require_relative '../../test_helper' class Admin::FoosControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest setup do @foo = foos(:default) end # Vanilla CMS has BasicAuth, so we need to send that with each request. # Change this to fit your app's authentication strategy. # Move this to test_helper.rb def r(verb, path, options = {}) headers = options[:headers] || {} headers['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials( ComfortableMexicanSofa::AccessControl::AdminAuthentication.username, ComfortableMexicanSofa::AccessControl::AdminAuthentication.password ) options.merge!(headers: headers) send(verb, path, options) end def test_get_index r :get, admin_foos_path assert_response :success assert assigns(:foos) assert_template :index end def test_get_show r :get, admin_foo_path(@foo) assert_response :success assert assigns(:foo) assert_template :show end def test_get_show_failure r :get, admin_foo_path('invalid') assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to action: :index assert_equal 'Foo not found', flash[:danger] end def test_get_new r :get, new_admin_foo_path assert_response :success assert assigns(:foo) assert_template :new assert_select "form[action='/admin/foos']" end def test_get_edit r :get, edit_admin_foo_path(@foo) assert_response :success assert assigns(:foo) assert_template :edit assert_select "form[action='/admin/foos/#{}']" end def test_creation assert_difference 'Foo.count' do r :post, admin_foos_path, params: {foo: { bar: 'test bar', }} foo = Foo.last assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to action: :show, id: foo assert_equal 'Foo created', flash[:success] end end def test_creation_failure assert_no_difference 'Foo.count' do r :post, admin_foos_path, params: {foo: { }} assert_response :success assert_template :new assert_equal 'Failed to create Foo', flash[:danger] end end def test_update r :put, admin_foo_path(@foo), params: {foo: { bar: 'Updated' }} assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to action: :show, id: @foo assert_equal 'Foo updated', flash[:success] @foo.reload assert_equal 'Updated', end def test_update_failure r :put, admin_foo_path(@foo), params: {foo: { bar: '' }} assert_response :success assert_template :edit assert_equal 'Failed to update Foo', flash[:danger] @foo.reload refute_equal '', end def test_destroy assert_difference 'Foo.count', -1 do r :delete, admin_foo_path(@foo) assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to action: :index assert_equal 'Foo deleted', flash[:success] end end end