# The Exception object set by Kernel#raise.
$!: Exception?
# The array contains the module names loaded by require.
$": Array[String]
# The process number of the Ruby running this script. Same as Process.pid.
$$: Integer
# The string matched by the last successful match.
$&: String?
# The string to the right of the last successful match.
$': String?
# The same as ARGV.
$*: Array[String]
# The highest group matched by the last successful match.
$+: String?
# The output field separator for Kernel#print and Array#join. Non-nil $, will be deprecated.
$,: String?
# The input record separator, newline by default.
$-0: String?
# The default separator for String#split. Non-nil $; will be deprecated.
$-F: Regexp | String | nil
# Load path for searching Ruby scripts and extension libraries used
# by Kernel#load and Kernel#require.
# Has a singleton method $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path(feature)
# that returns [+:rb+ or +:so+, path], which resolves the feature to
# the path the original Kernel#require method would load.
$-I: Array[String]
$-W: 0 | 1 | 2
# True if option -a is set. Read-only variable.
$-a: bool
# The debug flag, which is set by the -d switch. Enabling debug
# output prints each exception raised to $stderr (but not its
# backtrace). Setting this to a true value enables debug output as
# if -d were given on the command line. Setting this to a false
# value disables debug output.
$-d: boolish
# In in-place-edit mode, this variable holds the extension, otherwise +nil+.
$-i: String?
# True if option -l is set. Read-only variable.
$-l: bool
# True if option -p is set. Read-only variable.
$-p: bool
# The verbose flag, which is set by the -w or -v switch.
# Setting this to a true value enables warnings as if -w or -v were given
# on the command line. Setting this to +nil+ disables warnings,
# including from Kernel#warn.
$-v: bool?
# The verbose flag, which is set by the -w or -v switch.
# Setting this to a true value enables warnings as if -w or -v were given
# on the command line. Setting this to +nil+ disables warnings,
# including from Kernel#warn.
$-w: bool?
# The current input line number of the last file that was read.
$.: Integer
# The input record separator, newline by default. Aliased to $-0.
$/: String?
# Contains the name of the script being executed. May be assignable.
$0: String
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$1: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$2: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$3: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$4: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$5: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$6: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$7: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$8: String?
# The Nth group of the last successful match. May be > 1.
$9: String?
# Load path for searching Ruby scripts and extension libraries used
# by Kernel#load and Kernel#require.
# Has a singleton method $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path(feature)
# that returns [+:rb+ or +:so+, path], which resolves the feature to
# the path the original Kernel#require method would load.
$:: Array[String]
# The default separator for String#split. Non-nil $; will be deprecated. Aliased to $-F.
$;: Regexp | String | nil
# The same as ARGF.
$<: RBS::Unnamed::ARGFClass
# This variable is no longer effective. Deprecated.
$=: false
# The default output stream for Kernel#print and Kernel#printf. $stdout by default.
$>: IO
# The status of the last executed child process (thread-local).
$?: Process::Status?
# The same as $!.backtrace
$@: Array[String]?
# The debug flag, which is set by the -d switch. Enabling debug
# output prints each exception raised to $stderr (but not its
# backtrace). Setting this to a true value enables debug output as
# if -d were given on the command line. Setting this to a false
# value disables debug output. Aliased to $-d.
$DEBUG: boolish
# Current input filename from ARGF. Same as ARGF.filename.
# The array contains the module names loaded by require.
# Load path for searching Ruby scripts and extension libraries used
# by Kernel#load and Kernel#require. Aliased to $: and $-I.
# Has a singleton method $LOAD_PATH.resolve_feature_path(feature)
# that returns [+:rb+ or +:so+, path], which resolves the feature to
# the path the original Kernel#require method would load.
$LOAD_PATH: Array[String] & _LoadPathAPI
interface _LoadPathAPI
def resolve_feature_path: (path feature_path) -> [:rb | :so, String]?
# Contains the name of the script being executed. May be assignable.
# The verbose flag, which is set by the -w or -v switch.
# Setting this to a true value enables warnings as if -w or -v were given
# on the command line. Setting this to +nil+ disables warnings,
# including from Kernel#warn. Aliased to $-v and $-w.
$VERBOSE: bool?
# The output record separator for Kernel#print and IO#write. Default is +nil+.
$\: String?
# The last input line of string by gets or readline.
$_: String?
# The string to the left of the last successful match.
$`: String?
# The current standard error output.
$stderr: IO
# The current standard input.
$stdin: IO
# The current standard output.
$stdout: IO
# The information about the last match in the current scope (thread-local and frame-local).
$~: MatchData?