist" whitelist = COMPONENTS.restful_rpc["whitelist"] !! whitelist.find do |pattern| pattern_octets = pattern.split "." # Traverse both arrays in parallel do |octet, octet_pattern| octet_pattern == "*" ? true : (octet == octet_pattern) end == [true, true, true, true] end when "blacklist" blacklist = COMPONENTS.restful_rpc["blacklist"] ! blacklist.find do |pattern| pattern_octets = pattern.split "." # Traverse both arrays in parallel do |octet, octet_pattern| octet_pattern == "*" ? true : (octet == octet_pattern) end == [true, true, true, true] end else raise Adhearsion::Components::ConfigurationError, 'Unrecognized "access" configuration value!' end end RESTFUL_API_HANDLER = lambda do |env| json = env["rack.input"].read # Return "Bad Request" HTTP error if the client forgot return [400, {}, "You must POST a valid JSON object!"] if json.blank? json = JSON.parse json nesting = COMPONENTS.restful_rpc["path_nesting"] path = env["PATH_INFO"] return [404, {}, "This resource does not respond to #{path.inspect}"] unless path[0...nesting.size] == nesting path = path[nesting.size..-1] return [404, {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, "You cannot nest method names!"] if path.include?("/") rpc_object = Adhearsion::Components.component_manager.extend_object_with(, :rpc) # TODO: set the content-type and other HTTP headers response_object = rpc_object.send(path, *json) [200, {"Content-Type" => "application/json"}, response_object.to_json] end initialization do config = COMPONENTS.restful_rpc api = RESTFUL_API_HANDLER port = config["port"] || 5000 authentication = config["authentication"] show_exceptions = config["show_exceptions"] handler = Rack::Handler.const_get(config["handler"] || "Mongrel") if authentication api = do |username, password| authentication[username] == password end api.realm = "Adhearsion API" end if show_exceptions api = end do api, :Port => port end end