require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper.rb' describe "Client" do it "should instantiate a client with a username and password" do c = c.class.should == PostalMethods::Client end it "should fail without a user/pass on instantiation" do lambda {}.should raise_error(PostalMethods::NoCredentialsException) end it "should create a driver client thru the factory" do c = c.prepare! c.rpc_driver.class.should == SOAP::RPC::Driver end it "should raise a connection error exception when the api is unreachable" do c = c.stubs(:api_uri).returns("http://invaliduri.tld/") lambda {c.prepare!}.should raise_error(PostalMethods::NoConnectionError) end it "should be able to set a work mode" do c = c.work_mode.should == "Default" c.work_mode = "ProdUCTion" c.work_mode.should == "Production" c.work_mode.should be_a_kind_of(String) end end